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User Voice


Hi, Maybe it would be a good idea for a new automation to be created by default to receive the name of the element for which it was created. This would help keep the system tidy, reduce the workload for each time you assign a name,. And for people who prefer other names, nothing will change because you will have to enter your name anyway. Regards


Hi, it would really be great, if we could trigger the documentation generation for a whole application. It doesn't have to be a single document. It would be fine if this would just create a zip package. In this zip packages there would be the default documents for all processes. This would include the related processes too. Now I'm going back to generating the documentation for ten processes again... Best regards, Daniel


Hi, It would be nice if we also had fields of the time type. Some clients need to record, for example, the time of arrival and the time of departure, and this is not possible through standard fields. Thanks, Raluca


Hello, While designing form I'm often getting questions about possibility to set some additional description to the field. I'm usually talking about the tooltip, but it requires the action of end user - he have to willingly hover on the (ℹ️) icon, to display the message, and there is no guarantee, that he will see it. Right now it ends with creating HTML field with some description near the field, which in my opinion unnecessary clutters the form. My idea is that we could have some con (...)

Hi! Earlier there was a feature in BPS Studio to search in changes history of processes. It's not available anymore in BPS 2022.1.4. We miss it much. Is there any plan to make it available again?: Thanks!

Hi, in BPS 2023 you added possibility to mark business entity as active, which is great. What about to go further and add option to assign application to business entity? Adding an application to business entity configuration would result that it will be visible on business entity system field in particular application. There are cases that for some reason in some applications some business entities should stay hidden. Now to achieve it you have to build additional dictionares or small apps. (...)


Hello, lately I'm seeing myself using more often decimal attributes with 0 decimal places, just to get the possibility to set prefix/suffix. It would be great to have this possibility also in integer fields. At this moment there are two options, if we want to be consistent: * ignore that feature, because in integer fields you have to add te suffix/prefix in the name of attribute - it just looks better, when it's in attribute name everywhere. * overuse of the decimal attributes even for ca (...)


Hi, It would be helpful if we could update the rows in the parent instance from another instance (child instance). It would be beneficial to be able to update the parent's itemlist rows when we initiate child instances for each line in the parent's itemlist. Thanks, Raluca


Hi, it would be great if the "Download all attachments" would always be visible. At the moment it is only visible if: - There are at least two attachments - "Add and edit" is allowed It would be even better if the "Download all attachments" would reflect the currently displayed attachments. Current, Email or All Attachments. Best regards, Daniel


Hi, Adding a configuration option to the process for the selected environment, e.g. TEST, "Always import in deployment mode" This will eliminate the mistake of not selecting this option during import and will facilitate the import without searching for and selecting this option. Regards.


Hi, In DEV-TEST-PROD Architecture environment also containing multiple BPS Content Database it would be helpful to runas BPS Studio to the exact environment and exact content database. Then it would be possible to create .bat script to run exact environment, e.g. TEST to the specific database e.g. BPS_Content_1 The script "BPS Studio PROD Database 1.bat" could then alike below runas /user:Domain\Login "C:\...\WEBCON Designer Studio.exe -portalAddress https://abc.xyz -databaseID or -databas (...)


Hello everyone, My Tasks is pretty popular view among users at my company, but i'm getting more and more often questions if i could change the way it works. I really like the default feature, and wouldn't change it, but I've an idea that we could have an 'Selected Element Viewer' control in the Dashboard. I even prepared some PoC - you can check it out here: https://portal.webconbps.com/db/1/app/479/dashboards/75 Selecting item from the report on left, will update the view on the right. (...)


Hi, It would be wonderful if you could also introduce Romanian as the default language. It would be of great help to us, and many customers would be grateful. Thanks, Raluca

hi I have datetime type fields i.e From and To , i want to check in current db table (WFElements), if datetime exist or not between two dates validating on form submit path using sql query. Issue: all the time showing validation error message , My validation Sample below: select case when ( SELECT count(*) FROM [BPS_Content_Prod].[dbo].[WFElements] where wfd_attchoose1='{1189}' and (('{L:1191}' between WFD_AttDateTime1 and WFD_AttDateTime2) or ('{L:1190}' between WFD (...)

Hi There are some knowledge base articles where figures are not correctly displayed e.g. https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-picture-form-field/32 https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/wfelementdetails-table-description/34 and more. Could you please correct it? I tried various browsers, the results have been the same.


Hi everyone, the current option to generate word documents with the Word AddIn is great for a lot of use cases. We did a little PoC and we noticed that we could cover even more if there would be a "power user" option. The generation used the Aspose library which supports a template syntax. This allows to write code inside the word document to generate more sophisticated documents. Examples: - Instead of rendering item list/ data tables as tables in word we could generate "chapters" (...)


Hi, Blocking access based on login. Situation related to last webconaday :). Suddenly, there was a need to block access to the webcon BPS platform for a specific user. The situation was a bit more complicated because the user could not be deactivated at the AD level. Of course, it can be done, but it requires analyzing data, ad groups, places on configuration forms where such a person can be indicated as a functional person, etc. Maybe it would be good to implement the option at the admi (...)

Dear Community, You can set value for empty field (aka. placeholder) in Style and behavior section. Would it be nice if I could enable and set such placeholder value via function (like form rule). As an example, I create a form rule or define actions on change value in field. Changing checkbox field value (as marked, True) I'm setting "mark required" other related field. In such situation I could set placeholder value i.e. 'fill this field with phone number' suggestion. Especially it would (...)


Hi, it would be great when form rules would be stored in a minimized version too. This minimized version would be used by default whenever a form rule is send to the client in a HTTP response. When a query parameter like 'minimized=0' is added, the "full" version would be used instead. Currently the a JavaScript form rule will be bloated because line breaks are transferred as \r\n. Depending on the number of line breaks and form rules you are using, this sums up. Best regards, Daniel


Hi, the HTTP response for displaying a workflow instance contains all global form rules. It's ignored which kind of form rules are used by the process/element. The response should only contain those form rules which are referenced. After all, the exported process will also export the used/referenced global form rules and not all. This applies at least to versions 2023.1.2.44 and 2022.1.4.155. Moving these form rules out of the HTTP response for each element would have an even bigg (...)