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for logic

(...) ------------------------------------------------------- CallStack ------------------------------------------------------- at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Authentication.PortalRequestHandler.CreateException(HttpResponseMessage response) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Authentication.PortalRequestHandler.ExecuteGetRequest(String path) at Web (...)

(...) nt content database. Source=WebCon.WorkFlow.Data StackTrace= at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.Collections.WFBusinessRuleDefinitionCacheEntityCollection.ByID(Int32 id) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Managers.BusinessRules.InlineBusinessRulesManager.Load(Int32 id) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Managers.SubelementsAttributesManager.LoadBusinessRules(SubelementAttribute subAttribute, IInlineB (...)

(...) opy & pastes and changes the attribute name to Bool but the property is still string. :) Meanwhile I will search for the log table in which this GUID exists. :) Type: WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Exceptions.PortalWebserviceException ------------------------------------------------------- A WEBCON BPS Portal error has occured. ------------------------------------------------------- Message (...)

(...) ct instead of being linked to action templates only. The picture added shows the error message. Here follows the error message (in German language, sorry for this): Typ: WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Exceptions.WebserviceSaveException ------------------------------------------------------- Nachricht: Exception occurred while importing table ConfiguredWebServices ----------------------------- (...)

(...) message, MapiConversionOptions options) at Aspose.Email.Mapi.MapiMessage.k(Stream a, LoadOptions b) at Aspose.Email.Mapi.MapiMessage.Load(Stream stream) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Common.Businesslogic .AttachmentsManagement.Utility.AttachmentMessageDataCreator.GetAttachmentMessageData(IElementAttachment attachment) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at WebCon.WorkFlow.Common.Busines (...)

(...) hat can it result from? Message=Value cannot be null. Parameter name: text Source=Aspose.Words StackTrace= at Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.(String , Boolean ) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.AttributeDetailSectionGenerator.InsertAutoPostBackCell(String name) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.AttributeDetail (...)

(...) Hello Community, I would like to show or hide certain steps in the status panel in the form depending on a business logic . However, in the designer I only found a static (checkbox) option. Background is only the clarity about the process steps to be done. I thought maybe it would be possible to simply show and hide the container using JavaScript. Unfortunately, I have not enough experience in thi (...)

(...) OnCheckoutWithStealing(Int32 wfdId, String userLogin, String userName, String hostIpAddress, Int32 expirationTime, Int32 checkoutTimeOffset, Boolean forceCheckout) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Businesslogic .ElementManagement.CheckOutManager.TryCheckOutElement(Int32 wfdId, IBpsAccount user, String hostIpAddress, WFElementCheckout& currentCheckout, Boolean forceCheckout) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Busine (...)

(...) (The sequence contains more than one match) Source=System.Core StackTrace= at System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Helpers.UsageSearch.NodeCriterion.NodeOwnerCriterionFactory.GetAutomationCriterion(Automation automation) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Helpers.UsageSearch.NodeCriterion.NodeOwnerCriterionFacto (...)

(...) bworkflows or not, which columns, etc. BUT basic version is about WHO clicked WHAT (and WHEN) in the process. What is also CRUCIAL...such solution MERGES ACTIONS and COMMENTs on one list in chronologic al order - you got one place when you read history of actions with comments SORTED by time. You do not have to jump from history into comments and have a look on action times from 2 PLACES. You got on (...)

(...) splay name in addition to the BPS ID? I just spend about three hours hunting down the exception: Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String' at WebCon.WorkFlow.Businesslogic .ElementManagement.Checkouts.ElementCheckoutsRepository.UpdateOrTakeOverParameters.UpdateAfterUpdateTime Best regards, Daniel

(...) cling the check action and - if docusign docs status = completed - move the corresponsing workflow to the next step. the "wating, then do something if status is xyz" really frustrates me as the logic is super simple, yet I cannot seem to accomplish this. could someone help me out and explain it to me ?

(...) 6 I do get the following error(s): WebCon.WorkFlow.Model.Common.WorkFlowException: Plugin 13 load error.: Object reference not set to an instance of an object., at WebCon.WorkFlow.Businesslogic .DataHelpers.SDK.SDKPluginsActivator.CreatePluginInstance[T](Int32 pluginID), at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at (...)

(...) ement). Still I can't understand why "today" is regarded as the future event and why plans do link to the elements and history events can't. Am I the only one thinking that this is inconsistent and illogic al? Why can't I decide what elements should be displayed in both groups simply by filtering the data sources values?? And why does my old vacation process allow me to display future elements listed i (...)

(...) urn off the visibility of group names. My idea is to make system do it by itself. One more advantage is that in Designer Studio the groups wouldn't have to be artificially divided - clearer and more logic al appearance.

(...) tion has occurred while executing the request. | ex: System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAccessDeniedException: Użytkownik nie ma prawa edytowania elementu WorkFlow at WebCon.WorkFlow.Businesslogic .Businesslogic .ElementManagement.WorkFlowObject.WorkFlowObjectForElementFormCreator.CheckPermissions(CreateWorkFlowObjectParams createWorkFlowObjectParams, Boolean saveOnlyComments) at WebCon.Work (...)

(...) ching.LazyEx`1.get_Value() w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.Collections.AttributeDocTypeAssocCacheEntityCollection.TryGetByAssociation(Int32 dtypeId, Int32 wfconId) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Managers.AttributeDocumentTypeAssocsManager.GetAssociations(DocumentType documentType) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.logic .Managers.DocumentTypesManager.FillDocumentTypes(DocumentTypesCollection doc (...)

(...) Message: Błąd wysyłania wiadomości e-mail: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Type: WebCon.WorkFlow.BPS.Abstract.Exceptions.WorkFlowException Source: WebCon.WorkFlow.Businesslogic StackTrace: at WebCon.WorkFlow.Businesslogic .Automations.Engine.AutomationEngine.d__27.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runti (...)

(...) d.EndExecuteReaderInternal(IAsyncResult asyncResult) bei System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.EndExecuteReaderAsync(IAsyncResult asyncResult) bei System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCorelogic (IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization) --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde (...)

(...) de: Exceptions: Error occurred : Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type. System.Exception: Error occurred : Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type. at WebCon.WorkFlow.Businesslogic .Actions.logic .Webservices.REST.ActionRunner.GetNotSerializedResponse(RestLogger log, Boolean expectContinue) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Businesslogic .Actions.logic .Webservices.REST.InvokeRESTWebServiceAc (...)