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for form

(...) eces so I can test out everything I need separately. I'm trying to add a new attachment to an instance using this API /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/elements/{id}/attachments. I have 2 fields into this form : contentBASE64 and fileName. All I'm trying to do is to use these values from my fields together with the API action so I end up with an instance in a final state having an attachment into attachemnt (...)

(...) Hi, We have problem after update to ver. 2023.1.2.99. We have implemented menu buttons for Help Desk and Printing. In 2022, every user who have acces to instance can push button and print form or start help desk (button in menu was accesable in every step or last steps etc). After the update buttons apear on the form but after clicking there is error... and users cant use it. Is it new featur (...)

(...) In a form , I initialize an item list. In this list i have columns : question, response and description. In some questions I have only response called '(n/a). While the n/a answer is applicable I want to enable the description column. However, I cannot use the enable on choice field. I have tried to put condtions in a 'column edit restricion' but this does not work as it would require add another respo (...)

(...) (1) in the attachment. Getting picker search results 540ms Validate picker control 460ms The setting and validation of the target field (2) takes again 1700ms and another 390 ms for executing a form rule. Setting target form field first choose field 1160ms Validate picker control 611ms Setting own target fields 0ms form role on value change 390 Since the second field could be modified man (...)

(...) missing custom additional url parameters management functionality. This is required for some auth providers processing definition (e.g. Auth0 - flow automatization, login customization). More inform ation https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-basic-1_0.html#RequestParameters.

(...) ": "SyntaxError", "logData": { "msg": "Uncaught Exception", "errorMsg": "SyntaxError: '' string literal contains an unescaped line break", "url": "https://webcon.xxx/db/1/app/9/element/16337/form /admin?returnurl=%2Fdb%2F1%2Fapp%2F9", "line number": 1, "column": 69 }, "errorGuid": "4f2fe9ec-ba92-4148-b55c-1ffb99b81e58" | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:122.0) Gecko/2 (...)

(...) Hello everyone, How can I find out more inform ation about the cause using an error ID? Where can I enter the ID in the Designer Studio to get to the form field that is causing the error? I tried to adapt a data source to a "data table" form field because not all existing values ​​were displayed. Now I always get the error "Failed with an unknown exception Error ID: 6f351188-04d9-4049-bd2b-d3da6 (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have an email workflow that is triggered every day at a fixed time and sends an inform ation email to a fixed group of recipients. Unfortunately, this no longer works after the update to Designer Studio version 2023.1.3.29. But I didn't knowingly change anything about it. To find the error I am now searching the changelog. Unfortunately I can't find all objects by name. Can I someh (...)

(...) Hi, I don't think the "Replace Item List Values" action is working properly. When I provide a BPS source in the configuration and use a filter to select data, the filter does not work on the form . The filter in Designer Studio works during testing. This problem does not occur in the "Update Item List Values" action, so I used a workaround: "Clear Item List" + "Update Item List Values" / Add new ro (...)

(...) IS there a way to extract the inform ation with sql about the bps groups via sql command?

(...) dragging it manually from outlook to the attachments area. By doing so, user is asked about category, to which attachment should be added, but it's visible later only in the history, and not on the form . I suggest, that categories should be also visible on e-mail conversations tab, so when user selects it, it is not hidden.

(...) Hi, When editing a step, under form s tab, in the Task form group, there is a "form :" dropdown, to which list you can add another form - which I did. The second form shoul present the same inform ation as the Default form , but visually groupped some other way. I found no documentation on how to use this feature, could you please show me where to look? The actual need is to have different visual ap (...)

(...) - from main document i can start up to 5 subworkflows per subworkflow type (right now around 5). It sums up around possible 25 subworkflows, and none of those are technical. To avoid missing inform ation, and digging through all of those elements we've decided, that commenting should be only possible on parent workflow, and this solves almost all problems. We'd like to present those comments fr (...)

(...) to save sub-workflow instance ID to the related column of item list. I'm using automation having FOR EACH and Start sub-workflow action. All i can see is the possibility to save subworkflow ID to the form field, not item list columns. Is there a better way than having another action updating item list with the IDs?

(...) Hey, I have a problem with calling a REST action via timeout or global action. When perform ing a global action moving a document a path with a rest message there is an error.... When a document is pushed via a path where a REST action has been configured,... a problem occurs. When I manually press the button on the form , the message sends and there are no problems.... ver. 2023.1.3.76

(...) Hello, I have set up a hotmailbox - Add to elements based on e-mail content. I am saving the BodyContent to a multiple lines of text form field called BodyContent - set always. I have created a global Menu buton which must be triggered when the value of BodyContent changes. So, on the form field - Style and behavior - form rule to be exeuted on value change - I set "Invoke menu action - my butto (...)

(...) Hi, I encountered the following error. I have an action that sets a value in a choice field. I set the choice field through the value of the ID. When I enter the form , the value is correctly set, and it displays the name corresponding to the set ID. However, when I enter the report, in that column, I see the value of the ID instead of the name. I tested by setting the value in the choice fiel (...)

(...) any chance, the way an INT looks like inside a data table field as well. Because at the moment, into the data table is looking like d) 123.456,00 .. and I don't have the option to choose this form at for other fields as well. Thank you!

(...) I do process where: Part I 1. On start, in first step, in form , in field = dropdown list, I pick te signature of other flow (different proces in particular step ID) 2. Then the fields are filled with data from that chosen flow form is full of data (thats OK) 3. And NOW In that chosen flow I have got Item list how to by picking from dropdown list filled new itemlist with data ? I cr (...)

(...) mentTypesCollection documentTypes, Int32 procID, ICacheStore cacheStore) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessesManager.FillProcessData(Process process) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.form s.ModuleProcess.ProcessControl.set_DataSource(Process value) w WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.form s.ModuleProcess.ProcessView.ProcessViewPresenterBase`2.Plug(TDataSource dataSource) w WebCon.WorkF (...)