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for AD

(...) There's currently not an easy way to identify versions which have been created in AD ministration mode. The attached picture shows two changes. Both were done using the AD min mode. Unfortunately this is not visible for the second one where the AD min AD ded a comment. Maybe a new column could be AD ded or a different colour could be used for versions created in AD ministration mode.

(...) 1. Technical Application Supervisor could be shown on system dashboard (if not empty) + could be AD ded as element on custom dashboard 2. Technical Process Supervisor could be shown on info panel (if not empty)

(...) Quick Manual should be entry point, to see quick manual right now user must enter form to start process first. The order shall be the other way: first reAD manual, later start process.

AD ding possibility to AD d SQL row as a column could be also a workaround to achieve that. Right now (BPS 2020...434) is is only possible to AD d instance number from system fields to mass notifications.

(...) What type should be predefined in the input parameters to reAD a type field itemlist/enum in a sdk BPS 2020 Exteinsion Logic- BPS Custom Action utilizand ConfigEditableEnum/ ConfigEditableItemList?

(...) Hi everyone! I reAD the article about AD FS Customization: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/AD fs-customization/208 My issue is that my Windows server is not configured correctly and I lack knowledge to configure it. I started reAD ing the MS documentation and it's huge. There are a lot of settings to configure and I'm not sure what's needed and what not. I was wondering if there is anyone wh (...)

(...) During the latest webinar Mike mentioned the GitHub Tool for bulk data loAD ing. Does anyone know where I can get it? I didn't find it on the WEBCON-BPS page on GitHub. Thank you in AD vance for your answers.

(...) By having a copy of a external file as attachment insteAD of only having a link to it, we can take AD vantage of the great preview functionality. How ever, having copies of a file increase the risk of having multiple versions and loosing track of the relevant document. In my case, we have customers who wants to link to files in SharePoint and other dms. So I'm wondering, how you guys solve this ch (...)

(...) s list (meeting minutes). SELECT '{1805}' AS {DCNCOL:253} , '{1891}' AS {DCNCOL:254} , '1' AS {DETCOL:1910} FROM WFElements WHERE WFD_ID = {WFD_WFDID} (Please see picture for column names). InsteAD of AD ding a line item to Parent WF, the action AD ds a Line item to SubWF. Obviously, I am missing something, but I can not figure out what.

(...) Curently there is only one option to install Office AD d-Ins from Webcon Portal - use Internet Explorer. As we know IE is realy old web browser and Microsoft is going to finish support for this browser at 21th of August 2021. We should AD d support for this feature for modern web browsers.

(...) Hi everyone, I learned today that you can close threAD s, which prevents AD ding AD ditional answers. This is fine but I believe that we that an AD ditional hint in the threAD title would help, too. There are two reasons: 1) it's easier to notice 2) It's a better user experience. If you hide an option the user will wonder why something isn't available also it should be. If you "disable" it insteAD and (...)

(...) Hello all, Does anyone set up an action to AD d items in a Sharepoint Calendar? I'm using this https://howto.webcon.com/sharepoint-calendar-AD ding-entries-from-bps-workflows/ to help in the configurations and I'm able to send the information to Sharepoint: Message Log for my Action Message AD dress of a Sharepoint list: https://visionboxdomain.sharepoint.com/sites/customers/Lists/Calendar In (...)

Hi, On the form, I am using the Chart data field. I am wondering whether it is possible to use the chart field in the Word printout report. Is there an alternative way to draw a chart based on the form data in the report? Maybe in HTML report. I was also thinking to put chart into the Picture field that is supported in Word templates. Any insight on how to approach this would be appreciated. B

(...) Hello, I am trying to create an "AD d Barcode" action. After I set it up I was trying to test it and this error showed up (it was the first test, it never worked).

(...) I've overlooked an alreAD y existing user voice created by Markus. Hi, could we please get an option to define an AD ditional .css file inside the theme. It could be similar to the implementation for defining the logos which can be loAD ed from an URL or uploAD ed as a file. Benefits: - We don't need to use the HTML field on the form level, like https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /41/15 - HT (...)

(...) Hello everyone, before you install/upgrAD e BPS check the default schema of the database user under which the installation/upgrAD e will be executed. Make sure that the default schema is dbo. If this is a different schema new objects may be created using this schema. This may leAD to unexpected errors later on which will be hard to debug. Here's a little script to change it. SELECT name AS [Name], (...)

(...) Hello, I am trying to synchronize BPS users with AD , and everything seems to be properly configured - the data is reAD , but the synchronization fails and each entry shows error as below (of course there is valid data under these xxxxx) Record (distinguishedName: CN=xxxxxxxx,OU=Users,OU=xxx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx, displayName: Lastame, Firstname, AD sPath: LDAP://CN=xxxxxx,OU=Users,OU=xxx,DC=de,DC=xx,DC (...)

(...) The management of BPS groups is only possible for WEBCON AD mins. Some customers wish, that they can do this on their own, but we don't wont to give the required rights. We solved this by means of a little helper workflow, that enabled us to configure the BPS group to manage, a responsible person and an itemlist with the assigned users. This works quite nice this way. However, it would be great, wh (...)

(...) to show some data to the user. In some cases, the list contains over 50 elements. Because it also has a lot of columns, it is very hard to follow sometimes. I would like to at least make the table heAD er sticky. How can I do that? Thank you in AD vance! Best regards, George

(...) Hi everyone, I'm not sure with which release the application group heAD ers are transformed to lower case, but could we get rid of it again? I can live with all upper case, but transforming all characters to lower case after the first one is simply not acceptable. - Abbreviations look like word - The corporate design may define how some words are written - It looks like a spelling error. This is e (...)