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for form rule

Hello everyone, I need your assistance with something. I am currently working on a Business Rule that should return a value using SQL. The Business Rule needs to be as universal as possible, and I want to pass two parameters to the SQL query. So far, so good. The issue is that I want to pass the same form field as a parameter twice: once as a value and once as a "column name" (essentially as

(...) es is not used to assign tasks because these have been assigned to the department and project managers. For more information, see Task assignment - business rules. The use of postbacks and form rule s is one method of implementing the automatic column completion based on others. You can use the floating-point number as a form field.   Fig. 2. The conversation factor is 0.2 of the r (...)

(...) ount PLN” represents the net value of an invoice in PLN (at the exchange rate of the selected currency on the date of the invoice). This field is set by the “Set Nett Amount in PLN” form rule which uses the “Nett amount in PLN” business rule. The business rule returns a floating-point number calculated with an SQL query. The SQL query returns the result of multiplying the v (...)

Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Józef Cyran   The idea of the application For this article we will implement a simple system for dividing up tasks between a group of users, based on the following principles: The task will go to the user with the least amount of tasks If multiple users are tied for the fewest number of tasks, one of them is randomly a

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza   Introduction Nesting business rules in the form rule s allow you to refer to data contained in Active Directory or external data sources. This extends the functionality of form rule s and allows you to use data outside the form when defining the process logic.   Execution of a form rule for a specific group of users (...)

(...) ; Fig. 1. The magazine is available for editing only at the registration and opened step     Form fields   Fig. 2. The total amount of products is set by form rule s executed on value change   Fig. 3. The quantity of products is set by form rule s executed on value change   Fig. 4. Instance representing the warehouse   The (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Franciszek Sakławski   Introduction In WEBCON BPS version 2020, the support for digital signatures has been enhanced by preparing plugins (SDK – Software development kit) that enable digital signing of documents. Four plugins have been prepared that allow for integration with external digital signature providers: Adobe

(...) uo; field   Let’s configure the “Picture selection” field to clear the “Picture” field value. Go to the “Style and behavior” tab and in the “form rule to be executed on value change” fill in the rule defined below:   Fig. 11. The form rule that clears the “Picture” field   Then go to the “Picture&rd (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.x, author: Dawid Golonka   Keyboard shortcuts are a tool that can greatly enhance your working experience. WEBCON BPS Designer Studio gives you the ability to access some functions by using the keys. This article describes what combinations are available, where they can be used and what they are responsible for.   Keyboard shortcuts available in

Applies to version 2020.1.x, author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction When creating support for business processes in WEBCON BPS, it is important to remember that even the simplest workflow with a minimum number of steps and form fields will be reflected in the database – all of its instances and settings are represented in the content database – which is the main place

(...) urther down the workflow. WEBCON BPS gives access to multiple avenues of form validation: RegEx, ‘Validate form’ action, and the one we will be taking a closer look at– setting up a form rule on the path. This article describes the use of this functionality.   Description the functionality During configuration the workflow path, in the “Parameters” tab there is a (...)

(...) he side menu on the application’s page by using the “>” button.     Form view The mobile form contains all features of the desktop version including any form rule s that are used to modify the form e.g. coloring form fields. By opening the information panel in the workflow, you can open also a preview of the process workflow on the mobile devices.   (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Adrian Baszak   Important! Information contained in this article applies to the system version up to 2020.1.3.321.   Introduction Translation of process and application configuration elements is a standard functionality of WEBCON BPS. One such element is the humble e-mail notification – this article describes how t

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Marcin Pisarek     Introduction WEBCON BPS allows you to send customized e-mails to users. E-mail messages are currently an important method of communication, and the use of electronic mail accompanies us both at work and in private contacts. Very often it facilitates problem solving and speeds up decision making. There

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Piotr Poniedziałek   Introduction WEBCON BPS introduces a lot of new functionalities which allow for creating more complicated processes. In some cases, developing the process is related to an increase in the number of form fields used, although this is not always necessary. For more information see: WEBCON BPS  – l

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Tomasz Słuszniak   WEBCON BPS allows you to start workflows in several ways. In addition to a manual start by the user, instances can also be launched by the system using dedicated actions.   The “Start a subworkflow” action The action allows you to start a workflow within the same application. By using them

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Franciszek Sakławski   There are situations in which, after going through a path, you will need to go back to one of the previous steps of the workflow e.g. when the form has been incorrectly completed or you forgot to add an attachment to the instance. The article describes two basic configuration methods: Moving back an instanc

(...) on the selected step by using IF rule   Fig. 5. Configuration of the default value set on the selected step via break inheritance of the form field configuration   Using the form rule s To set the default value, you can also use the form rule s related to the change of the form field value. This solution is useful when the form fields are dynamically hidden or shown, or when the (...)

(...) of use: Entering the numbers of connected orders Entering amounts on the form, which is displayed in two lines Entering the bank account number divided into several values   B) form rule s that allow you to display/hide the “OCR Train” button     Examples of use: Selecting users responsible for marking fields as “for learning” The (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Urszula Słupik   Introduction Each WEBCON BPS workflow is a sequence of steps. On intermediate steps, there are usually tasks that must be completed by a user (or a group of users) before the instance may progress to the next step.   The tasks can be assigned in different ways: Based on the logic of the busine