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for AD

(...) use WEBCON BPS in a multi-company configuration. We are the government institution, Our organizational structure consists of branches, not companies. So using the "Business entity" label can be misleAD ing. I wonder if there is any way to change the "Busines entity" label to, for example: "Branch" label? Thanks in AD vance for your help.

(...) tribute where I can choose the instance of workflows and after clicking the path button, this workflow will be a sub-workflow of choosen workflow. I don't know if I write it clearly :) Regards AD am

(...) . While preparing for the update, I receive a message that there are no components installed: 1. "ASP.NET Core 6 Hosting Bundle" 2. ".NET 6" What versions to install (SDK, Runtime), where to downloAD them? So that there are no problems with the operation of the platform and that I can update it?

(...) It would be great to have this possibility also in integer fields. At this moment there are two options, if we want to be consistent: * ignore that feature, because in integer fields you have to AD d te suffix/prefix in the name of attribute - it just looks better, when it's in attribute name everywhere. * overuse of the decimal attributes even for cases, when you need integer - just to have ev (...)

(...) Hi, I'm working on preparing a report based on my process. It's something similar to task manager. I can create a task with field responsible person nAD some dates (deAD line and end of task). I;m makieng report, where I want to show all responsible people who have tasks divided on Active task, Active task after deAD line, Finished task in time and Finished task after deAD line. I've mAD e calcu (...)

(...) the element does not yet exist. After completing the input (form), i.e. when the user passes on the process, a dictionary process should now be started "automatically" for the user so that he can AD d the missing element. After the user has entered the element, the "new" value should be automatically inserted into the original standard process without the user having to do this again. I know t (...)

(...) the following scenario. Batch of barcode lables from paper documents are to be scanned with hendheld scanner. Each scanned id is to be inserted into ID column of item list table. Based on the ID some AD ditiona data are to displayed in other columns. What I have alreAD y done is the form rule that AD Ds NEW ROW every time the value of ID item list column is changed. It works ok. The problem is that I (...)

(...) Hi, in BPS 2023 you AD ded possibility to mark business entity as active, which is great. What about to go further and AD d option to assign application to business entity? AD ding an application to business entity configuration would result that it will be visible on business entity system field in particular application. There are cases that for some reason in some applications some business entiti (...)

(...) Hello, I am trying to call this API so i can grant "reAD only" privilege to a group on a instance. /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/elements/{id}/AD min/privileges I have AD ded App.Elements.AD min.All permission. But i get error: Invoke REST Web service - Request Url: https://domain/api/data/v4.0/db/1/elements/2450/AD min/privileges Response Code: BAD Request (400) Exceptions: Rest service call faile (...)

(...) Hello, is there any way to connect other data sources (MySQL or Generic-ODBC)? If not, is there a plan to implement this in the future? Thanks in AD vance Markus

(...) Hi there I am working with webcon for several years now , yet I still have some basic problems I cannot seem to wrap my heAD around: scenario: I AD ded the docusign sdk and have docs sent for signature. works perfectly. now during this waiting period, I want to "park" the workflows (in a system step) and have them automatically check if the corresponding docs are signed. the status check w (...)

(...) g to this: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/docusign-digital-signatures-in-webcon-bps/36 I do get the following error(s): WebCon.WorkFlow.Model.Common.WorkFlowException: Plugin 13 loAD error.: Object reference not set to an instance of an object., at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.DataHelpers.SDK.SDKPluginsActivator.CreatePluginInstance[T](Int32 pluginID), at System.Environment (...)

(...) the instance. However, I don't really know how to do this. I assume that I can do this with a Global Action - Cycle Action. But I don't know which Webcon action I can use for this. (What I alreAD y have is a "BPS internal view" of all instances from the process. With this I could filter on the reminder date, but I don't know how to execute an action for each entry in the BPS internal view or e (...)

(...) Hello, our information security office has detected a log4j vulnerability. We currently have the log4j-1.2.17.jar version for WebCon BPS 2023 R2 Is it possible to uploAD version 2.21.1 according to the article https://kb.webcon.pl/security-podatnosc-cve-2021-44228-w-apache-log4j2/? https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/downloAD .html Will the new version of BPS include this type of fix?

(...) Hi Where can I find demo app to downloAD for webcon version 2023?

(...) Hello, While designing form I'm often getting questions about possibility to set some AD ditional description to the field. I'm usually talking about the tooltip, but it requires the action of end user - he have to willingly hover on the (ℹ️) icon, to display the message, and there is no guarantee, that he will see it. Right now it ends with creating HTML field with some description near the f (...)

(...) I have a question: How to create a field/attribute with only the time selection (without the date)? Thank you in AD vance for your help

(...) Hi all! I want to remove all element privileges on workflow element level (= all users assigned with AD d privileges action) from certain workflow elements. Is there an easy (and maybe built-in way) to remove all these permissions without knowing the BPSId of these users? I know there is a table WFSecurities, which can be selected and filtered by WFD_ID, but maybe there is an easier way to d (...)

(...) i, I have a dictionary process. I built the report based on it. I can export it to excel. Can I customized this excel? On report I have 3 columns. In excel there are to more ID and DocType + heAD ers of the columns have AD ditional info about attributes from Webcon (type and guid). Can I modify it somehow that I will get only my 3 columns with only names in excel? BR AD am

(...) Hi I have a question. I imported a dictionary from Excel from the dictionary process and it duplicated the lines. I would like to uploAD this data from the beginning. How to delete all dictionary content.