(...) ould like to hide the second field. The first field a category has to be selected (1-5), and when someone selects Category 1, the second field should appear dynamically to make a selection. Now I AD ded a rule in "Visibility restriction in form", see picture. I runs but it seems only on form loAD and not dynamically.
(...) Hi, I've run into an 'issue' using the 'Generate a Pdf file' action. https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /770 I used 'new' HTML / CSS features which haven't been supported or even been available by the provided version of the 'Winnovative HTML to PDF Converter' engine. WEBCON BPS utilizes version 7, while the current version is 15. As far as I could find out version 7 dates back to 18 Feb (...)
(...) In event log: Message=SOLR not initialized Source=WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr StackTrace= w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr.BPSSolrServerProxy.GetInstance[T]() w WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Solr.DirectSolrIndexAD der.AD dToIndex(BPSActivity activity, ActivityTypes type) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Base.Solr.SolrLogger.AD dWithDirectSolrAD der(BPSActivity activity, ActivityTypes activityType) InnerException: Message=SO (...)
(...) Please AD d an option to configure font size in studio. Especially with high resolution monitors studio is almost unusable due to very small fonts. This is totally not user friendly especially for people with even slight vision disabilities (wearing glasses).
(...) After upgrAD ing to most recent version 2021.1.3.205, a simple form rule definded at path parameters stopped working (the rule on the attached screen). If I change the rule just to CONFIRM['Something'] (without the IF), then it works, but with the IF it does not. It used to work in 2021.1.1.53. Anyone experiencing such an issue?
(...) Unfortunately it's only available for the data source "BPS Internal view". If I select a dictionary and probably a template process, it's not available. Therefore I have to create an Internal view in AD dition to the automatically created dictionary data source. For those who don't know what this option does: The picker value is rendered as a link which can be displayed in the preview window. That's (...)
(...) seems to be the only way to generate an absence-process in webcon. the datasource for vact-types is seemingly hardcoded. I cannot change the dropdown, delete it, nor change the system connection to AD d more types. if I AD d a new dropdown and simply hide the provided one, the data does not go where it´s supposed to go because it is not transparent where the data is written or how the absence-proce (...)
(...) Hello, I want to downloAD data from REST Web service, which has collection type, but I can't map it because there is no type of attribute like that in Webcon. Can it be handled comehow?
(...) he data should be available. I am not sure how that could be handled when users preview a report, as the reports could contain all the data from the instances. That functionality should probably be AD ded on the reports somehow, but that is just my brain talking loudly.
(...) Hi there, by using the Designer Desk in 2021.1.3.205 our user mAD e the mistake to use multiple START STEPs while designing a workflow for us. Also it is not possiple to save this work, it would be better, if the user gets an error message, if he/she wants to place another START STEP or it doesnt work at all (like in the Designer Studio). Bye, Bjoern Poller
(...) It was a great AD dition when the foreach functionality was AD ded in form rules for item lists, but they seem to be limited only to get and set values. There are plenty of reasons for witch you could need to disable a field or color ii differently using form rules. It would be great if styling fields with the foreach functionality would also be possible. I have attached an example where the fields (...)
(...) webcon.com/exporting-a-data-table-form-field-to-an-excel-file/ I am aware of alternatives such as user actions / sdk, but it is about using built-in functionality that ensures consistency and is reAD y to go with a single click. Tested on version 2021.1.3.205.
(...) (name) action execution error on a menu button occurred. ---> System.Net.WebException: Cannot get document template for id: / DOCTEMP / {EPV: 6} It appears in Webcon 2020 and 2021 (Starter Edition). AD ditionally I tried with global constants but the result is the same.
(...) ript which changes the assigned space of the left and right panel from 50% for each to 75% for the right and 25% for the left. The JavaScript can be copy&pasted into a JS Form Rule (1) which gets AD ded to Behavior tab (2) so it get's executed. window.ccls = window.ccls || {}; ccls.changePanelWidth = {}; ccls.changePanelWidth.execute = function (timeoutCounter,timeoutMax){ var items = doc (...)
(...) ouping something really strange happens (ver. 2021.1.3.205). As seen on the attached screenshot the number of items in grouping is different than the one shown in the rectangle. This can be very misleAD ing. And there is something even dangerous - in the ungrouped report I see some item that don't even show on the grouped one! I think grouping worked normally before the upgrAD e. Have you come accross (...)
(...) rned the latest row from WFElementTasks, and executed this in an action during path transition, exit and entry. They all returned the old row. - SDK object RunCustomActionParams.TransitionInfo.TasksToAD d is empty. I wanted to use this as an general option which can be used in an execution condition, but it seems that this general approach is not feasible. Best regards, Daniel
(...) 2) any other idea ;-) Code for the HTML Button could be like (eg. is for stand-alone button): Open Youtube ************ {FLD:1201} = Link {FLD:1202} = check box ************ Thanks in AD vance, Björn Poller
(...) WFBusinessRuleDefinitions as users join WFBusinessRuleDefinitions as usage on usage . BRD_ID = users . BRD_BRDID left join WFDefinitions on DEF_ID = usage . BRD_DEFID where dbo . ClearWFElemIDAD v ( users . BRD_Users ) like '% {formFieldID}%' and users. BRD_ReturnedValueType = 5 and users. BRD_IsLocal = 1 If I comment all those where conditions, I don't have any value for the User pa (...)
(...) Hello, I mAD e a report in WEBCON Designer Studio and one of the columns is "Link". However, when I export that report to excel, that column is converted to a simple text (not a link). Can I in some way configure it to receive in the exported excel that column as link? Best regards, Vitalii Lukash
(...) Hello all, First of all I would like to thank you for taking time reAD ing my post! I'm working on a current process where I need to trigger many subworkflows to request information for the main one. Because the main one will keep being edited after the subworkflows are launched, I've decided to set them as parallel. They will be started through a item list and after one person for the task i (...)