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for CU

(...) this case I want to query from an Oracle DB and initialize the columns with the columns from the query: select milestone as {DCNCOL:185}, milestone_date as {DCNCOL:186}, amount as {DCNCOL:187}, CU rrency_code as {DCNCOL:188}, amount_euro as {DCNCOL:189} from PL_Invoicing I'm trying to this but it's not working. Hope anyone has ideas for this! Thank you!!!!

(...) The Verify Process action (Process configuration test) CU rrently doesn't check if hard coded users still exist. For example a group could be selected in a people field which limits the available users. The group has been deleted like in the attached image. But this doesn't result in an error. Best regards, Daniel

(...) When creating an SDK action there is an option to use the Logger Class to create logs (https://developer.webcon.com/2021/resources/online-doCU mentation-sdk/html/2c254e06-3ac3-3a82-7c44-dae3d829d1e4.htm) Does anyone know where these logs are located (log file on file system or a specific database table)?

(...) Hello everyone, before you install/upgrade BPS check the default schema of the database user under which the installation/upgrade will be exeCU ted. Make sure that the default schema is dbo. If this is a different schema new objects may be created using this schema. This may lead to unexpected errors later on which will be hard to debug. Here's a little script to change it. SELECT name AS [Name], (...)

(...) tem list of an instance inside an SDK plugin in order to make use of them in C# code? I tried to remove rows from the item list in the code C# (SDK plugin ) using function : WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.DoCU ments.Model.ItemsLists.ItemsList.RemoveAt(int index), but can't delete all the rows because I get the error from the image

(...) Hi, I am trying to use WebDav in order to edit other types of doCU ments (Others than office apps). I have installed the server side plugin and the client side plugins, but I have no idea how to enable any sort of edit button in WEBCON that would trigger the WebDav App. I have tried the demo in this website: https://www.webdavserver.com/ and works, but that only confirms that I have the client side (...)

(...) a Dictionary. I have the subworkflow set up and it's working but I need to add some rules in order to not create duplicates neither empty rows. For my case, the information to be checked will be CU stomer Name and Address (because a CU stomer name can have more than one address). I was trying to follow the query below but I'm not sure on how to add the dictionary there (in the database doCU menta (...)

(...) he type of acces needed to the user in order to install the Outlook Plug-In from the browser platform. Is there a way to install the plug-in manually? I saw that for the Word Plug-In there is an exeCU table file, but i couldn't find such a file for the Outlook Plug-in. Is only found a .vsto file. Thank you in advance! George

(...) The management of BPS groups is only possible for WEBCON Admins. Some CU stomers wish, that they can do this on their own, but we don't wont to give the required rights. We solved this by means of a little helper workflow, that enabled us to configure the BPS group to manage, a responsible person and an itemlist with the assigned users. This works quite nice this way. However, it would be great, wh (...)

CU rrently selection attributes, such as picker, poll the database in such a way that LIKEs are always placed in the WHERE clause. The data that the database returns are then filtered according to the picker configuration (exact match, contains phrase, starts with). In my company, we collect CU stomer data from several CRM systems. For one of them, we have the CU stomer's data materialized in the di (...)

(...) Hello Webcon community! We have the next issue during Webcon BPS installation on CU stomers server. This is a normal on-premise installation, no Azure AD involved here, only local domain. CU stomer had an invalid certificate, IIS website creation failed with error 0x80070520, so we skipped the IIS site creation for the moment. I have 2 questions on this: 1.) What kind of IIS certificate does the c (...)

(...) lly. Is there a way to make substitutions work so that the substitute is being assigned even the overdue tasks? EDIT: I came up with an idea to create action that gives the rights to the desired doCU ments upon starting the substitiution.

(...) Dear Community, we have installed WEBCON BPS Standalone and published it through Azure AD Application Proxy. We are synchronising users in BPS with on-premises Active Directory. CU rrently we experience timeout issues after some time of inactivity on WEBCON BPS site. Sometimes it's few minutes, sometimes about 1 hour. See example in attachments. Please notice that WEBCON BPS and SQL Server (VMs) are (...)

(...) Hi community! We CU rrently have 2 Designer licenses on our system. Does anyone know how to easily change the user-bound license to another user? The reason is, we have a new team member and we want to swap the account. Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) We are going for NIST 800-171 / CMMC compliance and we will have contracts with CU I data potentially stored in WebCon flows via attachments. Because of this we need to be able to trace every single action a user takes and log it. Uploading attachments, accessing, deleting, updating, etc.... Is this possible with WebCon? Does it have the ability to send access logs to a SIEM?

(...) Hi, we recently upgraded our DEV-Environment to latest 2021.1.2.136. Today i was evaluating the new version with our existing processes, and stumbled upon something that didn't ocCU r to me in the past. I have a crucial picker field in an item list, that has target fields from some of the columns in that same item list. It works in our CU rrent PROD version (2020.1.3.411). In 2021 it throws: (...)

(...) Hello, I am trying to send a CU stom mail via the action. In the direct recipients I need to have a hardcoded e-mail address and in the CC I have to have another hardcoded e-mail address. This is not a restriction, but it's the way I firstly tried. It came as a surprise when for each e-mail address a separate mail was sent. For the example above, a mail is sent for the direct recipient and another (...)

(...) Hi community! We are CU rrently facing a new requirement, where it should be possible to change the browser language with a series of buttons in the form (approximately 20 different languages). Every click on a language button should change UI labelling on CU rrent form to selected button language. e.g. [German] [English] [French] ...

(...) Who runs 2021.1.2.136 and wants to help me testing "report subscriptions"? I'm CU rrently evaluating an option to "subscribe" to reports/view. My aim is that the user will be able to select a schedule, define a report and receive this report by mail. This is CU rrently in an alpha state. The business rule seems to work well but the BPS application is just in a proof of concept state. Maybe there's s (...)

(...) Hello, I've recently got an email about error about action exeCU tion on timeout. Is it new functionality? Because I've never seen that. Is it also available on old sharepoint forms?