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for Configuration

(...) try value Country code (text) – automatically filled in the country code Is Poland (checkbox) – automatically filled in the true or false value   Fig. 1. The advanced Configuration of the Picker field   In the “Country” field select that the “Description” column will fill in the “Country code” field. Then, when changing the value o (...)

(...) -point number” type. The format of displaying these fields also depends on the browser time zone settings and the selected WEBCON BPS system language.   Date format depending on the Configuration   a) Date displaying The Configuration from Fig. 1. displays only the date on the form (Fig.2).   Fig. 1. The “Date and time” form field Configuration &nb (...)

(...) rom performing these costly operations for the processor.     To enable the correct operation of the SSL Offloading process with WEBCON BPS, add an additional parameter to the Configuration file of WEBCON BPS.   You can find this file in the standard location - „C:Program Files (x86)WEBCONWEBCON BPS Portal” or through IIS by selecting Server -> Sites -> WEBCONB (...)

(...) efining data connection and SQL query Creating a data source and using filters This article describes both approaches to use data in WEBCON BPS, differences between them, and problems of their Configuration .   Example data and workflow The article uses data provided by EMSI, Economic Modeling Specialists Inc. that contains information on the change in the employment structure in UK cities (...)

(...) ard code of the WEBCON BPS form. The best solution is to use this form field with the new form rules in JavaScript mode. After adding a new HTML form field, enter the code in the “Advanced Configuration ” section.     In the “Values” section, all JavaScript functions are available in the Configuration window. Not all are visible at once. Some of them appear w (...)

(...) field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. This article describes the JavaScript functions that are available for item lists in the HTML form field Configuration .   Functions for item lists A) Number of records In some situations, there is the ability of defining the number of records on the list and saving a result to the appropriate field. (...)

(...) ormation about WEBCON BPS Portal can be found at -> https://community.webcon.com/. Test all applications to verify that the logic and operation of the application have been maintained after the Configuration change. Changing the WEBCON BPS Classic interface to BPS Modern and breaking all references to SharePoint will make sure that the application continues to work after the databases have been trans (...)

(...) I see Examples of using REST API. This article describes the “Invoke REST Web service” action that allows you to use external services that provide their API.      Configuration The simple workflow has been created that will return additional information about a business entity (such as KRS number or address) based on the NIP number.   Fig. 1. The workflow (...)

(...) ta sources may cause a break in the operation of the service prevents the use of the form. Also, long interface response time will have a direct impact on the quality of using the form.   Configuration The form below presents the final effect. After selecting the “Country”, the field will be automatically filled in.   Fig. 1. The form     First, you (...)

(...) this way result in a final “A” grade.     Attention The presented example is only the presentation of the possibilities of the new WEBCON BPS functionality. The Configuration is not a model for the used Configuration – it should be adjusted individually to the needs and recommendations of administrators.

(...) c internet network and will prevent anonymous access to the WEBCON BPS Portal resources.       Tools use in this article nssm (version 2.24) – installation and Configuration of Windows services nginx (version 1.18.0) – www server oauth2-proxy (version 6.1.1) – proxy server that ensures the authentication with the external providers (Azure AD, Google) (...)

(...)  Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Konrad Wojtycza   The article is an update of the already existing article, it shows the Configuration in version 2020.1.3. For the original see: BPS actions - introduction.   Introduction Global form template Field matrix - basics Filling in field matrix Visibility tab Visibility - example Editability and requiredness tab Ed (...)

(...) emplate and keep the images and text in place (Fig. 2).   Fig. 2. Global e-mail template – logo on the right   The “Go to element” tile requires additional Configuration . In the “Global constants” tab, add a new constant that stores information about the URL Portal address.   Fig. 3. The new constant   This constant should be us (...)

(...) o version 2020.1.3; author: Agnieszka Burda   The following article is an extension of the HTML form fields article.    Global functions In the HTML form field Configuration , there are several functions for general information about the application and the process.   Fig. 1. Global functions in the HTML form field   Application – ID or (...)

(...) oadbalancer which is responsible for directing traffic to individual Solr nodes.   It is important to properly set up ZooKeeper Ensemble according to the Solr documentation -> Ensemble Configuration Solr is configured to pass the appropriate connection values to ZooKeeper -> Using the -z Parameter with bin/solr After starting Solr, change the security settings -> Enable basic authent (...)

(...) without SharePoint. Since version 2020.1.3., new functionality that allows you to manage BPS groups and users has been added. This article describes how to create and delete BPS groups.   Configuration The simple workflow has been created that allows you to submit a request for adding and deleting a BPS group. The request is sent to the accepting person who can approve or reject it. The “C (...)

(...) onrad Wojtycza   Introduction Task creation is one of the basic functionalities enabling the creation of instance workflows in WEBCON BPS. Tasks in the system can be created in the step Configuration on a given path or as an action that can be placed e.g. on the entry to the step. This article describes the “Create a task action” action, as well as the standard method of creating (...)

(...) es how to add attachments to OneDrive using the REST action. The simple workflow of sending attachments has been created.   Fig. 1. The workflow of sending attachment   Configuration 1. The Configuration of auxiliary business rules To configure the action of sending an attachment, auxiliary business rules have been created that will return the attachment type, name, and con (...)

(...) any different form fields, it is often necessary to scroll to the bottom of the form to go to the path buttons. A good solution is to add a list of the available paths in the form menu.   Configuration To enable the list of available paths at a given workflow step, go to WEBCON BPS Designer Studio -> Workflows -> Field matrix, and select the “Standard areas” tab. Then selec (...)

(...) dio, go to the Data sources tab -> Connections -> SharePoint Site Collection, select the “New” button in the menu, and set the connection details.    Fig. 1. The Configuration of the SharePoint Site Collection in Designer Studio   WEBCON BPS 2020 allows you to define connections to the following environments: SharePoint 2013 On-Premises, SharePoint 2016 (...)