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for attachment

(...) Hello Everyone, We have a process by which we send e-mails, but at the same time I'd like to save the e-mails sent as attachment s. Does someone know a way to do so? Thank you!

(...) We would like to show the link of a generated attachment (from Word-AddIn) instead of showing the whole attachment element. Implementing the link into a HTML element is no problem, but is there a option to "grab" the link to the attachment file? Thanks in advance :)

(...) Hi everyone, i locally installed the Outlook Plugin according to the manual. When adding an Email to a Workflow instance, i get an error "Insufficient attachment permissions" (see screenshot). I have to admit, that i used the Edge browser instead of Internet Explorer to install the add-in. What could i do to fix this? Thanks for considering my request, Christian

(...) Hello, I have made an SDK to accept all changes on a word attachment . Unfortunatelly, Webcon says that I do not have permissions to edit the attachment . Not only the user with which I have executed the action has full permissions, but I have set skip permission to true. Does anybody know why this error appears? I have attached some photo material. If I can give clarifications, please ask me. Best regard (...)

(...) Hi everybody. I wonder if there is a way how I can attach the message sent by an "custom mail" action as new attachment to the workflow instance? Kind regards, KLaus

(...) One of our customers would like to print the pdf attachment when moving to the next step. As there is no action to send a document to a printer (apart from print a barcode label), i'm wondering if anybody implemented this.

(...) I have problem with configuration hotfolders. I would like add option to automaticly add attachment s to existing workflow by barcode. Only worked solution is worked for me is start new workflow but is not what i need. I was based on https://howto.webcon.com/hotfolder-adding-scanned-files-to-process/ I don't now why onlu "standard barcodes" is enabled in designer studio if "attachment s based on barcod (...)

(...) We are using a Hot-Mailbox to process incoming e-mails with a pdf attachment . The attachment is added to the instance corresponding to the barcode applied on the pdf. This works fine so far. There is now the need, that the users has to send at least one other attachment which does not have a barcode and these should be added to the instance as well. Thought this would be possible by configure the "A (...)

(...) Hey! I'm wondering if it's possible to disable the attachment s on the form. I don't want to hide them, I just don't want the users to add new or delete existing ones. Any ideas how to implement it? Thanks, Martin

(...) Hello, I would like to ask if it is possible to automatically collapse attachment s in a given group? I wish this would work in the same way as the collapsed attribute group. Alternatively, is it possible to write a rule that would control this? Thank you for your help.

(...) Hi, I need to create an action / rule that will work like this: I check the VIES checkbox (file1) and then I have to add the attachment assigned to the vies name (file2). If checkbox is selected and the attachment is not associated with the correct name, then an error message appeared.

(...) Based on Daniels blog (https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2021/javascript-form-rule-execution-on-page-load#show-all-attachment s-after-page-load) it is posible to open first attachment s after page load but from all attachment s tab (becouse attachment is in parent workflow)?

(...) . One given requirement is: In case of an update, the old entry has to be archived and a new entry with all previous information should be created to be edited. So far no problem - except for the attachment s. I dont want the old attachment files to be copied to attachment section. Instead of that it would be nice to have a DATA TABLE with _links_ to all former files, so e.g. the editing person co (...)

(...) in as mentioned in the Webcon Knowledge Base (https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/new-way-to-use-a-digital-signature/253). So far everything works as described until I want to save the signed attachment . Doing so I get an error message "document can't be saved. Generic Failure" ("Das Dokument kann nicht gespeichert werden. Allgemeiner Fehler"). What am I doing wrong? Has it to do with using Edg (...)

(...) Hello folks, How can I let a user group delete all attachment s, not just their own? Currently it seems as if a non admin users can only delete the ones they uploaded themselves. But we have to let a group of users delete any attachment . Is there a way to maybe toggle is somehow? Or is javascript neccesary? Kind regards Fabian

(...) Hi, In my process I have REST API where I download link to file. I save the link to attribute and now I want to download this file to 'attachment s'. Can you advise me how do do that? Best, Kuba

(...) Hi folks, for some reason for the past few days the attachment preview no longer seems to work. Depending on the browser used we get a different message saying that the server seems to have refused to embedd the site in an IFrame. Opening the attachment in another tab and downloading does work fine. What could be the culprit there? Best regards Fabian

(...) Hey everyone, When an attachment is opened on the form, it shows the download button. Can we disable it? Also, when previewing the attachment s there is always the top bar that contains the download and print button. Anyone knows if it is possible to disable it? Thank you, Martin

(...) Hi everyone, I have problem with adding multiple attachment s. When I use action "Add attachment ", I can add only one attachment (picture1). When I use the same action, but the SQL query returns more the one attachment - the action doesn't work (and it doesn't matter if the ID's of attchments are in the one row or many rows). Thank you for your time :)

(...) Dear All, We have a widely used Incoming Invoice process, which manage validation and approval of digitized invoices. We use valueable feature of attachment Preview on form to show invoice image during some validation/approval steps. (We use other feature for OCR verification) We register invoices as "Invoice" category attachment , but there can be other connecting documents. On Classis form in Sharepoi (...)