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for traffic

(...) During a presentation there was a comment that the indicator (traffic light) icons are not easily distinguishable for colour blind people. It would be an improvement if the icons would have a different shape in addition to the colour. One idea would be a red square, orange triangle and green circle. In addition there was the question if it would be possible to provide a tooltip what each icon indicates. (...)

(...) n of the server hosting the platform. The use of firewalls and Reverse Proxy provides a security buffer in the case of e.g. DDoS attacks. Reverse Proxy acts as a physical buffer that filters external traffic , and takes on the possible effects of external attacks. Thanks to this solution, the server located in the internal network is not affected by potential attacks, or at least their consequences a (...)

(...) by the installer consists of one node. To create a high availability environment, you should prepare an environment consisting of several Solr and ZooKeeper nodes, and a loadbalancer that distributes traffic .     The number of created ZooKeeper nodes on the failure tolerance of N machines, calcucated by using the 2N+1 formula. The minimum number of nodes resistant to the failure o (...)

(...) EBCON BPS system often acts a central point that integrates various IT systems employed in a company. Thanks to its OpenTelemetry support, system administrators obtain valuable insight into the whole traffic and flows handled by the system. As a result, it is not only possible to monitor the whole traffic , but you can also track all the accompanying actions and operations (including the ones associated w (...)

(...) ng BPS Portal and BPS Service Linux Node Pool – for running SOLR Search Service   For SOLR implementation, it will be necessary to use persistent volumes (PVC).   traffic to the application is directed by an ingress controller with Cookie Affinity enabled. Additionally, we use a virtual machine running Windows as a terminal for creating and updating WEBCON BPS (...)

(...) there's one theoretical exception I would accept. You are run a single server environment. Use only local accounts. You only log in to WEBCON  BPS Portal on the server itself The traffic on the website port is blocked. If your use case is different you shuold use an SSL certificate. I'm using 'Let`s encrypt' service for my private environment. Using it with Windows I (...)

(...) ost has appeared on daniels-notes.de   In August/September 2023 I faced some timing problems of the global form rules. While searching for the issue I noticed that there was quite a lot of traffic . In a worst case scenaroy, I did transfer almost 10 MB of data when switching between tasks 10 times.   While the post is almost a year old, it seems still to be true for the WEBCON (...)

(...) o get everything running smoothly again. We uninstalled everything except from SOLR, and installed it again. The old databases are offline. Currently there is still an alias configured, that routes traffic that might go to the old SQL-Server to the new one, which is okay, but nothing we want to have to use forever. When i open Designer Studio on the PROD-Server, it still shows the old database server (...)

(...) Hi, I haven't realized before that the REST Api doesn't contain any information about the database column. I agree in most cases this is of no use and would only create unnecessary traffic . There's one use case though were one needs it. When you read the metadata information so that you can provide a configuration option in another system to start a workflow using the URL parameters: ...?com_id=1& (...)

(...) their storage on the end device and an unique number. Cookies may be saved on the end device of the user and then used by external providers of tools that cooperate with WEBCON in order to monitortraffic and activity on the websites. Types of cookies used: “Permanent” cookies remain in the Internet browser of the device until they are deleted by the user or until the period of ti (...)