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if you have a large form with numerous tabs because of to many fields the tab names may become unreadable in BPS 2025 on a desktop pc with 1980x resolution.

This could be a little bit improved, if we could render the tabs not only horizontally but also vertically. The question would be whether to display the content of the tab between the current and the next tab or at the end of the tabs.

Of course, there could be even other solutions to this, like how it is done in CRM where the "Tabs" are the top and the "left an right panel" are rendered.

In Business central we can define "groups" in which we can display important and less important information. If a group is collapsed "promoted" fields are displayed.

I will attach a few screenshots from other systems. Maybe other can share there ideas, too.

Best regards,



this idea is surely not for the typical WEBCON user but I think everyone of the partners has run into at least one use case where the standard form layout is not enough. Sometime because of some specific requirements or where we wanted to provide additional options to guide the users through a large form.

I also tried and failed creating an "advanced validation dialog". I wanted to display a dialog in which the user had to set some fields. I mainly failed because I couldn't replicate the logic attached to the choose fields and similar.

Therefore I would think we could improve the user experience in some cases if we would have a JavaScript function which would have parameters for
- field name
- parent HTML element
- label HTML element.

If this is the customer DOM
<div id="myCustomFieldWrapper">
<div id="myCustomFieldLabelContainer></div>
<div id="myCustomFieldContainer></div>

The function would be called like this

and it would create the minimal elements required for the field to be working inside the container:

<div id="myCustomFieldWrapper">
<div id="myCustomFieldLabelContainer>Translated label of the field</div>

<div id="myCustomFieldContainer>
<div id="" class="stylePanel stylePanelWithoutStyles"><div class="autocomplete-container picker-container"><div class="autocomplete"><div class="input-group-control"><div class="input-group-control__input input-group-control__input--disabled"><div class="autocomplete__control-row form-control autocomplete__control-row--disabled"><div class="autocomplete__control-row__input-wrapper autocomplete__control-row__input-wrapper--disabled"><input class="line-height-maintenance"><div class="autocomplete-input"><span class="autocomplete-input__inline-wrapper"><input aria-label="LatestChild" class="base-input autocomplete-input__input" disabled="" autocomplete="off" aria-autocomplete="list" spellcheck="false" value=""></span></div></div><div class="autocomplete__control-row__open-dropdown-icon autocomplete__control-row__open-dropdown-icon--disabled"><div class="webcon-icon"><i class="icon ms-Icon ms-Icon--ChevronDown ms-Icon--standard" aria-hidden="true" data-disabled="false"></i></div></div></div></div><div class="input-group-control__btn-group"></div></div></div></div><div class="typography typography-font-size-m typography-not-inherit"><ul class="attributeErrorsPanel"></ul></div></div>


I would "expect" that regular expressions, style and behavior, popup search, auto complete etc. are working. If the field is hidden either by a visibility restriction or a form rule the myCustomFieldContainer element would be empty.

Best regards,



this may be a duplicate but I'm not sure whether I have added it and didn't found anything related.

It would be great if we could display report tiles not only vertically but also horizontally (floating).

In addition it would be great if we could not only select a custom font color for the accent but one of the new brand colors in WEBCON BPS 2025. Than we could amend the colors based on light/dark or contrast theme.

Best regards,



depending on the use case / form it may be helpful to extend the option to place field names above the control from multi line fields to all fields.

They are already automatically placed above, if you are using a mobile/tablet , but this could also help when using a PC. Especially if you are using an other form template than 50/50 this may improve the UI when for "normal" monitor resolution and large ones.

You can take a look at the attached screenshot, how it may look like in 1920x and 3840x resolution. I only have a 24" monitor so the 3840 is faked and really blurry.

Best regards,


Hi everyone,

while it is not so easy to come up with a new navigation structure with folders and elements in these folder with WEBCON BPS 2025, I have even more problems with multilingual elements.

My current navigation is like:
Main start button
Active (folder)
History (folder)
Administration (folder)

Adding elements to the folders was pretty easy but I have no good idea on how to sort the elements in the folder, at least if you support more than one language.
While the "Configuration" may come up as the first element in the folder, the German translation would be "Konfiguration" and somewhere in the middle.

Ok, we would have had this problem already in all other versions, but it wasn't so obvious because I had hidden a lot of the elements in the "Administration" folder and the other folders are quite empty.

My idea for this would be to provide two settings on the navigation element dialog:
- Position is fixed
- Sort alphabetically

For example we could activate "Position is fixed" for all folders and the top x elements in the folders, while we could set "Sort alphabetically" for the remaining in the list.

Configuration / English layout
Main start button (fixed)
Active (folder)(fixed)
- Start main workflow (fixed)
- Main workflow (fixed)
- Child workflow (fixed)
History (folder)(fixed)
- Child workflow (fixed)
- Main workflow (fixed)
Administration (folder)(fixed)
- Dashboard (fixed)
- Often used element 1 (fixed)
- Often used element 2 (fixed)
- Report Child (1) (sort alphabetically)
- Report Main (2) (sort alphabetically)
- Report Settings (3) (sort alphabetically)

German layout
Main start button (fixed)
Active (folder)(fixed)
- Start main workflow (fixed)
- Main workflow (fixed)
- Child workflow (fixed)
History (folder)(fixed)
- Child workflow (fixed)
- Main workflow (fixed)
Administration (folder)(fixed)
- Dashboard (fixed)
- Often used element 1 (fixed)
- Often used element 2 (fixed)
- Report Haupt (1) (sort alphabetically)
- Report Kind (2) (sort alphabetically)
- Report Konfiguration (3) (sort alphabetically)


Hey there, this case has already been addressed in 2025.1. Here's the excerpt from the change log:

• Changed the default compatibility level for new SQL databases created during the installation of the WEBCON BPS platform. As a result, the previous compatibility level set to 120 (SQL Server 2014) has been replaced with the highest possible level, which, however, cannot exceed 160 (SQL Server 2022). This modification does not affect existing databases, which will retain their compatibility level of 120.



maybe I've missed something in the documentation,

but it would be a great option to exclude processes or form types from the search index.

Processes I would like to exclude most of the time:
- Dictionaries
- Document template
- Technical / helper workflows

There are even cases, where it would be great if a workflow instance of a specific form type would be excluded.
For example when a workflow instance get's "archived", we change the form type, so that we can configure different privileges.

Yes, we can restrict the access but that's not always possibile and than these workflow instances may pop up.

Best regards,


A useful option would be the ability to automatically revoke the reading entitlement that remains after a task is assigned.
Such an option could be checked on the task assignment action and in the task configuration on the path.
Operation similar to the option on the add permission action where the permission expires after the path.
