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for time

(...) Hello Community, is it possible to deactivate in the calendar in the Datetime attribute the possibility to select dates from months before the current month and dates from months after the current month ? Example in the picture - January no possibility of selection (disable), February possibility of selection (enable).

(...) HI everyone, Since I've started using Date time picker in applications I'm always confused when using that time control part. Most of the time I'm pressing Today instead of Close (and i can see same happens for other users), and it's frustrating that i can't type in the hour/minutes with keyboard. 'Today' could be changed to 'Now' - as we are in context of time , and 'Close' would be more readabl (...)

(...) Hey, I have a problem with calling a REST action via time out or global action. When performing a global action moving a document a path with a rest message there is an error.... When a document is pushed via a path where a REST action has been configured,... a problem occurs. When I manually press the button on the form, the message sends and there are no problems.... ver. 2023.1.3.76

(...) Hello. I have a process where, on a certain step, I've made 2 time outs. First one, will happen when this condition will be true: SELECT CASE WHEN Count < '4' AND Urgent = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Result FROM wfelements WHERE wfd_id = {WFD_ID} Inside this time out, there is an automation that will increase by 1 the value of the Count. And there i (...)

(...) hi there, i need help on how to configure the on time out action as i wanted once one instance starts and reach the next step, the user assigned must receive an email reminder after 5 minutes if the user didnt make and action or even if didnt yet logged and check the instance.., please note that im using a date field ( date and time ) as a start date please advice

(...) Hi I want to set a time out based on the date attribute and in doing so no matter how I set the delay in the time out settings the action misinterprets the date. Has anyone encountered something like this?

(...) Hello everyone, I have a workflow where data is imported and instances are created. After the import, a time out (minute) is defined which further delays the instance. A field value (multiline text) is set on the path. At this point, the workflow encounters an error (Concurrency Error). However, if I manually pass the WF instance on the path, the field value is set correctly. I hope someone c (...)

(...) Hi, The change consists of changing the default configuration that is created when the time out action is added to a step. Default settings are interval 1 minute, number of repetitions: infinite number. If we forget to change this setting, it causes unnecessary and large number of versions, calls to action, etc. to be generated. It will be safer if the default option is : number of repetition (...)

(...) Hi, I have a date & time field. I want the time out to execute one hour from the date and time set in that field. How can I achieve this? From my testing, it seems to only consider the date and not the time . Thanks, Raluca

(...) content databases - We have a process which manages the members of a BPS group. - We use the Add/Remove single user to BPS groups to add a single user in synchronous mode (1) - Even so the action time s out after 50 seconds it's marked as completed successfully in the history (2) - The duration of the corresponding synchronization of took about 2 minutes (3) - According to the 'Details' the synch (...)

(...) Hi, I think everyone of use has run into this error more often in dev/test than anyone wants to admit. Message TIM_ID: 15 - WEBCON BPS time out actions error: checkout exception occurred. Instance ID (WFD_ID): 5907 WEBCON BPS time out ID (TIM_ID): 15 Could you we gain a global setting, with which we can disable this check / allow the time out to undo the checkout? I completely understand t (...)

(...) Hello all, Does anyone have a time out defined that is using the Executed at specific hours options selected? I'm trying to set the time out to run at midnight but eveytime that I save, it changes it for 11PM. I have a date field, I want to use that date as the Start Date and then make the time out run at Date + 12AM. For example: 17/17/2024 12:00 AM Thank you

(...) Hello all, Does anyone have a time out defined that is using the Executed at specific hours options selected? I'm trying to set the time out to run at midnight but eveytime that I save, it changes it for 11PM. I have a date field, I want to use that date as the Start Date and then make the time out run at Date + 12AM. For example: 17/17/2024 12:00 AM Thank you

(...) e service configuration. In the Services configuration -> Services -> Service_name -> Configuration tab, the database components are configured. How can I increase the number of action threads for time out? I would like to parallelize several time outs and not wait for the transition after each of them is completed. Do you have any idea for this? Regards ;)

(...) comprehensive, scalable, process-centric and future-proof applications applying the agile DevOps model.  WEBCON has been a one-product-centered, self-financed company from day one. Over time , our product has steadily grown to compete and win with the world’s leading process-centric workflow automation platforms. The engineer mindset that is embedded in our company’s DNA shiel (...)

(...)   We are pleased to announce the first WEBCON MVPs for 2022: Daniel Krüger - Starting as a NAV Developer in 2004, Daniel turned into a full time SharePoint developer in 2010. Most projects were about creating new applications / digitalizing processes. There was always something not quite right, but this changed when he learned about WEBCON BP (...)

(...) and above; author: Agnieszka Burda   Introduction  E-mail notifications are one of the most frequently used methods of informing employees about new tasks in WEBCON BPS system. Sometime s it is difficult to distinguish from which process they were sent because they have the same sender address. In addition, they often contain all form fields from the form – even those that you (...)

(...) is known and constant. If you need to load data dynamically, select the SQL setting and properly create a query, and the data source (optionally). Loading the data source other than default one takes time when loading the page so it is better to use the default source where possible.   Fig. 18. The "Demand in person-months" step   Fig. 19. The "Development& (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Paweł Fijał   Introduction Since the introduction of WEBCON BPS Portal, sometime s on the form or on Portal itself , it was possible to observe pop-ups that inform about the error and their identifier. But they very often did not give enough information, even after clicking the button to show details from the event preview. From versio (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Agnieszka Burda   Introduction The following article is an extension of the Lunchtime article – see Lunchtime application The “Lunchtime ” application has been enhanced with dictionary processes that allow you to pay for meals with money previously paid into your personal account. [LT Account] – a dicti (...)