This idea is from my good colleague Sebastian Paziewski. When users enter many rows in item list the header is not visible (hidden on top). Maybe hearder could be floating when scrolling down the list. Or there could be a "copy" of headers on bottom of the list (when the list is longer than visible area of item list).
Hi, Adding new rest api user context in adminpanle , we can choose permissions to applications. When can chooses ReadWrite, but still it's giving possibility to overwrite element after creations. I think that good idea will be give new to of access like CreateOnly. To start only new element in Webcon, but not possible to overwrite by api.
It would be great to have the possibility to edit soap message header in a way the body is editable now. I came across couple of services (e.g. National Statistics Office in Poland) requiring secret string to be passed in the header element. So it would be good to be able to map field values to soap header element. Currently there is no way to use standard invoke soap action with this service. Thanks. W
Hi everyone, the start new element API has the mode parameter with the following description: mode String($int32) (query) Optional mode parameter that specifies validation behavior. When empty or standard, all fields will be validated. When set ignoreReadonly, readonly fields won't be set but no error will be returned. Admin value allows to edit readonly fields, but requires admin permissions. Available values : standard, ignoreReadonly, admin I would opt for a different/additional (...)
Hello everybody, we are working on a prototype to document defects. Therefore, we would like to use a new kind of form field: It should act as an image field to upload an image, but then act as a handwritten signature form field to mark something on the image. We tried that with the existing elements and it worked in a way. But the image scaling isn't really good, we couldn't change the pencil color and so on. So as a suggestion: Please combine these two form fields to create a pimped (...)
Hi, from time to time we have the use case that an item list row may not be delete under specific circumstances by the user. Currently there's no easy way to prevent this. One option could be to display "virtual" columns for these actions in the item list, so that one could make use of the existing functionality "column edit restriction". With this we could define whether the action should be displayed for this row like it is possible to define whether a cell is editable or not. Best re (...)
Hi everyone, I noticed on version 2022.1.2.31 that it can take a really long time to populate the target field of choice field, if the data source is a web service data source. In this case the data source is a REST data source and the picker field is of type popup search. Once I activated the diagnostic mode I noticed that after getting the picker results (1) the chosen value is validated again before the target field is set. In the attached image, to which the numbers refer, this val (...)
Hi everyone, have you ever imported a process and thought, damn I forgot to tick this or untick the other field? In my case this has happened more than I want to admit. Most times everything works fine but know and then you get disturbed and you make a mistake in the selection. Of course one could have a check list to verify everything, but even this will fail. So I'm wondering whether one or both of these ideas could help with this human error problem. 1. Changing from checkbox to a (...)
Hi, as it is not possible to delete unwanted business entities when there are instances with them being used in it would be nice to have a parameter to deactivate them to make them disappear in the BE-field.
Hello, current version tracking tool in BPS is pretty good, but i'm lacking one feature. Let's say we have a workflow, where i'm at version 1, i need to get some more informations, so the document is being send to another people and new versions are being created 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. After they will do their job, and i'll receive the document back in version 7 i want to be able to see all changes between version 1 and 7 (x, y). Instead of displaying incremental list of changes between, jus (...)
Hello, Lately I was thinking about SQL optimization. So I did this query on production environments of our 4 random clients. The query shows where probably we should be thinking about putting index, because of high usage of those columns. Of course we all know that putting index on WFElements with attribute columns is not a good idea (maybe if you have secondary BPS_Content for only 1 process could be fine), but there are some examples on every environment that are in top 10 most highly recomme (...)
Dear Webcon Community :), Is it possible to add sort option to "My tasks"? By default it is sorted by Modification date in ascending order. My proposal is: 1. It would be very useful if user can sort it by other standard fields like: Days/hours in step, Modifying person, Creation date, etc. 2. Switching between the direction of the selected sort (ascending/descending) would be great
Currently Webcon BPS does not offer an action to convert pdf to pdf/a. As there is a rising request for documents in pdf/a format, it would be great having a built-in pdf to pdf/a conversion action.
Hi, I have this situation: - one main workflow - 4 different subworkflows that must start in parallel and wait until all subworkflows are done. I tried with Start a subworkflow action, but works for a single subworkflow. I don't want to use hyperlink. I must enter on the subworkflow in the start step. Is possible to start different subworkflows from a main workflow with SQL? I don't have an item list. I need to define an SQL action for each subworkflow? Can I have an example? Thank (...)
When using objects in the code editor and hover on top of them it shows you the location (Very usefull), but it would lower the ammounts of clicks and speed up the development if by doubleclicking or rightclicking on those, the menu on the right would expand automaticaly.
A feature we think will save a lot of time for our developers would be the ability to double click the on the usages actions and open those actions in a popup. All kind of ussages (Fields, Busines entities and so on...).
Hi everyone, it would be nice if the description of a rule parameter would be displayed in addition to its type, when hovering above a parameter. Best regards, Daniel
Dear WebCon Team, we just updated to 2021.1.4.55 and recognized, that the so long working function "Attachments Count" does not work properly any longer on the intital step of a workflow as long there is no Instance ID. For Example I would like to validate if there is an attachment uploaded or not (see picture). If I do a path on the step itself --> Instance ID --> the rule works fine!!! I think it is a bug. Thanks a lot
When the user sets up a Subworkflow using the SQL version, it's not possible to save the ID of the instance created. This is only allowed doing other type of actions and most of the times returning Concurrency Errors in the system. This is allowed already in the Subworkflow normal version.
Hi everyone, I would be glad if the following changes would be implemented: 1. Adding the new Input placeholder 2. In case of data tables the display name should be used instead of the column name. This is especially a problem if the data source is a BPS internal view. WFD_AttChoose1 isn't really helpful for translating. :) 3. There's a slight labeling issue. The PathAndTasks sheet doesn't contain the correct label for object type 33. It should be PathDocumentation instead of PathDescription. (...)