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for POST

Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction The users of WEBCON BPS Designer Studio have a number of form fields at their disposal, thanks to which the forms prepared by them can take a variety of forms, and the end users of the system can easily exchange written information. One of the groups of form fields available in the system are Survey field

Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction Designer Studio is a powerful programming tool often used within companies by multiple developers engaged in unrelated projects. Since access to all the extensive functionalities of Designer Studio is often not necessary when developing dedicated applications, and unauthorized access to certain asset

  Applies to all versions; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction WEBCON has introduced a new tool, the License Activation Service (LAS), which provides clients with a comprehensive view of their WEBCON BPS platform licensing and registered license services data. With this tool, clients can easily browse their WEBCON BPS licenses and generate the files necessary to activate or

Applies to all versions, author: Krystyna Gawryał   1. Preparing for license activation using WEBCON BPS Designer Studio There are two ways to activate WEBCON BPS software: online and offline. Both types of activation can be done using the respective wizards available in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio's License management window. Follow these steps to prepare your environment fo

Applies to version: 2023.1.x and above; author: Marcin Smarzewski   Deactivating Licenses on Test and Developer environments Before mirroring the environment, it is recommended to deactivate the test or development license service (depending on which environment will receive the production mirror), Doing so will make it possible to activate the license service without assistance. If

(...) External Content by Daniel Krüger; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.3.76 The original POST appeared on: daniels-notes-.de   There’s no application I know of, which doesn’t use some workflow relations. The most common is the parent-child variant followed by data referenced from dictionary processes, which further continues with grand-grand-children with other data references. The p (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger;  February 13, 2024 ; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.3.29 The original POST has appeared on daniels-notes.de WEBCON BPS has a series of safety mechanisms preventing the accidental deletion of crucial elements. This POST provides a checklist of "to-do" items whenever there's a need to delete a complex application, which usually consi (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; March 11, 2024; WEBCON BPS 2023.1.3.76 The original POST has appeared on daniels-notes.de This POST provides a solution to extracting the latest comments in the standard "Comment" field on the form. The issue with this Last comment text variable is, that’s always the latest added comment, regardless of how old it may be. Here&# (...)

(...) External content provided by Daniel Krüger; April 11, 2024; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.3.118 Full POST : https://daniels-notes.de/POST s/2024/playwright-part-two The video show cases the changes to the previous part and will give you how Playwright could be useful. Changes: Tab support Collapsed group support Provide step id instead of the title to verify it Defi (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; March 31, 2024 ; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.3.118 The original POST has appeared on daniels-notes.de A colleague introduced me to Playwright from Microsoft. This is a tool you can use for automating UI testing.  If you have no idea, what this means, imagine the following: You have an approval workflow. Person one provides some (...)

(...) External content by Maksymilian Stachowiak; 16.04.2024   There are still some places where low-code has identical challenges as code, one of those issues is Magic Numbers. This POST is rather for beginners, those starting their WEBCON journey. It focuses on the importance of using Constants instead of typing numbers directly in filters, rules, and queries. This leads to easier maintenance (...)

  Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction With the release of the 14th cumulative update (CU14) for Microsoft Exchange Server 2019, there has been a revision in the approach to the Extended Protection feature. As a result, the feature, previously optional in earlier update packages, is now automatically enabled by default during in

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger;  October16, 2023 ; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.2.44, 2022.1.4.155 The original POST has appeared on daniels-notes.de If you ever used a condition to mark cells in a larger item list and had "Single row edit" activated, you may have been confused which cell is required. In this POST you will: See one solution to add a grid (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; May 5, 2024 ; WEBCON BPS Version: 2023.1.3.118 The original POST has appeared on daniels-notes.de I've finished a new POST about using Playwright with WEBCON BPS. As I needed to add support for more field types, I didn't want to define the test data for each step and field type on my own.  Therefore, I focused this time on gen (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; November 10, 2021 ;  The original POST has appeared on daniels-notes.de Even so this POST is old but inI regard to a current forum POST I think it's worth to mention it. It describes: The differences between saving a workflow instance using the save action and a save path. How to simulate a save menu action, in case of a new workfl (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; April 18, 2024 ;  The original POST has appeared on daniels-notes.de Did you ever wanted, to navigate up to a parent or grant parent workflow instance? Then you may find the linked POST interesting. READ MORE: HERE

Applies to version: 2023.1.x and above; author: Michał Bednarz   Introduction The feature to install WEBCON BPS modules in containers was added in version 2023 and has been described here. Now that the platform can be run based on container services, we can employ various modern services like Kubernetes to launch and manage our application.   Requirements W

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; May 26, 2024 ;  The original POST has appeared on daniels-notes.de While you get a lot of results if you search for translations, there's not an overview of the different topics. Therefore, I compiled a list on my own and provided additional information wherever necessary.  Covered topics are: User interface Data Emails Enforce o (...)

(...) an be found in the article: HTTP headers in WEBCON BPS.   CSRF Protection Protection against CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery, XSRF) works by checking the Origin and Referrer headers in POST invocations from the user’s browser. A correct configuration should protect all endpoints where a user is authenticated based on cookies provided by the browser. As for headers which are (...)

​Applies to version: 2022.1.x and above, author: Krystyna Gawryał This is an updated version of the article: Outlook Modern – installation and use   Introduction Microsoft Outlook is one of the basic tools used by office workers. Outlook Classic and Outlook Modern add-ins are responsible for its integration with WEBCON BPS Portal. They allow users to access their tasks