(...) Hi. I would suggest to simplify company selector in substitutions. In environments with multiple companies and several content databases List of companies is cross join of both, making it difficult for the user to choose and also requires adding several substitudions records for each content database (content database names are rather technical name and are not usefull for end users). I know that i (...)
(...) Hi everyone. How many of you have more than 30 companies in Webcon? I have them much, much more. Don't you think that dropdown List could be much less annoying than scrolling tabs when searching/changing rights in Designer?
(...) eryone. While searchin/changing permissions in Webcon, there are tabs to choose. If there is more than can fit to window width, scrolling them is dramaticly slow. I suggest to change it to dropdown List . With search option would be great. [2024-07-09 - reminder]
(...) T action. I would like to save a part from response to a field, more specifically an ID. I have tried multiples methods, but i did not success... This is my response. How can i save the "value/List Item/id" to a field? (id=318) { "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#sites('test')/drives('XNOnVydrSL6yetalE8-T')/root/children(List Item())", "value": [ { (...)
(...) Hi there, I have following idea and search for a solution: I have an items List ; now in case a certain field is changed, I want to write the "old" value before the change into a different column of this itemList row. Any ideas? Kind regards, Klaus
(...) mation technical workflow. So this technical workflow stores the entries providing information when employees were absent and when they were working. So this is really something similar to attendance List (see the attached picture for the example). My goal is to be able to view all this information on one "vacation chart". All seems to be configured correctly (see the attached picture), but on the (...)
(...) 33945 P4: StackHash_199c P5: P6: 00000000 P7: c00000fd P8: PCH_4F P9: P10: ___ I contacted official support, where they replied as follows. ___ It seems that during an item List initialization, there is an infinite loop which causes Workflow Service to crash. It can be due to: - default value on one of the columns of initialized item List - initialization itself (eithe (...)
(...) In a form, I initialize an item List . In this List i have columns : question, response and description. In some questions I have only response called '(n/a). While the n/a answer is applicable I want to enable the description column. However, I cannot use the enable on choice field. I have tried to put condtions in a 'column edit restricion' but this does not work as it would require add another respo (...)
(...) Hello, I would like to create a Word document using a normal template, but in landscape. In my case I need to add an item List to my template, but it is too long so I thought that changing the layout to landscape would be a simple operation. Sadly when the action creates the file, it is in portrait mode. Does anyone know how is it possible to create a Word file in landscape ? Thank you!
(...) Hi, I would like to import new elements into a process that is not a dictionary process, it is a List of employees, I know how to do it in a dictionary process using the import from Excels function, but in this situation I have no idea. Regards Darek
(...) Hi, When editing a step, under Forms tab, in the Task form group, there is a "Form:" dropdown, to which List you can add another form - which I did. The second form shoul present the same information as the Default form, but visually groupped some other way. I found no documentation on how to use this feature, could you please show me where to look? The actual need is to have different visual ap (...)
(...) If I have tasks assigned to me in a given application, are they always List ed from the newest to the oldest? Can I somehow make a given application stand out so that it is at the top of the to-do List ?
(...) In Designer Studio it is possible to check the use of a single connection or data source in the context of all processes. Is it possible to get such a List for all connections and sources using an sql query?
(...) wDataSource(IProcessVirtualNode dataSource) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleProcess.ProcessController.HandlePanelFocusedNodeChangedImpl(IProcessVirtualNode node) w DevExpress.XtraTreeList .TreeList .RaiseAfterFocusNode(TreeList Node node) w DevExpress.XtraTreeList .TreeList .InternalSetFocusedRowIndex(Int32 newFocusedRowIndex) w DevExpress.XtraTreeList .TreeList .SetFocusedNode(T (...)
(...) ). In browsers the API works. However, when I try to run a query on a form I get this message. I have already tried restarting DNS, disabling the firewall. The server is on startup and the server is List ening on port 8000. I am new to webcon and just learning. Thank you in advance for your help.
(...) Hello, I'm trying to create a rule in JS that will List en to my checkbox value change. checkbox -> TRUE do something checkbox -> FALSE do something else I've created a HTML field with a simple InvokeRule inside.. placed my rule, and error. :) Can you help at all? Thank you!
(...) Hello everyone, I'm trying to create an article-based analysis. The evaluation should List how often an item is affected in a complaint. Unfortunately, although I can add the corresponding fields as columns for a List view, I cannot display them in the form of a chart. Why do these fields have the blue text [Positions] in front? What is it about these elements that I cannot select them in the vie (...)
(...) It would be useful to be able to group the data in the itemList at the column level and on the main form. Currently, we can group at the level of each step, but sometimes when we have many steps, it would be more useful to be able to set it just on the main form. Thanks, Raluca
(...) Hi, We have a client that uses sharepoint to work with documents, for contracts. There is an item List that is used to manage these documents (so far, only upload and download) and they would like to also be able to delete some of the already uploaded documents. There is a main folder for each contract and there are a couple of subfolders for attachments, depending on when they where added. As far (...)
Hello everyone, I have a workflow where data is imported and instances are created. After the import, a timeout (minute) is defined which further delays the instance. A field value (multiline text) is set on the path. At this point, the workflow encounters an error (Concurrency Error). However, if I manually pass the WF instance on the path, the field value is set correctly. I hope someo