(...) .com/docs/2023R3/Studio/ConnectionsAndDataSource/DataSources/DataSource_RestWebService#3-superior-source This way we can use different connection for the "same" data source. This works fine for reAD ing data. When we want to write data so, it's not so easy any more. For example the "invoke REST Web service" will allow selecting one connection. This connection will be used without the context of (...)
(...) Hi, I'm sorry, if this a duplicate, but I'm not sure if I AD ded it alreAD y or maybe someone else. If selecting a value of a choose field from a data source throws and this causes an error, it's not easily possible to see the actual "request" which was used to get the data. There are ways around this: - In case of SQL and you have access to the server you could activate the SQL profiler - I (...)
(...) mail reminder after 5 minutes if the user didnt make and action or even if didnt yet logged and check the instance.., please note that im using a date field ( date and time) as a start date please AD vice
(...) Hi all, I have a question, in a report view like the one attached, I mean the right hand side where the outstanding tasks are, is it possible to intervene to AD d a description? I have for example an urgent request which is also marked on the form, is it possible to include such information in this view, possibly change the colour of the tile or title. Can I do something to make it stand out? May (...)
(...) ey, anyone have any idea why the problem appeared? Version installation: current -> 2023.1.3.76 target -> 2023.1.3.118 In changelogs there was information about changes as to the columns in the AD minWFEventLogs table. Last query from profiler: IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE Name = N'WEL_Details_Deprecated' AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'dbo.[AD minWFEventLogs]')) (...)
(...) hi there, kindly i need help how to resubmit alreAD y archived instance again to start (with same inputs and attachments) on monthly basis? i 'm thinking of cyclical action but struggled to configure the action please AD vice
(...) Hello all, Does anyone configured a Onedrive connection in Webcon? I'm following the topics: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/integration-with-aAD -using-rest-invoke-method-and-microsoft-graph/117/18 https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/AD ding-attachments-to-onedrive/183/4 https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/working-with-onedrive-files/341/18 But this is explaining on how to co (...)
(...) "Fixed values list" object types only. The need is to synchronize Webcon data with other systems, assuming Webcon repository is master. I found this article https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /2491 which states that there would exist /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbId}/elements/resolveFieldValue/{idguid}, but this kind of call results in 404 - not found error. I did not find resolveFieldValue any (...)
(...) where I fill in the default 'company' field. Based on this, I would like to create a report that will allow employees from company A to view only the forms related to company A. I will also need an 'AD ministrative' view that will allow a specific group of users to view the report from all companies simultaneously. Thank you in AD vance for your help.
(...) In the 2023 version, we have the ability to generate QR codes for each element. The mobile application has introduced a search by QR codes, which is very useful. I miss the ability to AD d QR codes to document prints from Webcon. It could look similar to AD ding barcodes in document templates. Thanks to this, a person who receives a printed document could easily find the right element in the Webcon (...)
(...) Hi all, Yesterday i upgrAD e Webcon to version 2023.1.3.118 and one things change. In workflow "Faktury" (Invoice) a hAD an action that downloAD using Rest Api information about working time of employee. Using this data, system fill table with invoice items (eg. cost allocation ). But in this version i get error that: "No exact match was found for:..." ("Nie znaleziono dokłAD nego dopasowania:...") (...)
(...) Hi, We have a client that uses sharepoint to work with documents, for contracts. There is an item list that is used to manage these documents (so far, only uploAD and downloAD ) and they would like to also be able to delete some of the alreAD y uploAD ed documents. There is a main folder for each contract and there are a couple of subfolders for attachments, depending on when they where AD ded. As f (...)
(...) ws and the complex tasks we perform. However, the mobile application's interface and functionalities do not always translate seamlessly to desktop usage, where the majority of our work occurs. The AD dition of PWA support would bridge this gap significantly by offering a number of compelling AD vantages: 1. Seamless Integration and Uniform Experience: PWAs provide a consistent and efficient user (...)
(...) "display:none" (see image attached). Where can I change this setting or how can I display the meta-information again? This has been the case since the update to version 2023.1.2.123. Thanks in AD vance. Martin
(...) I would like to start Flow and save it on start .. why? 1. I have got drop down list - pick signature from other flow then: a) filing the form b) invoke menu button (automation) to loAD item list ... but it works only if menu button is (to have it I need save flow - set Signature ) then it works but with out save and set signature menu button is invisible and can't access :/ if I start (...)
(...) Hello everyone, Is it possible to set the attachment function so that users can uploAD files in all workflow steps? Currently, in my app, this only works if the user has editing rights for this instance. But I don't actually want that the users have editing rights on all instances and do not want to create complicated rules, that then unlock the overall rights, but immediately revoke the rights (...)
(...) that I created a Data table and put the technical field as the filter. And when I test this I get a huge error message from the Query test. With that I think that I am either doing something increAD ibly wrong, or it will be a simple thing like a checkbox I am missing. Which of the 2 is it and how do I fix this? Thanks in AD vance.
(...) s point, the workflow encounters an error (Concurrency Error). However, if I manually pass the WF instance on the path, the field value is set correctly. I hope someone can help me. Thanks in AD vance. Error Stacktrace: Nachricht Fehler Setze Symbol - Fehlerhafte Rezepturen während betreten des Schrittes. (Schritt: Bearbeitung Produktion, PfAD : Ja) Concurrency Error Log Error code (...)
(...) Hello, I have STEP A and STEP B both going into STEP C. In STEP C I have mAD e a path called BACK where I've put as destination step "Back to previous step", but now I'm wondering if I can set up an automation with actions that will act differently depending on where it goes next, STEP A or B. Is there any way to do this? Thank you!
(...) AP actualization schedules have not been set. You can set it in BPS STUDIO, System Settings, Services configuration, Schedules == System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: No connection could be mAD e because the target machine actively refused it. (ms-l-***:8002) ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: No connection could be mAD e because the target machine actively refused it. (ms-l-***:8002 (...)