Hi, I am trying to use WebDav in order to edit other types of documents (Others than office apps). I have installed the server side plugin and the client side plugins, but I have no idea how to enable any sort of edit button in WEBCON that would trigger the WebDav App. I have tried the demo in this website: https://www.webdavserver.com/ and works, but that only confirms that I have the client side plugins installed correctly. Thanks!
Hello everyone! Have u stumble upon this error when u make a request through the action and map the body on a field? In the body field as mentioned in the picture should be the body , the json but, is shown the type of collection ( System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object] )
Hello, I am trying to clear the contents of a technical itemlist which I use to put data into a word document. This itemlist works as a buffer and takes the rows of another itemslist which have with a YES/NO field selected as YES. The source itemlist always has different values so i need to refresh the buffer. I need an easy way to clear the contents of the buffer itemlist. Also, the buffer itemlist has to be COMPLETLY empty. I have found a solution but it leaves me a row with no data in it. (...)
Hello, yesterday, after installing the current Visual Studio 2022 Update v17.12.x (from v17.11.x), the WEBCON BPS SDK Tools no longer started when trying to open them via 'View -> Other Windows -> WEBCON BPS SDK Tools'. I've got an error message (I don't have a screenshot from this message) with a reference to the ActivityLog.xml file within the VS main program folder. On the ActivityLog.xml file I've found a System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException, followed by a System.IO.FileLoadE (...)
Hi everyone! After upgrading to version 2025 we noticed that the Advanced settings are not working in the same way as they were in the previous versions. The query that was working just fine before is not doing its work. Does anyone else have the same experience? If this helps, this is the query that we're using: IF ( /* Number of all child workflows */ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM WFElements WHERE WFD_WFDID = {WFD_ID} AND WFD_DTYPEID = {DT:494} ) = ( /* Number of positiv (...)
Hello Everyone Have you encountered a case of disappearing buttons at the bottom of the form - responsible for going through the path, recently I noticed problems with the font (bold text that disappear after refreshing the page several times) when displaying in Chrome. Now currently I am struggling with the problem of disappearing buttons (screen) for users. I thought it was related to Chrome versions older than 130.0.6723.92 but the problem also occurs on this version. A funny workaroun (...)
Dear WEBCON Team, this issue already occurred in 2022: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1986?messageid=1986 Is there any solution or workaround for this? Thank you & Best Regards, Lena Schmidbauer
Hi everyone, who's joining the WEBCON DAY 2024? Would anyone be interested in "gathering" during a break? At least I would be interested in seeing the persons and maybe WEBCON could take a photo to show the people behind the community. :) Best regards, Daniel
Hi all, I have a question about exporting data to an excel file from item list. I want this data to be already sorted after exporting to an .xlsx file. When the data is loaded into the item list it is sorted by webcon, on the form it is ok, but when exporting to excel the data in the .xlsx file is not sorted at all. Any idea how to do this?
Hi, I have a problem with process migration between environments - what could the error be and where to look for a solution? System.InvalidOperationException: No item type: WFApplications, id: 25 at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ImportExport.Mapping.MappingList.GetBySourceId(Int32 id, DbNodeType dbNodeType) at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ImportExport.Export.ExportManager.RunExportContainingRootNode(MappingList mappingList, ExportParameter exportParameter, IExportLogger exportLogger, (...)
Hi, Do you have idee how can I hide the item "Substitution" from menu ? I have the vacation request process and users are not allowed to user the "Substitution menu item" Thanks, Raluca
Hi, I am still learning Webcon and currently exploring the Webcon API. I would like to understand more about authorization, invoking REST methods, and specifying the path for importing data into the correct dictionary. I’ve attached an image of my sample script, which successfully retrieves SharePoint data, but it encounters an error with Webcon authorization. I would appreciate guidance on what specific steps I should take or modifications I need to make. Thanks and Regards,
HI Everyone, I see that you're using a SDK action to delete rows in an item list. I'm following Daniel's post to add the pluggin in Webcon but I'm having some errors while importing the zip file. What SDK pluggin you're using? Thank you all https://github.com/Daniel-Krueger/webcon_cclsactions/releases
Hey, I set up the default value 0 in column A of the Item list. How do you clean it by action or something on that condition where it is 0 then set an empty value in that row? A screen of the part item listed above
Hello all, I would like to ask if there's an option to send an email everytime that a new row in an item list is sent. Thank you
Hello Everyone I have a question and also a request. Does anyone have an idea if it is possible and how to make a reservation system? Thank you in advance for your help
Hello all, I'm trying to set up a report like the one in this article: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/new-features-of-charts-in-reports/333/35 where I want to combine a Bar chart with a Line one but I keep having errors on the rendering of the report. I want to show the sum of days in each step of the process (Bar chart) and the average Day(s) in step as a Line chart. This is not working. I don't have any filters, nor calculated columns. I've tried to create a chart with anothe (...)
Hi Community, for the reason of proper premissions managment I need to change the form type for 500+ instances. Obviously I would like to avoid manual work. Do you have ANY idea if the 'change form type' can be somehow automated? I need to change form type X to Y, no diferentiation whatsoever. Maybe some SQL? Changing WFD_DTYPEID in WFElements and WFHistoryElements will be enough? What do you think? Thanks in advance. Wojtek
Hi, Does anyone know how to do autosave after completing a field in form?
W designer studio chcę włączyć 'Obsługę modyfikowania obiektów w Active Directory'. Czy serwer, na którym jest zainstalowany designer studio musi być w mojej domenie? Przy próbie zapisu otrzymuje błąd dotyczący loginu i hasła, pomimo tego że są one poprawne.