I think it would be useful to have the ability to apply custom css classes to input fields. With the current styling options there is no way to style the "inside" of the input controls. The last image is what I'd expect to be able to do, the first 3 images are what is currently possible with out-of-the-box functionality. If that is already possible I'd be happy to know how without having to target precise css classes, data attributes etc.
Dear Webcon Community! Problem: sometimes we get many page documents, but in most cases valuable information is on first few pages or last pages Proposal: new optional parameters in action What do you think? Thank you! BR, Peter
Dear Webcon Community! Problem: with import excel action you can import excel tables only if you have a table container already added. Sometimes it is difficult if we want to process data in excel table coming from third party. Proposal: there is a way to define column mapping for itemlist file importing. It would be nice to have a feature in import action to take into account that one, instead of expecting a table in excel file. What do you think? Thank you! BR, Peter
Dear Webcon Community! Problem: you cannot use datarow fields on portal reports. Proposal: make it possible as it was a calculated field on report, running as subquery What do you think? Thank you! BR, Peter
Dear Webcon Community! Problem: longer background processes has to be split to smaller parts to fit in transaction timeout limit. For example if you have to move 50-1000 instances each morning taking some minutes, we have to use "select top <n>" and run global action more often (eg. in every 10 minutes) Earlier (before BPS 2020), it was a once a day run. Proposal: have new GA setting to specify number of cycles it should perform after triggered by schedule. This way we can split big t (...)
Dear Webcon Community! We have been working with Webcons BPS for 5 years, delivering several business solutions within a global company. We really like this platform however we have several proposals and ideas to make it better. I will share some of them in separate posts, sorry for flooding. Any comments, questions or suggestions are very welcomed. I would appreciate your vote! Problem: if you need to use SOAP and get back complex xml, sometimes mapping fails (multi level structures c (...)
Dear Webcon Community! We have been working with Webcons BPS for 5 years, delivering several business solutions within a global company. We really like this platform however we have several proposals and ideas to make it better. I will share some of them in separate posts, sorry for flooding. Any comments, questions or suggestions are very welcomed. I would appreciate your vote! Problem: in case of mailapprove, approver sometimes enters some comments in email, which you cannot get back (...)
We are coming across scenarios, where it is required to audit the views and not only changes on an element. Ideally we would be able to configure the audit level: - View element - View attachment - Download attachment - View in report (elements retrieved and displayed on reports) - Edit element - Delete element As additional auditing is likely to have performance impacts and also increase the database quite fast, it would be better to enable auditing on process level only. Maybe i (...)
Hello, Lately I was thinking about SQL optimization. So I did this query on production environments of our 4 random clients. The query shows where probably we should be thinking about putting index, because of high usage of those columns. Of course we all know that putting index on WFElements with attribute columns is not a good idea (maybe if you have secondary BPS_Content for only 1 process could be fine), but there are some examples on every environment that are in top 10 most highly recomme (...)
Dear Webcon Community :), Is it possible to add sort option to "My tasks"? By default it is sorted by Modification date in ascending order. My proposal is: 1. It would be very useful if user can sort it by other standard fields like: Days/hours in step, Modifying person, Creation date, etc. 2. Switching between the direction of the selected sort (ascending/descending) would be great
At this pointthe only way to generate multiple word documents is to create multiple actions, or if you have a dynamic number of documents, you should use subworkflows. The second solution works alright when we are talking about 2-20 documents, but (I'm not sure if all of you are aware) creating an new instance, ore moving it one step is a verry slow action and if you need to move or create 1000 instances using the default actions you will have to wait sometimes hours. Another problem is that (...)
Hi, Why is only one task created, and everything executes in it, when I execute the following code in a loop: args.TransitionInfo.TasksToAdd.Add(new WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Common.Model.NewTaskData(new WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Common.Model.UserInfo("webcon", "webcon"))); Best regards.
The reporting and filter options of WEBCON BPS are already great. However we have customers who would like to have a filter "all but..." or "not" like we already have "Begins" and "Contains".
Currently Webcon BPS does not offer an action to convert pdf to pdf/a. As there is a rising request for documents in pdf/a format, it would be great having a built-in pdf to pdf/a conversion action.
Hi, it would be great if the creation of Dashboards could be added to the Designer Desk. Best regards, Daniel
Is it possible to have the Itemlist action buttons in front of the item list? As most of the times we have few hundred records and in case of do some action on the itemlist... we need to go to bottom of the item list and scroll to the right and do some action. After the action complets we do the same thing like go to bottom of the page scroll to right and do some action.. Instead if we have the actions in begining of the itemlist will be good feature or please guide me how to achieve this.
Hi everyone, with the advent of BPS 2022 during the save/path transition of an workflow instance it will be checked, whether the latest version of a process matches the version whit which the instance has been retrieved. If you save the process in Designer Studio it will get a new version and you have to reload the page. You can no longer execute paths or even save the workflow instance. While I can understand the intention, it just annoys me because it slows down the development/testing: (...)
It would be nice to have the ability to delete (or hide) the System Dashboard from the left menu.
For the absence chart, i'm missing to the option to define the range of the chart. When using the absence chart in a leave request, i would like to see the range around my planned leave. Currently the user has to scroll, to see the right data. Thats why it would be great to be able to define a dynamic data range. Ideally we can configure start and end date some weeks before/after the dates of the leave request. In the configuration there is enough space to add an option to set start and end (...)
Hi everyone, it would be great if we would have an additional option to the "wizard mode". The implementation of the wizard mode always displays the current workflow upon path transition. At least I have quite often the situation, that I need a "conditional wizard mode". This means, that the wizard mode depends on the new assigned person. If it's the same person as the current one, the workflow needs to be executed in a wizard mode. In all other cases it's not executed in a wizard mode. O (...)