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for tool

(...) the form and how to make sure they do it correctly.. A user should be able to discern what value should be entered into what field. In addition to thematically grouping form fields, you can also add tool tips with instructions next to field labels.   tool tips Thanks to tool tips on the form, a user has the ability to learn more about the form they are currently working on. In WEBCON BPS, (...)

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Paweł Drab   When creating large and complex processes, problems with workflows becoming too complicated can often appear, which can be problematic especially for end-users. To check if our process requires reconstruction and simplification, we recommend making an audit of such workflow.   Why should we do a workflow audit?

(...) Applies to version 2019.1; author: Łukasz Kraśniak   Introduction Form field, path, and task tool tips are a massive help for users to easily understand the concept of WEBCON BPS business applications. Consistently providing tool tips and task details across all your processes and workflows will teach users to rely on these elements to learn about their intended task. This help immens (...)

(...) Note: in version 2023, translations are available from the WEBCON BPS Portal interface and WEBCON BPS Translation tool can be used for older versions only. With the ‘as is’ license, WEBCON additionally provides an external tool , which exports all translatable phrases from a process to an Excel spreadsheet. This spreadsheet contains additional columns, named after the languages (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.3.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction Translation tool is the unofficial tool that allows you to translate WEBCON BPS configuration elements. Currently, it is not being developed because it is stable and functional – is compatible with the system from version 2019.1.x. Using Translation tool you can export descriptions of all configuration elements (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Piotr Piechowicz  To be able to use Graph Microsoft tool kit components, you must first register the appropriate application in Azure Active Directory (App registrations) and create an authentication provider based on it (the msal2 version is recommended). The creation of authentication providers is described under the addresses: MSAL2 provide (...)

(...) During the latest webinar Mike mentioned the GitHub tool for bulk data loading. Does anyone know where I can get it? I didn't find it on the WEBCON-BPS page on GitHub. Thank you in advance for your answers.

Hi everyone, I would be glad if the following changes would be implemented: 1. Adding the new Input placeholder 2. In case of data tables the display name should be used instead of the column name. This is especially a problem if the data source is a BPS internal view. WFD_AttChoose1 isn't really helpful for translating. :) 3. There's a slight labeling issue. The PathAndTasks sheet doesn't conta

(...) Is anyone else experiencing the issue? In my case it's ver. 2021.1.3.205 on webconapps.com. If I insert the tool tip text for a path it doesn't show. Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong?

(...) Automatic tool to check compatibility after upgrade to new version and reporting potential issue on new version. Steps how it could work: 1. Upgrade DEV to new version (small or big version) 2. Pick list of IDs from PROD (global admin or app admin). 3. tool is reading all attributes and follow on production processes to recreate all steps as user did (including changing user and their privilege (...)

(...) Hello, Does anyone know if there's a way of adding a tool tip to custom buttons one adds to the form? I have an item list with a datarow column. Inside this column I'm creating a button like so: Basically, I'm replicating the buttons from the action column. I know I can add the title="some text" to the button to have a default tool tip. But I'd like to use the built (...)

(...) Hello, While designing form I'm often getting questions about possibility to set some additional description to the field. I'm usually talking about the tool tip, but it requires the action of end user - he have to willingly hover on the (ℹ️) icon, to display the message, and there is no guarantee, that he will see it. Right now it ends with creating HTML field with some description near the fie (...)

(...) Hi guys, is it possible to display a dynamic tool tip/information via the description on a form field? I should display a value including VAT on a value field that has no VAT and i don't want to use a new field. e.g. something like that: "Amount incl. VAT : {FD:166} * 1.19" Is there perhaps another way to display a tool tip on a form field other than via the field description?

(...) vent preview   Fig. 6. The erorr description   Searching the error log content Copy the GUID of your error and select the “Action” -> “Administration tool ” in Designer Studio menu.   Fig. 7. Administration tool s   Select the “Log search (GUID)” option. From the “GUID” field copy the error identifi (...)

(...) e Employee’s card workflow but when creating you should consider whether in the future there will be a need to add further functionalities such as adding additional steps, contract documents or tool s using to the correspondence with the vendor.   Example dictionaries realized as a dictionary processes 1. Dictionary to store information about car fleet – the dictionary st (...)

(...) ment. As you see, the document was successfully configured.   Fig. 20. The form with the signed document   Summary Digital signatures are already an important business tool . This solution will only gain in popularity in the coming years, which is why it is so important to focus on this issue now. The workflow presented above is only an example of how to employ these new (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction WEBCON BPS provides tool s for visual modification of the end-user interface that goes with your system, like customizing the Portal interface theme to match your company’s colors, or inserting your own logo. In version 2020.1.3.277, the application color can now be selected from a color picker, instead (...)

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.x, author: Dawid Golonka   Keyboard shortcuts are a tool that can greatly enhance your working experience. WEBCON BPS Designer Studio gives you the ability to access some functions by using the keys. This article describes what combinations are available, where they can be used and what they are responsible for.   Keyboard shortcuts available in ent (...)

(...) matting options will be available to the user. A user can then select and use these formatting options when they are filling out the form field on the form. Also, there are available three predefined tool s sets differing in the number of formatting types selected. Fig. 3. The configuration of formatted editor type   Below, in the “Standard” tab there is the “Ap (...)

(...) quo; message and proceed to the ‘Deactivation completed’ second step.     Activation of the Enterprise license in our environment can be done by using two dedicated tool s: License management – the option is available in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio on the main menu     License manager – the option is available in WEBCON BPS (...)