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Hello everyone, I need your assistance with something. I am currently working on a Business Rule that should return a value using SQL. The Business Rule needs to be as universal as possible, and I want to pass two parameters to the SQL query. So far, so good. The issue is that I want to pass the same form field as a parameter twice: once as a value and once as a "column name" (essentially as an object value that I can transform in SQL with single quotes to something like WFD_AttText4). Thi (...)

Hello all, Do you know if the Search everywhere only allows to search for instances that were opened in the current year? Thank you

I noticed in Webcon 2022.1.4.404 if I do action "Send custom email" and the action is not related with "Action templates" then there is no prefix if action is saved as "Action templates" and template is using "default" Template - no prefix but if any Action template is using "E-mail notifications" template then prefix appears like: "[PROBPS#21293]" I don't know where I can configure it to remove or change prefix ... P.S. I have on " Deployment mode for e-mail notifications" ...

Hello, I have a question regarding attachments. Is there a way to remove the "[None]" option and see only the categories from the selected datasource? Thank you for your help!

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WEBCON BPS latest version

Current build: 2024.1.1.48

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Become the WEBCON MVP

WEBCON MVP - the best of the best The WEBCON MVP program honors the most prolific WEBCON BPS users, who by regularly sharing their extensive platform experience help us co-create the WEBCON Community and broadly spread the product knowledge across the globe.

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National Bank of Poland (NBP) currency exchange rates

The current way in which The National Bank of Poland (NBP) shares its currency exchange rates (via Excel files) is changing after 29 February 2024. After this date, the only way to obtain exchange rates from NBP will be through their API. The newest versions of WEBCON BPS 2022 and 2023 account for this, and to continue loading exchange rates, you will need to update to version 2022.1.4.404 and 2023.1.3.76 respectively.

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License Activation Service

The License Activation Service (LAS) is a new tool for offline activation of WEBCON BPS licenses. Read this article to learn about its features and capabilities.

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