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Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Paweł Fijał   With the introduction of version 2019 and the entire Portal interface, several search methods have been included in Portal that allow you to search not only the content of the workflow instances but also the structure of all applications available on Portal (e.g. reports, dashboards, start buttons). This article descri

Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka   On WEBCON BPS Portal, one of the standard tabs that can be selected from the menu on the left is the “My tasks” tab. After selecting it, you see a report that describes a list of tasks assigned to the currently logged in person.   Fig. 1. The "My tasks" report view   On th

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Jarosława Markopolska   Introduction This article is an extension of Translation of WEBCON BPS Portal user interface content and contains more information about language configuration in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio: System language setting Mass notification language setting (added in BPS 2020.1.3) Application language setting

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Łukasz Kraśniak   Introduction Form field, path, and task tooltips are a massive help for users to easily understand the concept of WEBCON BPS business applications. Consistently providing tooltips and task details across all your processes and workflows will teach users to rely on these elements to learn about their intended task. This help im

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Adrian Baszak   Introduction Task and step descriptions are brief instructions on a form that help users complete a task. Descriptions can improve the workflow instance by reducing the number of errors and questions. They can contain basic information which helps a new user get started with the application, and also may explain the more complex d

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction While working on WEBCON BPS Portal, you can see the error messages displayed by the system in the upper right corner – they are displayed when the system encounters a problem and the execution of any action fails. From version 2020.1.3.277 there is the ability of previewing error logs from the administration too

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction From the point of view of business requirements, a common need is the approval of the document by people on the designated approval path. WEBCON BPS introduces functionality that simplifies the configuration of your approval workflow – a list of items. A person authorized to approve can edit only the line

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction The „Analysis” tab available in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio allows you to see the time of the instances being in a given step and the time of their edition at individual steps. You can also set the planned time of editing an element and the time in which the element should be in a given step. It allow

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Jarosława Markopolska   Introduction The instance number is a unique string of characters in the system (e.g., EXP/2020/09/00002) that uniquely identifies each workflow instance, and it is created when the instance is first saved. This number will always refer to the same instance and there is no option to change them, even by administrators.&nbs

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Józef Cyran   Introduction WEBCON BPS allows you to generate/update Word documents (e.g. invoices, contracts) based on a template that inserts data from the system (e.g. data from the workflow instance that caused the file to be created) and also convert them to PDF (if necessary). To do this, you need our Word add-in to be downloaded from W

(...) me document because the changes made by you and by the client are not merged.   Google API preparation The process preparation should start with the Google API configuration – see HTTPS ://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/about-sdk. First, go to HTTPS ://console.developers.google.com/, log in with your Google account and select a project from the list or create a new one. &nb (...)

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction The article describes the use of “Change value single field” and “Change values of multiple fields” actions on the example of the business scenario of the settlement of business trips. These actions allow you to update the value of the single form field or many form fields at the same tim

(...) ple below presents the window.open() method invoked when the button is clicked – a new website window is opened on the selected page specified in a single quantitation mark – in this case HTTPS ://webcon.com.   Fig. 16. The HTML form field configuration   The HTML code with the JavaScript function:           Summary (...)

Applies to version 2019.1; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction WEBCON BPS helps you embrace the digital transformation by giving you many options for working with electronic versions of documents and replacing standard signatures with their digital version. This article describes the new Handwritten signature form field (available from version 2019.1.4.) that allows you to a

 Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Franciszek Sakławski   Introduction By creating dependencies between form fields on the form, fields are repeatedly calculated based on the basis of other fields. To correct calculations, remember to properly set their order. This article describes several examples of dynamic field calculation, and then in a tabular form the order od exec

(...) selecting Server -> Sites -> WEBCONBPS -> Explore.     Open the “appsettings.user.json” configuration file and add the following parameter: "ForceHTTPS OnProxy": true,     After that, restart the IIS “WEBCONBPS” Web application. In IIS there is no need to add binding for port 443 and assigning an SSL certifi (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction In WEBCON BPS data stored e.g. in the external database can be retrieved and displayed by: Defining data connection and SQL query Creating a data source and using filters This article describes both approaches to use data in WEBCON BPS, differences between them, and problems of their configuration.

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Agnieszka Burda   The following article is an extension of the HTML form fields article.    Introduction HTML form fields are available since WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3. version - they allow you to use all HTML language tag. The HTML form field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Franciszek Sakławski   Introduction Apart from standard options for adding users to the system, such as synchronization with AD or/and AAD, WEBCON BPS allows you to manually add a user. All users added in this way can log in to the system via BPS Auth., be granted privileges, and can be assigned tasks in the system. To save time, you can us

(...) sions see -> WEBCON BPS 2019 - migrating to version 2019.1. In the case of SDK migration see -> SDK migration 2020.1. The migration process can also be supported by the support team -> HTTPS ://support.webcon.com.   2. Migrating privileges Privileges are a very important point in WEBCON BPS operation. If privileges in the processes are based on the SharePoint groups, then it (...)