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for background

Hi community, is there any way to change the [|ElementAddress|] and [|WebAddress|] on global notification for different address? Our server on which we have installed webcon is called abc-webcon, but we have bindings in ISS and users use page webcon.ourdomain.pl. When we send notifications from BPS link to [|ElementAddress|] and [|WebAddress|] direct users to page abc-webcon.ourdomain.pl. Pa

(...) Hello Community, I would like to show or hide certain steps in the status panel in the form depending on a business logic. However, in the designer I only found a static (checkbox) option. background is only the clarity about the process steps to be done. I thought maybe it would be possible to simply show and hide the container using JavaScript. Unfortunately, I have not enough experience in this are (...)

(...) ToSystemLogParams args) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.ModuleReports.Documentation.LanguagePicker.c__DisplayClass8_0.b__1(Object o, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args) at System.ComponentModel.background Worker.OnRunWorkerCompleted(RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor) at System.Reflectio (...)

Hello all, I'm trying to set up a button to start another workflow but I want to pass the current instance ID so I can relate the two instances. I'm using the info from Webcon but I don't know how to pass the ID: Legal Request Process Using this, I'm basically writing WFD_ID in the destination field. Does anyone know how to get this working= Thank you

Hello, Does anyone know if there's a way of adding a tooltip to custom buttons one adds to the form? I have an item list with a datarow column. Inside this column I'm creating a button like so: Basically, I'm replicating the buttons from the action column. I know I can add the title="some text" to the button to have a default tooltip. But I'd like to use the b

(...) Hello community, I am trying to color whole ITEM list rows with SQL query. I followed, the article https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/coloring-the-background -of-the-item-list/195/3 but even the simplest SQL query (same than in article) generates the error (see figures enclosed). Any idea what I am doing wrong? Any example of your working SQL query for ITEM list coloring? Thank you.

Up to date as of 2024-07-09 The security of our platform is of utmost importance. We monitor the net for news on emerging vulnerabilities, run security audits, and react to issues raised by our clients. We constantly update WEBCON BPS to remove any known security vulnerabilities. On this page, we will compile information regarding security vulnerabilities detected in the system. Each pr