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I have a choice field and it is populated from a data source with autocomplete activated. I want to limit the choice field to only the data from the data source. The user can't manually type any other text. How can I accomplish this?. Thanks

Hello all, Is there any way to use the same data table field but having different filters in each step? For example, on the start, I want the info to show request's open for the requester In the approval step, I want to check the request's for the project code belonging to the approver Is there any way to do this without having three different fields to achieve this? Thank you!

Hello, I would like to make a process where users can add rows to an item list on multiple steps, but be unable to edit previously added rows, except maybe certain columns on certain steps (eg. Completion date). I would also like to know if it's possible to make it so on certain steps, users are able to only edit already added rows, but be unable to add new ones. Thank you for your help!

Hi I have a question, do you know where you can set attachments in the flow to be expanded by default. After updating to a newer version, I have collapsed attachments almost everywhere after entering the workflow, which effectively confuses users. Can you help? Thanks.

Hi community I am currently implementing a process where the form is filled out by "visitors" of our company. (In short, it is a visitor registration at the reception). By law and for company policy reasons, we have to display a "Data Protection Notice" on the form before the visitor can complete the registration. By company policy, we are required to provide this notice in each country in _all_ possible languages. [We have the Data Protection Notice in 8 languages.] What would be the b (...)

At Webcon BPS, on the form's list of items, I have a checkbox field and a second field of dropdown(choose) type. The second filed - dropdown field retrieves data from a data base and allows for adding values outside of the database. The first filed - checkbox field determines whether the value in the second field is from the source or added externally. How can changing the value of the checkbox field affect the behavior mode of the second dropdown(choose) field?

Hi community! We need to add 'active' HTML elements to an item list, e.g. a button containing some Javascript to set a field value or a label with a custom tooltip on mouseover. Is that even possible in an item list, we didn't find any solution for this up to now? Thanks a lot for your input, Best regards, Nik

Hi community! We have 2 choice fields, first one is a dropdown (field1), second one has behaviour autocomplete (field2). Dependent on selection in field1, datasource of field2 (which is an SQL query containing value of field1) changes. This is working as expected. Picker search mode of field2 is set to 'Contains', minimum characters = 3. Regardless of what is entered in field2, all available entries are shown and are not filtered. Any ideas why this does not work as expected? W (...)

Hi everyone! I am developing a document repository. Has anyone come to a solution on how to record each attachment access by a user? Users will access documents that are already in the archive (finish step) and will not be assigned to anyone. In some cases I would like to know who read a document in pdf attached to a process. Any ideas on how can this be accomplished?

Is it possible to display a message to additionally inform the user whether he really wants to change a given field (at the selected path or all paths)? In order to emphasize to the user that going forward with such a change will have some consequences?

How can I copy the sum of points to an attribute when the list item has been initialized and is no longer being edited? The sum is only copied when the position list is edited.


Hi, I wanted to create a rule to validate if the current user is the assigned person directly or the substitution person. I was able to get the assigned person directly from System fields, but I wasn't able to get the substitution person. How can I extract, without SQL, the substitution person? Thank you, Raluca

Hi, I have found this article. I don't understand where should i define an additional row... (text fig. 13) Or i get error "column DET_Att1 not found.." https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/confiugration-of-the-item-list-and-data-table-form-field-in-e-mail-templates/14 Can you help? Thank you.

Hello, Is there a way to send an email with the values from an Item List. I have an app for products order. I have some Form fields: Project, Delivery date and Products (which is an Item list - with following columns: ProductName, Prince, Quantity) I want to send an email which has as Body the Item List's values which i have added. Is it possible? I have seen that i can Populate a word with Item list, but i am asking just for that email body text. Thank you.

Hello, I am a webcon beginner. Can someone help me? I created a Dictionary with the following fields: Company and Project. Company A can have Project 1, and Company B can have Project 1 too. When i run a process: i have to select Company and Project. But when i select a project, in the company field i want to see only distinct values of companies from my Dictionary entries for that selected project only. I have tried with function DISTINCT, but it didnt work.. thanks!

Hey there. What's your preferred way of hiding form fields on page load? In my scenario form fields should remain hidden, unless a form field rule from another field was triggered on value change that 'unhides' the target form field. I've been doing it the following way: 1. Make the field that should not be shown upon form load visible in the Field Matrix 2. Insert the 'Hide' JavaScript function into the main form behavior of the step 2. Create a form rule which shows/hides based on (...)

Hi Guys, I wanted to use the edit attachment function. Unfortunately, after invoking edit, I get attached messages. How to fix this problem? Best regards, Patryk

Hello Community, I would like to show or hide certain steps in the status panel in the form depending on a business logic. However, in the designer I only found a static (checkbox) option. Background is only the clarity about the process steps to be done. I thought maybe it would be possible to simply show and hide the container using JavaScript. Unfortunately, I have not enough experience in this area. Do you have an idea? I tried it once statically with CSS (See Screenshot). Thank (...)


Hello again, feeling a little bit like a newbie, i have another problem with ItemLists. I am playing around building a KANBAN Board with WEBCON. Therefore i would like to move ItemList-rows between my six ItemLists (Backlog, To-Do-List, In Progress, Test, Done, Blocked). After copying the row information to the new ItemList, i would like to _delete_ the old row(s) e.g. on the "UPDATE"-Path. HOW can I do that? I didn't find any information - except the "DET_IsDeleted" flag. I'm kind (...)


Good evening everyone, I'm looking for a way to get the name of an ItemList within a SELECT statement. I'm planning to build a way to move an ItemList row to another ItemList in the same instance. Therefore I need an autocomplete field with ID=ItemListID(DET_WFCONID) and Name=? . I'm kind of stuck. At the moment I can't even find it under (https://developer.webcon.com/2022/resources/db/). Anyone out there for a little help? Thanks in advance, Bjoern