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for List

(...) Hi there has anyone an example on how to populate dropdown List s from REST data sources ? I got the working requests in POstman, but I cannot get them to work at all in webcon. and its kinda hard to debug since error messages or logs are seemingly not available... thanks for your help in advance.

(...) Hi, I want to compare(lookup) an item List with dictionary items. On a start step I have the item List where I want to upload some rows from an excel file, then I want to check if uploadet rows exist in the dictionary. If exists, webcon should mark a column in the item List that the entry exists. Do you know how to achieve it? Could you help?

(...) payment process in webcon for Rents. The idea is: - Open request and save the date of request (as the current date) - Calculate how many months until end of year (civil year) - Initialize the item List with the number of rows as the number of months - Each row will create independently the payment for that month Although I have all the idea structured, I'm facing some questions in regards to: (...)

(...) We are facing an error related to form field item List , when we add a required attachment column then try to submit the form, it shows an error message that the attachment does not exist when it’s attached. Note: version 2022.1.2.59

(...) Hi, this question may be silly, but I found no sufficient solution yet: Task: After generating sub workflows from item List entries get the item List entries removed. Approach: Use the action to change item List values with "Replace" Effect: One item List entry is created, all the others are removed Question: How do I get an item List blanked, all entries removed from the database *without* on (...)

(...) structure as given in screenshot 1 (attached). The screenshot shows my configuration within a little test app. When I start this action, the request body fully ignores all data regarding the item List s as given in the dump below. (Hint: The error has been forced by the web service to receive the dump.) With POSTMAN the web service operates normally but from WEBCON BPS the request body does n (...)

(...) Hi, I want to limit one column in List position , which is multiline text to show only first 40 characters smth like: after click in '...' it will show all text

(...) content is text and a table however I can change it to be fields only. I have everything set up but I'm only able to copy the content into a text field but I need to have the information as an item List . Does anyone tried to do this? How can you pick up the text field and work it somehow to have columns and the information as rows? Hope anyone has ideas! Thank you

(...) Is there a way to make a newly added line on the itemList appear at the top instead of the bottom? Last added first in edit mode?

(...) arty, agreement no., value, signature date - let's call it Agreement Register (AR). To avoid manually register all necessary data I've also created another workflow (Import Agreements Data) with item List , which is populated using excel file and on entry of default path a subworkflow AR should start using action "for each" collection from the item List populate the fields in AR instance . But even if (...)

(...) Hi all, I am quite new to webcon and I came over this. We have a form with a item List . The item List is initialized from external source. It shall represent a log file for some measured values. The lines in the item List shall be every 10 minutes, so I initialize the List with 100 x 10 minutes line. Hence, the user shall not be able to delete or duplicate records / lines from the item List . H (...)

(...) I've got a contract database workflow. One of the fields on the form is Project/Department field which is the same as user department in AD users List . Two users: Adam and his boss John. Is it possible to: 1. show in the report only these records, where current user login (account) department is equal to Project/Department felds. 2. on the app home show instances not only created by the current use (...)

(...) Is there a way to sticky itemList header during scrolling down the page? I was try css with "position: sticky;' but without success .

(...) Hi, I don't know when the character limit for the field multiple lines of text in item List s was added, but is it possible to change this limit? Or adding the ability to change it? The DET_LongTextX column in the database is ntext type, so is there any reason to limit the number of characters to 1000? This thread may be related - https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2366/30, and users are c (...)

(...) Hi, I have List position, and there is column "Responsible person" I need to filter by this column which lines current person can edit, it's possible ?

(...) Hi, I have one Form with Two List s: 1 List is "ContactPersons" > here is List of persons with column like: Name(R), FirstName(R), email(R), mobile(R), etc. 2 List "Actions" > here is List of actions with reference(choosen field) in one column to ContactPersons (Name column) How to do If I am in Popup adding new Action to "Actions List " and I need to add new item to ContactPerson: There is (...)

(...) Hello everyone, Hope you're all doing great! Does anyone by chance knows how to configure an email that only the newest row in an item List form field will be sent in the email? The examples from webcon are how to paste a complete item List in the email but I just want the new one (that I have a flag for that) because I'm sending documentation and I just want to have the latest one Thank you (...)

(...) This idea is from my good colleague Sebastian Paziewski. When users enter many rows in item List the header is not visible (hidden on top). Maybe hearder could be floating when scrolling down the List . Or there could be a "copy" of headers on bottom of the List (when the List is longer than visible area of item List ).

Hello everybody. I'm trying to display all the JSON fields, but I can't. Thanks to anyone who can help me. 1 - JSON structure '{ "status": "SUCCESS", "VentaPajaros": { "codigoClient": 13216598, "composicionParcelas": [ { "id": "07" }, { "id": "08" } ], "pago":

(...) Hi, I have e.g. NN items on List position and want to generate docx template from only one of item how to do it ? I thought to add button to every item which send generate action but how to do it?