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for GET

(...) ot;Fixed values list" type was created:   Fig. 3. The source of the "Currency" choice field   The same source has been attached to the form field where the tarGET currency is selected. Business rules have been created, used in the form rules that perform the change of form field values, where the source and tarGET currencies are selected. The rule executing (...)

(...) ned outside the process (the process uses a data source, but the source is defined in the system configuration, not in the process configuration) can be safely modified after importing it into the tarGET environment. This means that when creating a process on the DEV environment that uses an external data source, it is not necessary to know the address of this source in all environments (TEST and PRO (...)

(...) mber of delivered orders, use the new For each row function. This function allows you to perform operations on each row of the item list and refer to the current value of the columns in that row. The GET row value function is used for this, where you select the item list and column you want to read.   Fig. 7. The rule increasing the value of the Orders - delivered counter for each row (...)

(...) a stored in the base – values of fields and choice columns saved in the database can be 1000 characters long. This limits the phrase length and the number of the translations themselves which toGET her cannot be longer than 1000 characters. Translation changes in the data source are not taken into account for the saved value until the form was saved with the new translation.

(...) between DEV/TEST/PROD environments. In other words – if BPS Portal presentation layer elements will be created or modified within the application, they can be automatically moved to the tarGET environment toGET her with processes and applications. Application export Exporting is done in the same manner as before – by right-clicking on an application or a process (which is a (...)

(...) in WEBCON BPS allow you to receive information about attachments added to the workflow instances, without the need to know the WFDataAttachments table structure and to use SQL queries.   GET ATTACHMENTS - returns identifiers of attachments related to the current instance, it can be a component rule for other rules operating on attachments. ATTACHMENTS COUNT - returns the number of atta (...)

(...) dquo; will be displayed in bold, like so:     When a value is selected, the contents of one ore multiple source columns can be written into form fields defined in the “TarGET field” section. Selecting a value with autocomplete will automatically save its components into the defined tarGET form fields.     The “Search” section allow (...)

(...) dio to remove the problematic element from the queue, or reset its attempt count back to 0. Wait for user decision - after the first error occurs, the processing of the queued element will stop altoGET her. You can then use the Reports tab of Designer Studio to remove the problematic element from the queue or reset its attempt count back to 0 (this will cause the service to attempt processing the el (...)

(...) ns – applications 2.    Starts – buttons starting the workflows in the process 3.    Dashboards – system dashboards 4.    DashboardWidGET s – widGET s on the dashboard 5.    Reports – application reports 6.    ReportColumns – the report columns 7.    BpsChartViewConfigurat (...)

(...) + + Selection of several values   + + Entering values into dependent fields (i.e. “TarGET field” function)     + + Adding new values to the source   + + (...)

(...) Step type – starting step, final step, positive/negative, system step, workflow control step Transition path Paths to and from the step, step location in the workflow, tarGET step(s) Optional:   Description on the form Description in the form available to the workflow users This will be shown to users in the “Task details&rdquo (...)

(...) quirements must be met for each element. For administrators It happens that in case of errors or changes in the process, an update of the already created instances is required. Quick paths toGET her with an adequate report configuration (view with adequate narrowing and display of larger number of instances on one page, e.g., 100) in numerous cases allow for replacing periodic actions with qu (...)

Applies to version: 2021.1.x and above; author: Michał Bednarz  Introduction As of 2019.1.1 version the application pool and  WEBCONBPS  IIS server is set by default. Default settings are not recommended for production environments. In the production installations, a change of default settings is recommended to  minimalize the Portal response time to the first HTTP requ

(...) ave completed the above information, click Save.   Acting on behalf of another user Immediately after logging in to WEBCON BPS Portal, the Substitute will see a special Act on behalf widGET . The widGET will be visible on the Portal home page and on the application dashboards where it is possible to act on behalf of another user. The data are presented by the replaced user along with inf (...)

(...) oft Graph Toolkit | Microsoft Docs The login component should be: <mgt-login></mgt-login>   Adding the selected components. The list of components is available at GET ting started with the Microsoft Graph Toolkit - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Docs. When adding a component, the application should be equipped with privileges required by the component (they are li (...)

(...) ist of privileges of the system administrator covers not only the possibility of selecting the recipients of mass e-mail notifications but also giving the recipients the possibility of resigning from GET ting mass e-mail notifications, by marking the “The user can resign from GET ting mass e-mail notifications” option, available globally for all mass e-mail notifications.   (...)

The WEBCON team works tirelessly to improve the WEBCON BPS platform. We constantly strive to fix any errors and make sure that our system always functions as intended.   Our latest major release is 2023.1 WEBCON provides full technical support for our two latest major versions. Important: Before upgrading from one complete version to another (eg from 2019 t

(...) order to check communication process and  inspect whether possible authentication is required. Along with the web service or procedure the Integrator delivers an exemplary message invocation toGET her with expected feedback message (either “an error” or “a success”). An example of the  message description  is presented later in the document. The Integrator de (...)

(...) m e.g. application reports, “inlining” will increase the size of these queries to the point where the performance will drop – and in some cases, prevent them from being executed altoGET her. Due to this, the option to inline scalar functions should be deactivated in WEBCON BPS databases. If WEBCON BPS databases have their Compatibility Level set to 150 or higher, turn off TSQL_ (...)

(...) al and signature the respective document is passed to “Awaiting for E-Signatures” step. To finish the process you need to configure the download document with its status action. On “GET documents” path add automation with the download signed document action:   Figure 18. Configuration of the download document action.   Most of the configuration is don (...)