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for solr

(...) ur like this. Although there were a few bug fixes prior to version 411. I have the same behaviour in TEST and PROD. Just reindexed the entire Test-DB . --> Still no luck with the SQL-report. --> A solr report gets filtered, but it's grouping ignores the filter, plus I can't use SQL-calculated fields in these? Is this a bug or am I missing something? If someone can confirm this is working for them: (...)

(...) s case, but still on the entire value. It would make more sense to group according to the display option the grouped column is set to. Especially because i dont know how to do calculated columns in solr reports like i used to in SQL-reports. ;) I have attached a screenshot to make clear what i mean.

(...) Hi everyone, if you have applied a log4j version below 2.17 or before 2021-12-17 you need to repeat the steps: https://community.webcon.com/articles/security-apache-solr -affected-by-apache-log4j-cve-2021-44228/39 The version 2.17.1 contains a fix for a theoretical problem. If this could be misused, you already have a bigger problem. Source https://blog.sonatype.com/log4j-another-code-execution-bu (...)

(...) f you have secondary BPS_Content for only 1 process could be fine), but there are some examples on every environment that are in top 10 most highly recommended for index. And 4 of them are related to solr . You can find my 'research' results here: https://nexpertis-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/jaroslaw_dziekan_nexpertis_pl/EsIcZvxgjSJIrtGkGEJpVcABtvWxI57511tiTqDYHpD60A?e=ib6qHx So my question i (...)

(...) Hi, I'm trying to install Webcon standalone version 2022.1.4.84 and everything is going smoothly until it reach Search Server configuration. I filled host address, add passwords for solr and WEBCON_BPS user, then "Next" - here the green bar is moving and moving for 10-15 minutes but nothing new happens. The installer is not going to the next step. Is it normal behaviour?

(...) ome/ Safari/537.36 | href: | ex: System.InvalidOperationException: ServiceLocationProvider must be set. at CommonServiceLocator.ServiceLocator.get_Current() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.solr .BPSsolr ServerProxy.GetInstance[T]() at WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.solr Engine.Bpssolr QueryExecutor.QueryWithPerformanceLogAsync[T](IBPSsolr ServerProxy solr Proxy, String queryToRun, QueryOptions opt, Str (...)

(...) RecurrentActions Timeouts LicenceService WCFService WCFLicenceService OcrAi OcrTextLayer OcrAiLearn Archiving MobilePushNotifications UserSynchronization PersonalDataRemoval solr Indexer Import MasterQueue ElementsRemoval WCFCsomService -- Activation summary Service -MS-L-***- Activate roles ADSynchronization (for db: BPS_Content ) ExchangeRates (for db: (...)