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Error while login to BPS Studio 2021


Hi Georg,

these may be stupid question but I just want to make sure that I understand what you have already verified:
1. You are using the designer from the installation file on your client and not the one provided as a downloaded option from the portal? The later one uses the REST Api and is the recommended way.
2. Are you using the same windows user on the server as well as on your client? The "classic" designer uses the user executing the designer..exe for connecting to the database. Therefore the info that this user needs db permissions in the error message.
3. Can you connect to the sql server from you client? You could use PowerShell to test it:
$sqlConn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$sqlConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=$SQLServer;Integrated Security=TRUE; Initial Catalog=master"
$sqlConn | fl

If haven't heard tested the script, the important setting is the "integrated security" which uses the user executing the process like it's done by the designer. Initial catalog is the name of the database to which
If this doesn't work even so you have permissions to a database, there may be network /firewall related settings which prevents the connection to the sql server.

Best regards,

In reply to: Praßl, Georg (DCCS)

Hey Daniel
It works fine withe the download exe from portal. Thx a lot for that hint =)

Greets Georg

Hi Georg,

I'm glad I could help. Maybe you can provide some feedback regarding the performance.

I tested it last year and switched after a short time "classic" version working on the server. I wasn't patient enough to wait for the save and load times. I believe that these were quit high because the applications had a lot of fields with multiple workflows and that the server is located in azure while the traffic needs to go through an application gateway. So there are multiple hops the data must take instead of a one/two in a corporate network.

Best regards,