(...) orts always only show the workflows that the user has access to, after I changed it to SearchIndex every user sees everything in the report, but of course then can't open the instances they dont have permission to. The predefined Filter is set to all. Is there anything I can do to make SOLR reports to only show what the user has at least read rights? Oh, our current version is 2021.1.4.36 Thanks! Chris
(...) talService.PortalService.GetUserByBpsId(String id) at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.permission sManager.ConvertLoginIntopermission (String login) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.Basepermission sManager.FillPermis (...)
(...) Hello everyone, I have a problem and I hope that you will help me with the solution :) In general, at the star step, I grant read permission s to different domain groups (Add/Remove privileges BPS Action). The problem comes when I have a completely new group and I need them to have access to old documents in end step (Final - positive). Clicking through several thousand documents is not an option. It wou (...)
(...) r any other which limited the search result. She has privilages to application, form, on choice field there is no limit. I've seen everything because I have an admin privilages but even if I revoke permission (to replicate the problem) I still see the data source. Any suggestion what can I check more? Thanks in advance for your help!
(...) ficationResult, IImportLogger importLogger, String appVersion) bei WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.Studio.ApplicationSaver.SaveMappingLists(MappingList model, MappingList deleteModel, String appVersion, permission Model[] archive) bei WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.Studio.ApplicationSaver.Save(Stream content, Action`2 beforeSaveCheck) ------------------------------------------------------- ************** (...)
(...) Hello, we have switched webconBPS to standalone in the last day, everything works so far but the Word add-in reports a "401" when logging into the portal. Does anyone have an idea why the user has permission s for everything but when logging in via the add-in supposedly has no permission s? thanks in advance
(...) I get "OK" so Webcon can connect to the database. However, when I try to create a MSSQL database Data Source and chose the above connection, I get the following error: "Unknown error: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'table_name', database 'database_name', schema 'dbo'..." Using SSMS the server where the SQL is installed, I can SELECT the data from the tables. What could be wrong? (...)
(...) en empty or standard, all fields will be validated. When set ignoreReadonly, readonly fields won't be set but no error will be returned. Admin value allows to edit readonly fields, but requires admin permission s. Available values : standard, ignoreReadonly, admin I would opt for a different/additional behavior. Besides editable and readonly we have the "read only editable by javascript" mode. Fields (...)
(...) Hello, I have a question. I'm a Webcon admin. I am trying to test API and I get this error response from Webcon API: { "type": "InsufficientAccountpermission s", "description": "Global admin permission s required", "errorGuid": "54d9ccb7-183e-484f-ba73-7f1d0d8ec794" } my endpoint in request via POSTMAN /api/data/beta/admin/db/1/businessentities my Webcon verion is: 2021.1.5.307 (...)
(...) ileges on certain workflow elements in different processes. Selection of workflow elements in different processes with SQL would be easy, but I did not find a Webcon action which actually replaces permission s, which also includes removal of odd users, who should not have access any longer. Users can also switch roles, which means from Read to Modify or vice versa. We are considering to implement t (...)
(...) Hi, Adding new rest api user context in adminpanle , we can choose permission s to applications. When can chooses ReadWrite, but still it's giving possibility to overwrite element after creations. I think that good idea will be give new to of access like CreateOnly. To start only new element in Webcon, but not possible to overwrite by api.
(...) tabase. - Could not find group with BPS ID 'bps_kon_edycjaslownikow_2s4w@bxwebcon.pl' for relation stored in database. As a result members of groups don't have access to documents through group permission s. When I add user to group through User management > Local groups everything is correct - users membership are added to BPS_Config.dbo.BpsUsersGroupRelations and after several seconds records are (...)
(...) e(String input) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Authentication.UserSearcherCached.FindByBpsIdThenByDisplayNameThenSynchronizeIfNeededThenValidate(String input) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Security.Elementpermission s.Set(String login, DicSecurityLevels level, DicSecurityChangeReason reason, String reasonAdditional, Boolean isPermanent) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Actions.SetSecurity.SetForAllElementsAndReturnErr (...)
(...) beginning of the file name. Unfortunately Instance number is giving me only the number from autonumbering and when I'm trying to get signature from WFElementSignatures table I'm receiving "The SELECT permission was denied" error.
(...) anaged succesfully to configure Webcon for Exchange calendar (exchange online - ms graph). But I have a problem with configuration for Exchange tasks acctions. Even if I granted in AZ Tasks.ReadWrite permission , When I'm trying to configure action Designer is not showing the connection to Exchange Online. How it should be set up?
(...) Dear Community, I have a question regarding serach option (Search everywhere on top in portal version). When I add permission s to the process (via permission s tab in BPS Studio) for some user / group of users (i.e. permission to all elements with attachments) how can I trigger any action to index it in Solr? From user perspective, when he / she search for particular document in search everywhere not (...)
(...) w production environment, when accessing a report with a list of existing elements or into one of the element, an error message is displayed: "403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.\r\n You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied." I checked the security settings for SQLLowPrivilegeUser. Has anyone encountered this error in a newly configured webcon (...)
(...) Hi, I have a problem installing upgrad. I get a message : "User 'public' does not have permission to run DBCC CHECKIDENT for object 'ActiveTasks'. Anyone know what's going on and how to solve it?
(...) Hi, I need to add an event to the AAD group calendar. Webcon uses/is synced with local AD. AD is synchronized with AAD. On the AAD side, an application with API permission s has been added Adding AAD groups and adding users to groups via graph API from webcon works fine. But, for example, if you want to add an event to the group's calendar POST method https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/{group (...)
(...) Changing the RestAPI mode to "admin" should allow you to update fields, including readonly. The documentation however mentions the requirement of "admin permission s" How to add requires admin permission s?. Below are excerpts from the RestAPI documentation mode -Enum: "standard" "ignoreReadonly" "admin" Optional mode parameter that specifies validation behavior. When empty or standard, all fields wil (...)