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for api

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Tomasz Słuszniak   One of the methods to start a bpm workflow in WEBCON BPS is to use REST api BPS. It can be especially useful in situations such as: Data exchange between different WEBCON BPS instances – e.g., there is an internal application for your organization and a public application available for your clients. Data (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Marcin Wołosz   Introduction Authentication Use of REST api Summary     Introduction The WEBCON 2019 version introduced the possibility of using REST api technology to create programming integration solutions with the system. The REST api provides full support and allows you to start new workflow instances, t (...)

(...) add support for more field types, I didn't want to define the test data for each step and field type on my own.  Therefore, I focused this time on generating the form data using the REST api . After all, we already have the workflow steps, field, and field matrix, why should we define this again for Playwright? :) What has happened: I focused on PowerShell this time for accessing (...)

(...) fic environments or a lack of appropriate privileges. With the 2024 R1 release, functionality was introduced that allows application import operations to be automated and executed using the public api in Portal. This article describes this functionality and all accompanying system changes.   Application for automatic import The introduction of the functionality involved the preparati (...)

(...) External content by Daniel Krüger; July 15, 2024 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de WEBCON BPS 2024 added a public api to import applications. WEBCON made this easy by providing a command line utility which is described in the knowledge base article Importing applications using the public api : Since I want to use the api in another use case I needed to play aroun (...)

External content by Daniel Krüger; January 24, 2025 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de I wasted quite a lot of time when setting up an App registration to upload documents to SharePoint using REST actions in WEBCON.  Since WEBCON BPS 2025 does not support certificate authentication I had to persuade SharePoint to allow Client id/secret authentication. 

External content by Daniel Krüger; July 20, 2024;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de   Should we import applications via an application instead of the Designer Studio? In my opinion yes. But this is mainly influenced from a partner perspective who has to deploy the same process to multiple customers who require that these kind of things are documented. Wh

(...) Hello! Is there anyone who could help me figure out how to call an external REST api from behind a corporate proxy? I manage to successfully call it using Postman application installed on the server where Webcon is installed. However, when the same call is made from Webcon, it doesn't work. I'm using the POST method of the "Invoke REST Web service" action on a menu button. If I enable "Use proxy" in (...)

(...) When adding or updating elements via Rest api , for picker fields it is required to provide Id and name. Quite often the name is known, but not the id. As picker fields are usually based on datasources, it would by great, when the api would be extended with methods to query datasources. There should be at least two methods: 1) getting a list of all available datasources (overall / by application) (...)

Hello everyone! Have u stumble upon this error when u make a request through the action and map the body on a field? In the body field as mentioned in the picture should be the body , the json but, is shown the type of collection ( System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object] )

(...) Hi all! Does anyone configured a start worflow in sharepoint using an api ? I've following the tutorial video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3hC1fAjvAk) to start a subworkflow using MS Flow (now called Power Automate) but when I need to configure the Get Token Action I only have the options in the picture and they are premium. Anyone with ideas? Using the json in the column of the item (...)

In WEBCON the development is so fast and agile that it started to create bottlenecks in the deployment activity. We are using Azure DevOps and it would be great if some kind of pipeline could be created in order to start and deploy things in an automated manner.

(...) t i extended our powershell cmdlets with a use weblogin feature. Fiddler and a bit of research in the web provided the right approach quite fast. Authentication works fine, but when using the rest api i receive an "invalid scope" exception. Seems that the rest api is only working with registered apps. Would be super cool having the possibility to grant permissions for using the rest api als (...)

(...) Hello, just struggeling with setting up the REST api to create new elements from external app. It works fine in application context but I do not find a suitable guide on how to do this in user context. Do I have to enter the username and user e-mail-address in the mask as I assume? What is the "Authorized Redirect URIs" good for and where do I get this from? And: What is the main purpose (...)

(...) Hi, I haven't realized before that the REST api doesn't contain any information about the database column. I agree in most cases this is of no use and would only create unnecessary traffic. There's one use case though were one needs it. When you read the metadata information so that you can provide a configuration option in another system to start a workflow using the URL parameters: ...?com_i (...)

(...) Hi tehre, quick question: Somewhere in my notes I saw this string but I can't recall what it points to: /api /nav/db/1/attachments/4/preview?hash=0 In other words, I seem to remember that at some point this link displayed a preview image that was uploaded somewhere. But I don't know by which means an attachment was uploaded to this path. Right now, calling this link throws: {"type":"h (...)

(...) Hi everyone, the start new element api has the mode parameter with the following description: mode String($int32) (query) Optional mode parameter that specifies validation behavior. When empty or standard, all fields will be validated. When set ignoreReadonly, readonly fields won't be set but no error will be returned. Admin value allows to edit readonly fields, but requires admin permissions (...)

(...) Hello, I have a question. I'm a Webcon admin. I am trying to test api and I get this error response from Webcon api : { "type": "InsufficientAccountPermissions", "description": "Global admin permissions required", "errorGuid": "54d9ccb7-183e-484f-ba73-7f1d0d8ec794" } my endpoint in request via POSTMAN /api /data/beta/admin/db/1/businessentities my Webcon verion is: 2021.1.5 (...)

(...) Hi all! I am wondering if there is a way to filter a view with Webcon REST api . So instead of getting all view rows on my client and filtering the result with C# and LINQ, there should be a better option than that. ODATA does not seem to be implemented yet. Maybe I overlooked something or is it planned to add ODATA or some other filtering options to REST api ? Thanks a lot in advance & (...)

(...) Hi all! I noticed that OData support has been added to REST api 2022.1.4.xx. I only found one document, which is located here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/odata-format-in-webcon-bps/346 This document is related to the usage of OData in PowerBI. What we really need is the ability to filter views with OData and REST api . Is that one already implemented and if so, where can I fin (...)