Hello, Introduction: 1. right now WebCon BPS allows to configure actions which triggers on path, on exit, on entry (and of course on a few more) 2. sometimes process is configured to assign the task to multiple users, e.g. multi-approval (without subprocesses), e.g. assign tasks to 3 users 3. again sometimes business got the need that after every approval (finalizing single task) they would like to trigger some action, e.g. email after every single approval. in that case business desire (...)
Hello, It would be great if WebCon BPS could allow to configure application available only "via Browser", not visibible in WebCon BPS Application (for Android/IPhone) at all. Configuration could be on Application level via e.g. 2 checkboxes: "Visible in Anroid App" / "Visible in IPhone App". That solution would enhance Mobile user experience not be overhelmed via full list of application which e.g. mostly could not be foreseen/designed from form/dashboard level as Mobile optimized. Best (...)
Hello, I've spend today over an hour copy/pasting data between notepad and webcon into run subworkflo action configs. In my use case - i have to start 1-10 subworkflows (each having different start condition), with different workflows, and forms, but with partially shared attributes (marked blue). I'm configuring actions in new process, so i've copied them from existing process, to avoid refilling data about workflow/form/path etc, as those are same, but I had to change attributes (differen (...)
Hi, could you please extend the "WEBCON BPS System administrators" tool (exe), with a required field for the display name in addition to the BPS ID? I just spend about three hours hunting down the exception: Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String' at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.Checkouts.ElementCheckoutsRepository.UpdateOrTakeOverParameters.UpdateAfterUpdateTime Best regards, Daniel
Hi everyone, we had some racing conditions, when the users switched fast between instances in the task view or previews in reports. This was caused by form rules which used G_ variables which were no longer available, the view/desktop endpoint hadn't send a response yet but a JavaScript form rule from the previous instance was still executing. While coping with this I noticed that the response are quite big (1). About 50% of the 418 kb is the value of the jsToRegister property. Maybe we (...)
Hello, Introducting roles for managing BPS Groups: Global Permission Admin and per Group Admins it would be helpful to have feature to view the group members for every/configured users. It would be indicated per group - alike in SharePoint if group members can be shown to everyone or only group members - SharePoint.png (missing and desired feature marked blue) This feature with the links to the BPS groups described here + stopped working in BPS 2023 - hopefully they functionality will be ba (...)
Hello, Right now when selecting the date for date&time picker system by default setup the time for 00:00. If we want to change the time e.g. to 7:00 and double click the "00", enter "7" system says that format date is inpropper. We have to add 0 prefix to hour "7", so it is "07". It is one more click + one more typing. Allowing format h:mm or even h:m would be ergonomy enhancement for faster entering the date & time data :) Best Regards, Dominik
Hi, in an Azure Active Directory environment it would be great to add an option to the people field which would configure it, whether external /guest users are selectable at all. Default value should be false. A customer worked around this by limiting the selection to a BPS group and adding AAD Groups as members of the group. No external user was a member of the AAD group. Technically this worked fine, but it turned out, that the performance was effected dramatically. Selecting a use (...)
Hi, the API endpoint returns a list of all processes inside a appliation. /api/data/v5.0/db/{dbId}/applications/{idguid}/processes It would be great, if the result would contain a property to check, whether a process in the result is only a relation. { "processes": [ { "id": 0, "guid": "string", "name": "string", >> "isRelation": "boolean" <<<<< "links": [ { "href": "string", "method": "string", "rel": "st (...)
Hi, I think it would be helpful if the data row field, when set to the percentage type, also displayed negative percentages when selected. This would be highly beneficial for various processes, especially when we want to track project progress or profitability. Currently, if we have negative percentages, it shows as 0. I believe negative percentages could be highlighted with a different color. Thanks, Raluca
Hello! I think it would be a really good idea to be able to copy projects within Designer Desk. Currently, after exporting a project to Designer Studio, we lose all the work that could be used in the future.
Hi, In Webcon, it is possible to make modifications to the form at the step level. When the "break settings inheritance" option is activated, these modifications apply only to that specific step. For a more visual experience, it would be nice to highlight these steps in the flow, similar to how steps containing "on entry" or "on exit" actions are highlighted. Thanks, Raluca
HI, When installing Webcon, the SQL Server compatibility level is set to 120 (default). To use advanced functions like `string_split` and data processing functions from JSON, it is necessary to manually change the compatibility level to 150. These functions are essential in developing more complex processes. If we manually upgrade the compatibility level from 120 to 150, Webcon will no longer provide support. It would be beneficial to have the compatibility level pre-set to 150 during the (...)
Hi everyone, I've been working on a "to do" app and I thought that a calendar report view showing the tasks to be dane with their date would be perfect. In the calculated columns of my standard table report I have a calculated column with a red square for an overdue task and green for all the "to be done n the future" ones. Works great. I created the same for the calendar report and there is a problem - the calculated column is not visible to choose from in the dynamic coloring module (only sys (...)
When generating documentation for standard areas, such as form type or workflow, it would be good if the content was automatically substituted there, I don't know exactly what, but generally describing what the form type is, what workflow is. Or for such standard content to appear immediately in the documentation section after adding a new workflow, process, form type, etc. with the possibility of changing, of course, entering your description. Another idea is that when generating the doc (...)
Hello, it would be nice to have in donut and pie charts "category" label in popup that matches the legend (beside series name). With a large number of categories, it is difficult to distinguish colors on chart and popup contains only series name. The label was displayed in the 2021 versions and is still displayed in bar chart. Please consider adding it.
Every WebCon BPS Applications needs permissions to work properly. Of course best practices is to use groups: WebCon BPS, Active Directory, SharePoint ones. It is worth to some have naming convention for them. It is also crucial to know which are used within the specific Application. We can dig into the BPS Studio and check Application, Process, Worfklow, Document Types permissions. We can check actions, business rules, etc. We can try to do it better via SQL or/and WebCon BPS Application. (...)
Introduction I have heared that basically planning is always about three questions (three columns in Excel, three attributes on the form) - WHAT? WHO? WHEN? :) Sometimes we need an extra information/column - we can call it "Remarks", "Others" or .... COMMENT... WebCon BPS has extraordinary feature available out-of-the box without even single line of code...VERSIONING and detailed HISTORY. Such feature is really needed for admins/troubleshooting and for business analysis for single "cases" of (...)
Hi. It would be good to use a different color if the condition for performing the operation passed the path false, in the action log. If the operation is performed for a large number of elements, checking the log would be much easier and clearer.
Dear all, I am wondering if there is no option for a case-insensitive search for fieldtypes like "Autocomplete" or "Choice field". At the moment I am struggling to search for values with search mode "Contains". Unfortunately the search results differs based on beginning the search phrase with an upper or lower case. In my opinion it would be a great benefit, if there are two addtional options (as checkboxes) to fine tune the search mode. 1) Ignore Upper and lower case --> case-insensitiv (...)