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for html form field

Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Franciszek Sakławski   Introduction When creating the configurable e-mail templates there is the option to add fields from the form. This article describes how to add an item list and SQL data table fields.   Fig. 1. A list of fields available in the system   To enter these types of fields in the template is n

Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Józef Cyran   Introduction In the latest version of WEBCON BPS, the report coloring has been enhanced for additional functionalities (a description of the basic report coloring modes can be found here). There is the ability to go through a path without having to view the specific instance – just click on a properly

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Marcin Pisarek     Introduction WEBCON BPS allows you to send customized e-mails to users. E-mail messages are currently an important method of communication, and the use of electronic mail accompanies us both at work and in private contacts. Very often it facilitates problem solving and speeds up decision making. There

(...) n.com). Form fields description – a tooltip displayed next to the form field Path description – a tooltip displayed after hovering the mouse over the transition path Data row or html form field – are used to display information that must be depended on the completed form field values e.g. after selecting a specific option in a choice field or the description is to appear in a place ot (...)

(...)   Introduction In version 2020.1.3. on MODERN form, a new HTML type form field has been introduced which allows you to enter custom elements in the HTML language on the form. The html form field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. The best solution is to use this form field with the new form rules in JavaScript mode. Form rules in Java (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Agnieszka Burda   The following article is an extension of the html form field s article.    Introduction html form field s are available since WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3. version - they allow you to use all HTML language tag. The html form field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. The best solu (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Agnieszka Burda   The following article is an extension of the html form field s article.    Introduction html form field s are available since WEBCON BPS 2020.1.3. version - they allow you to use all HTML language tag. The html form field can be defined as adding a custom HTML code to the standard code of the WEBCON BPS form. Thi (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Agnieszka Burda   The following article is an extension of the html form field s article.    Global functions In the html form field configuration, there are several functions for general information about the application and the process.   Fig. 1. Global functions in the html form field   Application &nd (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik   Calculated columns enable you to display additional information in WEBCON BPS reports. They are created by adding a new column in the report and then inserting a SQL  formula. They allow the report to be supplemented with additional fields that are not present in an application. A calculated column only works within a given

(...) provider and granting the necessary privileges, you can start implementing the Microsoft Graph Toolkit components in the WEBCON BPS Portal. Microsoft Graph Toolkit components can be used in: html form field in the form HTML code element in the dashboard   Microsoft Graph Toolkit in the form field Using Graph Toolkit components in the html form field in the form requires a HTML form (...)

Applies to version: 2022.1.3 and above; author: Krystyna Gawryał   Introduction The wide range of form fields and features offered by WEBCON BPS makes it possible to create forms, reports, etc. not only tailored to the user's preferences, but also aesthetically diverse. However, if the user would like to further distinguish the information contained on the workflow instances or

Applies to version: 2023 R1 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction WEBCON BPS offers many useful functionalities, including HTML templates that allow you to generate PDF or HTML files and send custom e-mails. This article explains how to identify the item list and data table form fields using the GUID identifier in HTML templates used in the “Generate a PDF fi

I've overlooked an already existing user voice created by Markus. Hi, could we please get an option to define an additional .css file inside the theme. It could be similar to the implementation for defining the logos which can be loaded from an URL or uploaded as a file. Benefits: - We don't need to use the HTML field on the form level, like https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/41/15 -

Hi all, I'm trying to create an HTML field on a form that uses the mailto:-Tag. So in the HTML I put Message Support However, on the live form this string is appended to the Portal url's pointer to the app->form itself. Looks like this: https://webcon.finnova.com/db/1/app/15/element/57427/%E2%80%9DMessage Support This way it prevents from opening external links. Is this by design or

Hi, if the browser window is small enough, the actions of the item list are collapsed to a context menu. It would be great if this popup would contain information in the DOM about the about the source. For example by adding a data-key attribute to the top element with the value item list and row.