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for manual

(...) Online - add/edit/delete list elements, and none of these actions work if triggered by timeout - error "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.". Going through the same path/action manual ly doesn't cause an error, and the Sharepoint action is executed correctly. Please verify :) Edit: my mistake, should be in user voice

(...) t - users membership are added to BPS_Config.dbo.BpsUsersGroupRelations and after several seconds records are inserted to BPS_Content.dbo.CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations, as a result of this manual change added users from group have access to documents based on group permissions (but only users that were added, not all members). After sheduled or invoked incremental or full user synch users-t (...)

(...) I have a field "Project Code", text type in Webcon, and "Project Code" text type in SharePoint. Filtering using this, does not work. 3153 in above example is a project code that I tried passing manual ly or through Form field value, no luck. I either get an error or nothing gets deleted

(...) equested at: Evaluation node: AttachmentContentAsBase64 at: Evaluation node: GetAttachments [...] An error occurred while attempting to replace a variable. When selecting the transition path manual ly, the problem does not occur. What is the problem? My BPS version: 2022.1.4.155

(...) Functionalities like import/export applications, update plugin-packages and the generation of process documentations are only available within Designer Studio. Doing things manual ly tend to end up in inconsistencies. E.g. when packaging a new release, we might forget to update the documentation. Not sure what's best / easier, extending the rest api or making the functions available in a cmd line t (...)

(...) uisness cards, which will include graphic, who is responsilbe for preparing files which are sent to printing company. On the buisness cards there should be QR code with vCard data. We want to avoid manual process of copy/pasting data between webcon and other qr generation system. Action which adds code to attachment already exists, so i can always have empty pdf file to which i'll add generated QR (...)

(...) using the action with Datasource = my table and in the advanced filter, I just add the person id and the dates for comparison but this is not working. I've added a screenshot. If I use the field manual ly, I'm able to get that specific line for employee + date considered for rate definition Am I missing something? Thank you!

(...) Does anyone knows or have configured something that can relate the country vs national holidays in the country? Like having the calendars for Portugal Holidays, Spain, etc I know that we have to manual ly insert the holidays in the System configuration for calendar's table but in this case, the idea is, if I'm abroad and inserting extra hours, by defining where I am, the system could check if it's a (...)

(...) workflow to current instance. My case is opposite: 1. I have an invoice approval workflow which in the end requires (business requirement) adding payment confirmation (PDF) from banking systems. manual process is very time consuming. 2. Each payment confirmation has in transfer's description instance signature from the invoice workflow. 3. I've created another workflow, which is monitoring hotfol (...)

(...) I have a choice field and it is populated from a data source with autocomplete activated. I want to limit the choice field to only the data from the data source. The user can't manual ly type any other text. How can I accomplish this?. Thanks

(...) Hi Guys I need your help. I start tasks based on a workflow but attachments do not transfer. If I do it manual ly as a action on path then the attachments move to subworkflow and its ok. But if I use a cyclical action to call the same action -> "create SQL subworkflow", tasks are created but without attachments :/ Example in the attachment, I trigger the same action: Uruchom zadanie TEST (en: Run (...)

(...) HI, When installing Webcon, the SQL Server compatibility level is set to 120 (default). To use advanced functions like `string_split` and data processing functions from JSON, it is necessary to manual ly change the compatibility level to 150. These functions are essential in developing more complex processes. If we manual ly upgrade the compatibility level from 120 to 150, Webcon will no longer prov (...)

(...) hat can be the reason? In the item list are some columns with autofilling. Problem does not occur, when I type INDEKS (first column which is the main column through which the others are filled in. ) manual y (not using pop-up suggestions)

(...) cently our hotmailbox started to behave strangely. When an email is received, it is simply moved to archive and the workflow is not started. If however we move the email back into inbox from archive manual ly, the workflow starts normally. Do you have any suggestions how we might try to troubleshoot this? Thanks!

(...) Webcon BPS Configuration on each SharePoint site got lost (the database name etc.). 1. Is this behavior expected during migration? 2. Is it possible to set it globally or is it necessary to set it manual ly on each SharePoint site/subsite? 3. Are there any other such settings that might have gotten lost during migration? Thanks! Mark

(...) hing, but can't find information anywhere. Is there a possibility to run some javascript or form rules on load of the main website page of local webcon instance? I'm preparing a process where users manual ly confirm their being at work. It would be very appeciated, that when tey load any page of local webcon instance, there would be some code testing if they already confirmed their being at work. If th (...)

(...) orm rule. Setting target form field first choose field 1160ms Validate picker control 611ms Setting own target fields 0ms Form role on value change 390 Since the second field could be modified manual ly afterwards, I can't simply change the field type. In these cases, it would be great, if there's some information that there's are outstanding http requests. I'm aware, that it will be difficul (...)

(...) t great :) I know it is possible to type in that time part in the field after selecting date, but if I'm using picker for date, then it's not really comfy to close the picker, and type in the time manual ly.

(...) u import from one environment to another. After the import I checked the configuration of this action and there was no item list selected. I did this import twice, after I changed the configuration manual ly and same issue. So in case you want to use this action, please don't forget to check the configuration after each import. Have a great day! version: 2023.1.3.29

(...) rforming a global action moving a document a path with a rest message there is an error.... When a document is pushed via a path where a REST action has been configured,... a problem occurs. When I manual ly press the button on the form, the message sends and there are no problems.... ver. 2023.1.3.76