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(...) system is the ability of using the REST API interface. API is the basic method of data exchange between two systems and it is often used both to download data and transfer it from WEBCON BPS to other application s (e.g. data transfer to the vacation system). For more information about examples of using API see Examples of using REST API. This article describes the “Invoke REST Web service” acti (...)

(...) to get data from the external systems. Standard WEBCON BPS functionalities allow for their configuration and use without the need to know programming languages, which facilitates the creation of new application s.

(...) ithub.io/oauth2-proxy/docs/configuration/oauth_provider#azure-auth-provider. The website operation can be verified by going to the address in the browser. The running application should display the following content:     2. Docker (Linux) To run oauth2-proxy in the container first, create the „oauth2-proxy.cfg” file – it may be the (...)

(...) e new constant   This constant should be used in the fragment of the global template containing the link to the instance.   The URL structure: {Portal URL}/db/{database ID}/app/{application ID}/instance/{ID instance} where: Portal URL – the WEBCON BPS URL address -> http://URLaddress/ Database ID – the WEBCON BPS Portal database ID (usually it will be number 1) (...)

(...) e is an extension of the HTML form fields article.    Global functions In the HTML form field configuration, there are several functions for general information about the application and the process.   Fig. 1. Global functions in the HTML form field   application – ID or Name Process – ID or Name Workflow – ID or Name Form typ (...)

(...) the previously set password:   $Cred = Get-Credential $Url = "http://solr:8983/solr/admin/authentication" $headers = @{     'Content-type' = 'application /json' } $Body = "{'set-user' : {'WEBCON_BPS' : 'HASŁO'}}" Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri $url -Credential $Cred -Body $body -headers $hea (...)

(...) ID The configuration uses the GET method and the previously defined connection to Graph -> Integration with ADD using REST invoke method and Microsoft Graph. Setting the connection to the application created in Graph – in the “Authentication” tab   Fig. 5. The “Authentication” tab   Setting the URL to the resource of the employee select (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik   Introduction The form menu in WEBCON BPS allows you to define additional options available at the top of the form of a given application . Except for standard options such as “New”, “Save”, “Refresh” or “Delete”, you can also control the workflow paths directly from here. This article des (...)

(...) ase of changing privileges, if you select Designer Studio administrator as the source user – they will also lose system privileges. When using WEBCON BPS Cloud Platform, apart from assigning application privileges – you must also assign licenses to the user from the level of administration tools on the portal.

(...) earn how to hide a group of form fields based on the value of one of the form fields.   What does the solution look like when implemented? In this article, we assume you already have an application for handling Cases. If you do, open it and follow the tutorial. If you don’t have it, you can still replicate the steps we explain in another application you have available. In your applica (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik WEBCON BPS compact forms adapt the application 's main form to work on mobile devices and small screens. The compact appearance may differ from the main form in the layout, order of the fields, and other aspects. When you create an application with the main form on the WEBCON BPS platform, the system automatically creates its compact version. It c (...)

(...) when the value exceeds 1,500 Coloring the item list's background helps the user spot values that widely differ from the accepted range of values.  This is one of the methods that the application designer can use to speed up the analysis of data in item lists.

(...) N BPS reports. They are created by adding a new column in the report and then inserting a SQL  formula. They allow the report to be supplemented with additional fields that are not present in an application . A calculated column only works within a given report.   Creating calculated column After opening the report in which you want to add a column, press the settings button, and then go to (...)

(...) earn how to configure a button that starts a workflow from the form.   The scenario Let us start by showing you how it works once configured. We will use the "Task assignment" application , Here you can download it for free.  In this application , a task (or subtask) is asigned at the "In Progress" step. Then, it can be started by pressing a button on the form. (...)

(...) ng the connection in Designer Studio, you have many actions at your disposal that allow you to create sites and operate on lists. This article describes actions that enable linking the WEBCON BPS application with the content on SharePoint Online. Below you can see an overview of the actions we are going to discuss.   Fig.1 List of all available SharePoint actions Using WEBCON BPS De (...)

(...) click from a WEBCON BPS form. If you want to learn about other out-of-the-box actions that use your SharePoint content in WEBCON BPS, go here.  We will show the configuration on a free WEBCON application that you can download from here: Investments (webcon.com)   Defining the connection Before starting the action configuration, you must create a connection to the existing SharePoint&nbs (...)

(...) mary Data import to the item list form field allows you to speed up the process of entering multiple data. The properly prepared data files from other systems allow you to store information in one application form.

(...) need to be processed in the specified HotFolders.   Summary HotFolders enable the efficient implementation of many processes in the organization. If you have many different specialized application s, you can create many configurations of HotFolders to support them. By properly configuring network scanners, you can define what processes will be launched from which scanner code. As you can see, W (...)

(...) er. However, the BPS users list will not be automatically synchronized with that provider. After adding the user to the BPS users list, the system administrator must grant them access to the required application (s) and process(es). In the case of WEBCON BPS Cloud, the administration panel is also used to manage user licenses.   Business case To explain how to use the BPS users list, we ha (...)

(...) Applies to version 2021.1.1; author: Michał Kastelik   WEBCON BPS 2021 has introduced new appearance and display options that allow you to further customize your application 's start buttons. Read this article if you want to learn what they are and how to use them.     Hiding buttons    After enabling the Portal editing mode, use (...)