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Unable to load process tree - Message=The given key (432) was not found in WFBusinessRuleDefinitions cache for current content database.

I copied businessRule from one process to another and after save I can't open this process anymore.

Message=The given key (432) was not found in WFBusinessRuleDefinitions cache for current content database.
StackTrace= at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.Collections.WFBusinessRuleDefinitionCacheEntityCollection.ByID(Int32 id)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.BusinessRules.InlineBusinessRulesManager.Load(Int32 id)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.SubelementsAttributesManager.LoadBusinessRules(SubelementAttribute subAttribute, IInlineBusinessRulesManager rulesLoader)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.SubelementsAttributesManager.GetSubelementsAttributes(IEnumerable`1 repository, Attribute attribute, IInlineBusinessRulesManager inlineBusinessRulesManager, ICacheStore cache)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.AttributesManager.FillAttributeData(Attribute attribute, WFDetailConfig[] subelemRepo, Process process, ICacheStore cache, IBusinessRuleSlaveRulesRepository slaveRulesRepository)

process tree is not loaded.
the BusinessRule with id 432 exists in WFBusinessRuleDefinitions . But message is about cached table?

Do you know how how fix it?


Hi Marcin,

maybe it will solve itself ones you restart the application pool, for example with iisreset.

I had a different error but it also contained "WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.Collections." namespace.

Type: System.ArgumentException

Message: An item with the same key has already been added.

at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)

at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey,TElement](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector, Func`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer)

at WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.Caching.Collections.TranslateCacheEntityCollection.<Init>b__3_1()

Best regards,