(...) Hey, We've ran into another issue. Cloning a row which has the Choose attribute and then adding a value to it will result in a checksum error. If you delete the first element, it won't result in an error. Screenshot below shows the issue. Versions: both 2023.1.3.118 and 2023.1.3.131
(...) I have Actions on path ... Generate Word Convert Word to PDF delete attachment (docx) or more ... demands Appears during process ... I would like to select 1.2.3 Actions (right click save as automation) .. not like now i can do 1 to 1 .... or ... I could do Automation with 1 operation then pick it in "path" and then edit it and add more actions ... Maybe I'm wrong, but I do first acti (...)
(...) so the result is a Pdf only, are often used document generation steps. Unfortunately, it is not possible to overwrite an existing Pdf when converting a Word document to Pdf. So we usually have to delete the original, but I would prefer having an updated than a new Pdf. I would wish there was an option like the Mode in the "Generate/Update a Word file" to select whether to update an existing file (...)
(...) on or recommendation on how to avoid this synchronization issue? Is there a way to ensure that after converting to PDF, the original Word files remain in my OneDrive folder instead of being moved or delete d?
(...) Hi, I have a question regarding Substitutions - BPS_Config. In the Substitutions table, the SUB_isActive column is 1, even if the period has passed. If I delete the Substitution, only then it will be 0. Is it supposed to work this way? How can I see the active Substitutions? Thanks.
(...) Hi guys, got element with over 17k versions in history - it has been updated every 30 mins with a cyclical action. I would like to remove it completely, but am not able to. Got timeout using [delete ] button on element, as in the attachment. Also tried the archive action in button (removing completely from the database) with no luck as well. Do not want to remove it manually from DB. Any ideas how to do (...)
(...) h a column is not allowed in a report, but at least let me exclude it from the report. The only way to fix this is to change the column back to something accepted, like single line, and then you can delete the column and then change it to data row in order to keep your report. In this case the error GUID will show: "...Invalid column name 'SEL_SQLRow'." version: 2023.1.3.169, but I don't think the (...)
(...) Probably in 2023 is not present "used" in path "properties" ... I'm using 2022.1.4.404 and if i want to see where the path is used ... I need to "delete path" because: - in path - I don't have attribute property "used" - on automation is not showing where on path is used ... - if is delete d it show connection but there is no "link by click" to jump to Automation / form automation to path see (...)
(...) ID as 'ID Załącznika dziecka 2', a.ATT_WFDID as 'ID Elementu Załącznika dziecka', a.ATT_Name as 'Nazwa załącznika dziecka', a.ATT_Description as 'Opis załącznika dziecka', a.ATT_Isdelete d as 'Czy załącznik dziecka skasowany', a.ATT_Attribute1 as 'Kategoria załącznika dziecka', a.ATT_FileType as 'Rozszerzenie dziecka', p.DET_ID as 'ID wiersza rodzica', p.DET_WFDID (...)
Hi, if the browser window is small enough, the actions of the item list are collapsed to a context menu. It would be great if this popup would contain information in the DOM about the about the source. For example by adding a data-key attribute to the top element with the value item list and row.
(...) Hello, I would like to create a process that delete s all attachments from my current app. I selected option: Remove attachment and all binary data But when i look into DB: [WFDataAttachmets] i see the records for my given instance Also when i look into [BPS_Content_Att].[dbo].[WFAttachmentFiles] also i see records for my given instance Is there a possibility to delete , to free up space or so (...)
(...) a step which checks whether the synchronization is finished. As far as I found out so far a job get's added to the [UserSynchronizationQueueItems] of the current content database and it maybe get's delete d when the job is processed. At least I thought so, because the job got delete d some time after the BPSGroupRelations in the config database had been updated. Unfortunately, the [CacheOrganizationSt (...)
(...) : FLD:1374 8/21/2024 10:20:32 PM Warning: Variable value not found. Type: WFConfigurations, ID: 10814, Tag: FLD:10814 8/21/2024 10:20:32 PM Variables updated. 8/21/2024 10:20:36 PM Unused entities delete d. 8/21/2024 10:20:46 PM Translations imported. 8/21/2024 10:20:46 PM Import completed in 50s. 8/21/2024 10:20:46 PM Report generation started. 8/21/2024 10:20:46 PM Report generation finished. 8 (...)
(...) Hello, I'm trying to create a more complex delete of line function. To explain this briefly, I have a list, where I can't use the normal delete button. So instead, I'm adding one using a dataRow form field, where I call the JS function like this: deteteFunction(list ordinal number); In this list there is a column called IsOld, and it's values can be OLD or NEW. * If the line I want to delete h (...)
(...) ribute/Basic/Itemlist/ILConf/ILGenral then in sub flow if I use the same Item list then all settings from main flow are on .. But I would like to just allow for modification of rows data not add / delete /import .... At the moment I use 2 item list is it correct? or maybe is possible to change settings depending from Form ? I guess it is possible only by JAVA ... Am I correct??
(...) eleting, - Show actions column, - Show "Remove all" It is filled with many rows which in most cases exceeds the display range so the user has to scroll down/up between entries. End user wants to delete entries one by one with the deleting bin in the action column. But doing so the form is always scrolling down by its own to reach the Add button at the bottom (turning off the Add button is preventin (...)
(...) have sum of "Yes" in Item list if the field is ""Yes/No choice" sum I could copy to field in item list config but now I need: 1. do rule in item list -> to do action if row is added (cloned) or delete d 2. do rule in each item list column where is ""Yes/No choice"" type -> to count changing no. or maybe I do it wrong way ... :| ?
(...) mentDetails d CROSS APPLY dbo.SplitToTable(CAST(d.{DCNCOL_NAME:1173} AS NVARCHAR(MAX)), ';') AS ST WHERE d.DET_WFCONID = {WFCON:3749} AND d.DET_WFDID = {WFD_WFDID} AND d.DET_Isdelete d = 0 ORDER BY d.DET_WFDID;
(...) I try to find option to trigger refresh button in "data table" . OK I can click arrow .. but I would like to refresh to have no data ... So I have form rule when some field value is changed (delete d) then is clearing fields but not reloading whole form ... so because data is not saved or the full form is not reloaded ... the data table stays with "old data" - i can click refresh and then will be (...)
(...) , d.{DCNCOL:1132} AS 'Tytuł raportu 8D', d.{DCNCOL:1131} AS 'Norma', d.{DCNCOL:1128} AS 'Punkt normy', d.{DCNCOL:1126} AS 'Opis', d.{DCNCOL:1133} AS 'Załącznik', d.DET_Isdelete d AS 'czy skasowany' FROM WFElementDetails d WHERE d.DET_WFCONID = {WFCON:3700} -- ID listy pozycji AND d.DET_Isdelete d = 0 -- Filtr dla nienaruszonych pozycji AND d.DET_WFDID (...)