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for data table

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Franciszek Sakławski   Introduction Apart from standard options for adding users to the system, such as synchronization with AD or/and AAD, WEBCON BPS allows you to manually add a user. All users added in this way can log in to the system via BPS Auth., be granted privileges, and can be assigned tasks in the system. To save time, you can us

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Mateusz Syrek   PDF version Disclaimer Every installation of WEBCON BPS is unique, and may face certain challenges not covered here. Therefore, this document should be treated a general set of guidelines and not universal dogma. The scenario presented here was tested and used to deSharePointize our Support Portal http://support. webco

(...) an be a “Contractors” data source – connecting the source from an external system can keep the data up-to-date. Another example is the use of API provided by WEBCON BPS to display a data table based on a report from the Portal. The use of REST data sources may cause a break in the operation of the service prevents the use of the form. Also, long interface response time will have a direct i (...)

(...) e comment can be added by the user who has the read privileges.   Additionally, if the data source defined for the form fields listed does not return any data, in the case of the “data table ” form field, no data will be displayed, and the “Data row” form field will not be displayed at all.   Filling in field matrix There is the possibility of mass setting (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Michał Kastelik The WEBCON BPS platform enables simple integration with the SharePoint Online environment and your SharePoint workflows.  After defining the connection in Designer Studio, you have many actions at your disposal that allow you to create sites and operate on lists. This article describes actions that enable linking the WEBCON BPS ap

(...) form),   invocations of rules responsible for visibility, editability and requiredness of form fields,   asynchronous invocations of form fields such as data table , data row, chart, pick box (along with the content of queries),   application report’s query content.   Each invocation has its duration displayed. &nbs (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author:  Wojciech Kołodziej   Introduction A dashboard is a panel that allows you to prepare a dedicated page where you can add various elements (called widgets) such as reports, task counters, or HTML code. Widgets are used to build a personalized application page in WEBCON BPS Portal. The ability to create your dashboards by using 10 widgets h

Applies to version: 2020.1.x and 2021.1.x; author: Dawid Golonka   Introduction This article explains how to enable the analysis functionality in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio 2020. When you edit a step in Designer Studio, you can open the "Analysis" tab to see how long the instances were staying at a given step and how much time was spent editing them. Thanks to this,

(...) ata" group where you must select the entry that should be updated. The entry is selected based on the "Industry" and "SIC_1" choice fields corresponding to the columns in the data table with the same names. It is possible to update data in the following fields – make changes and click "Update." Fig. 3. The fragment of the UK Jobs Change Update workflow form - (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Marek Suchowiejko Introduction Most applications supporting business process automation are created in IT departments. The key to success is the effective communication of requirements and expectations – the quality of the completed system depends on how well its specifications were communicated between the intended audience and desi

Applies to version 2020.1.x and 2021.1.x, author: Krzysztof Gawczyk Introduction This article explains how to create and configure reports in WEBCON Designer Studio and on Portal. You can configure various views for your reports to present data (e.g., use charts, tables). It is also possible to create one report with all tasks, and views for each step. In this article, you will learn ho

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction The WEBCON BPS system enables the synchronization of exchange rates. The available sources of currency data are exchange rate tables provided by the National Bank of Poland, the European Central Bank, and the Central Bank of Russia. This article describes how to download and convert the rates provided by the Eu

(...) correspondence form we want to display all instances related to the Outgoing correspondence and give the possibility to go to these instances using a link. For this purpose, you can use the "data table " form field in which the instance number, date of registration and date of sending the related workflow instance will be displayed. The document number will be a link to a given instance. An (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Adrian Baszak Introduction This article presents a workflow for checking user’s and group’s privileges in one place. It can become useful when having many deployed applications and roles with different privileges. This workflow may be used as a part of a larger group management application based on WEBCON BPS.  In the workf

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Józef Cyran Introduction The article presents two workflows, the first is used to plan absence by an employee, and the second to register absence requests (using wizard). A special workflow for creating absence plans allows the employee to plan the absence (e.g. at the beginning of the year), which will then appear on the Gantt chart.

(...) to save the current version of the form and cancel work on the card. In the employee's card workflow, information about the equipment assigned to a given person will be displayed in the “data table ” form field. The second "Hardware inventory" workflow was created, where information about equipment will be stored.   Fig.5 . Hardware inventory workflow.   (...)

Applies to version: 8.3.x and above; author: Przemysław Sierant Introduction The form field “Choice field” is used for selecting a value from a set list of choices (either predefined, or loaded from a data source). Until now, there were two ways of selecting these values: from a drop-down menu (default) and through a separate pop-up window (this option allows multiple value

(...) lic. The owner of the connection/source can also edit it. A new binding can also be added when configuring a form field whose type requires indicating a source or a connection (e.g., choice field, data table ). In this case, in the data source of the given form field, you can choose one of the following options: Attach existing connection or Attach existing data source.   Fig.6. Adding a da (...)

(...) ption 15.    Actions – actions 16.    E-mails – e-mail templates 17.    PickerAndSQL – all columns available in the picker fields and data table s configuration 18.    SubelementPickerColumns – picker field columns that are the item list columns The order of the columns is the same for each spreadsheet of the translati (...)

 Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Konrad Wojtycza Introduction Thanks to the Chart type form field, you can graphically present data on the form simply and legibly. When you work with a large amount of data, it will be easier to present it in a visual form – it will significantly reduce the time spent on analyzing information. The article presents the configuration