(...) Hi there, For security reasons, we need to AD d a timeout for all user logins such that after a couple of hours, after login, the user will be prompted to log in again. I looked through the GlobalParameters data base and found the following (line 44 - PortalTokenSigningKey) ..."Expiration":"00:00:00","RefreshTokenExpiration":"0.00:00:00","AuthCookieExpiration":"0.00:00:00","AuthCookieSlidingEx (...)
(...) Hi Guys, I'm wondering if anyone else has been having this problem. When i try to AD d (uploAD ) a file to an item list using a local attachments column there seems to be a hard 4MB (4096kb) limit. When i delete the line, save my process and then link an existing attachment it works fine but for my purposes this is not acceptable behaviour. Is there any way around this? Thanks for your fe (...)
(...) Hello community! The question is not strictly Webcon related. Does anyone have experience with SAP, specifically how the sending of IDOC works? I need to receive the file but am banging my heAD against the wall how this works. Any ideas/tips would be much appreciated! Cheers, Martin
(...) Hi, I used in data sources " Current BPS databases" in field type choicefield clause IF. It's was worked until did upgrAD e at last verison 2022. After upgrAD e, When I select a value from field show id value not name value. Thank you, Raluca Lupu
(...) Hi, I tried to AD d a field from the process in the word template but I get the error from the attachment. I tried with another field from the same process and it works. I used webcon version 2022.1.4.127 Thank you, Raluca Lupu
(...) es" action, after update to v. 2022.1.4.127? Action stopped matching user data on "DisplayName" (COS_DisplayName) or ID that is stored as BPSid (COS_BPSid). Finding user is now possible only by email AD dress (COS_email). COS_BPSid and COS_email are not the same in my case. That seems to be a bug as the log of action suggests that data is searched firstly by BPSid then by DisplayName. The problem app (...)
(...) Hi, we are using the Webcon BPS 2022 App on our Android tablets and some of these tablets are used by multiple users. I can create new profiles in the app but when I login into Azure AD I will be automatically logged in using SSO from the last user. Therefore I cannot have multiple profiles with different Webcon user logins. The Android Tablet uses Microsoft Edge as it's default browser and for (...)
(...) umns with action on it (for example set another column,select data etc.). When item list comes to 100 rows system will send many requireness (once requireness = one log on IIS). This causes slow loAD ing of the form. No once form is unavalible ,error from web browser (Not enough ram memory). I have few ideas, but im intrested in yours.
(...) ne from there? When trying to set the comment using JS the path transition validation won't recognize it and still trigger the error. Has anyone of you an idea of how to solve this or maybe alreAD y solved it? Thanks Pasquale
(...) TP_Name, WFSteps.STP_Description, WFSteps.STP_IsFinish, WFElements.WFD_ID FROM WFElements JOIN WFSteps ON WFSteps.STP_ID = WFElements.WFD_STPID WHERE WFD_STPID= 95 It's not an option to use the AD min tools to delete all instances from the process. Any idea how I can fix this? Thanks.
(...) .1.4.154 to 2022.1.4.127 We noticed that there is a new functionality in the frontend that checks for unsaved fields when exiting the page. Overall, a great new feature, but unfortunately it leAD s to a negative user experience in some specific cases. For example, we often use only one start step to implement a search for the users. The user has the option to select or enter some filters (...)
(...) Hi, Can you please AD d the ability to choose a dark theme for the Designer Studio app? It will save users eyes and improve the comfort of working for many hours in a row :)
(...) I've got following problems - we are using AD as an authentication tool, but because of quite complex, matrix organizational scheme I cannot use a supervisor data from AD , because (depending on the project) the same user can have two different managers). So I figured out, that I will be using BPS Groups next to AD : 1. I've got User A, Manager A and Manager B 2. I've got groups Managers, Project A (...)
(...) Hi, We have a single workflow element that is not opening. On clicking on the workflow element, the browser just starts loAD ing indefinitely. This issue appears only on this single element and nowhere else. What can I check, how can I start researching this issue? We are using classic forms on SharePoint. Thank you
(...) Could you please consider AD ding a setting that would align all input fields left/right/center? It's a little annoying having all fields aligned left and only floating-point values aligned right.
(...) Hi, i've updated to 2022.1.4.155 and now I can't use the Active Directory actions. Same error on AD d group/user and delete group/user. Where I can register this service? There is no comment in last release notes or install guide. My last working version is 2022.1.4.84. BTW: The new feature to AD d error codes to interrupt user synchronization isn't visible... Thanks and best regards Dan (...)
(...) Has anyone ever tried to create a clickable hyperlink inside a word attachment using the bps word AD din? It seems that the AD d-in just transfers string information to the document regardless of what "meta-information" is contained with the string (i.e. line breaks/formatting in multiline fields using rich mode) I get the link url put out to word but in word it's not recognized as such until i AD (...)
(...) I've got following fields: 1. Choice field with connection to MS SQL table - name of the supplier. 2. Text fields like AD dress, postal code filled based on the value chosen in choice field from point 1. 3. Another choice field with bank account numbers - another MS SQL table filter by ID value from choice field in point 1. Two qestions: 1. By clicking 'x' in supplier name choice field I'd lik (...)
(...) y to generate pdfs that would contain different images (for example logos), based on a form field? I was thinking of two ways: -Create a couple of different document templates with pictures alreAD y inserted and dynamically select template based on the other field value(s). -Insert picture into a image form field during the workflow and then insert the picture into the document with the genera (...)
(...) Hello, is there a possibility to use existing SOLR as Data Source? I hAD an idea to show users SQL grid, which would show similar items found in database, based on text typed in regular TextInput field. That leAD me to Levenshtein Distance algorithm, which might be slow in SQL, but i've found that such a thing is alreAD y implemented in SOLR (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1752301/how-to-con (...)