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for attachment

(...) Hi folks, for some reason for the past few days the attachment preview no longer seems to work. Depending on the browser used we get a different message saying that the server seems to have refused to embedd the site in an IFrame. Opening the attachment in another tab and downloading does work fine. What could be the culprit there? Best regards Fabian

(...) Hey everyone, When an attachment is opened on the form, it shows the download button. Can we disable it? Also, when previewing the attachment s there is always the top bar that contains the download and print button. Anyone knows if it is possible to disable it? Thank you, Martin

(...) Hi everyone, I have problem with adding multiple attachment s. When I use action "Add attachment ", I can add only one attachment (picture1). When I use the same action, but the SQL query returns more the one attachment - the action doesn't work (and it doesn't matter if the ID's of attchments are in the one row or many rows). Thank you for your time :)

(...) Dear All, We have a widely used Incoming Invoice process, which manage validation and approval of digitized invoices. We use valueable feature of attachment Preview on form to show invoice image during some validation/approval steps. (We use other feature for OCR verification) We register invoices as "Invoice" category attachment , but there can be other connecting documents. On Classis form in Sharepoi (...)

(...) I would like to print attachment s that are attached to selected tasks (with specific IDs) so that I can print them. It would be enough if I could automatically save them to the local disk. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? Plese help:(

(...) We are facing an error related to form field item list, when we add a required attachment column then try to submit the form, it shows an error message that the attachment does not exist when it’s attached. Note: version 2022.1.2.59

(...) I have a scenario where i need to get a variable amount of CSV files as attachment s into a running process instance. The problem is that these CSV files are created by an outside system and can only be identified by the path in which they are stored and the creation date of the file. I can find these files with a PowerShell action but i have no clue how to add them as attachment s to my workflow. At the poi (...)

Dear All, In BPS 2021 with modern layout we miss functionality to copy an attached file to clipboard. There is feature for preview, download, but no copy. Earlier - with sharepoint - we used activex component, copy to clipboard worked fine. It would be really nice to get a copy feature. Or do you have any idea how to make it work? Thank you! Peter

(...) Hello everyone, Is there an easy way to save attachmnts from several objects in one click? I have a task to deliver all the invoice attachment s from a process dating from date A to date B (it will be hundreds of files). Ale the attachment s should have a name derived from signature. I guess designing a technical process would help.... Has anyone encountered such a situation?

(...) This would be a great option if the attachment could be moved to the indicated item id on the action. Currently, there is an option only to move an attachment from the indicated element to the current one (the one on which the action is) i.e. "copy from", but if it were possible to move an attachment from the current one (the one on which the action is) to the indicated one "copy to" this would solve pro (...)

(...) After updating the application to version 2022.1.3.75 email attachment s with large internal pdf/jpg attachment s (over 1MB) stopped working. Previously, I could attach emails as attachment s that had internal attachment s above that size in them. I downloaded a previously (in the previous version ) attached attachment to disk and tried to attach in the new version and I get a message "The MailMessage is corru (...)

(...) Hi tehre, quick question: Somewhere in my notes I saw this string but I can't recall what it points to: /api/nav/db/1/attachment s/4/preview?hash=0 In other words, I seem to remember that at some point this link displayed a preview image that was uploaded somewhere. But I don't know by which means an attachment was uploaded to this path. Right now, calling this link throws: {"type":"https:// (...)

(...) Hello, i would like to disable attachment edition(add, delete etc.) on specific step and specific user group. Do you have any idea how i can do it?

(...) Hi, I'm sure some of you had a similar issue. In our process, we send an automatic reminder by email. Email need to be added as an attachment in flow. To make it you have to do a workaround, which is not convenient. How do you do it? it would not be easier to add the "add as attachment " checkbox in Configuration - Send a custom email? like the ones in the attached picture greetings Bartek 😀

(...) Hello, how to set an attachment as required on a workflow form?

I can see that you are using the Aspose.NET library to show the preview of various file types. Would it be possible to add the .md files to the list? Currently if I upload the .md file I can't open it in a preview as it works for docx, xlsx, pdf, txt...

(...) Like in title. Is there dbo procedure in database to move attachment from one wfd id to another with all necessary metadatada?

(...) I have a rather curious scenario, when I look up an archived instance, I am able to bring up the form and see the files attached. However when I try to open/download the attachment it throws errors. Curiously if I go the history of the instance and scroll down to the attachment link, it opens the file just fine. Is this a known issue? Error during saga execution: Unexpected token 'A', "attachment "... is (...)

(...) Hi Guys, I'm wondering if anyone else has been having this problem. When i try to add (upload) a file to an item list using a local attachment s column there seems to be a hard 4MB (4096kb) limit. When i delete the line, save my process and then link an existing attachment it works fine but for my purposes this is not acceptable behaviour. Is there any way around this? Thanks for your feeback P (...)

Hi, We have trouble uploading documents to some workflows and I would like to pinpoint the issue. I can't find any relevant information in Event Viewer, any other place to check? Thank you