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How to change 'dashboard' in portal (left menu)


Hi Stanisław,

if you want to rename all occurrences in all application you have an option.

There's the BPS Translator which provides an option to easily translate values of the user interface.

Unfortunately it seems to be a bit updated, at least if you are running WEBCON BPS 2022.

You could use the following approach:
1. Create two files

2. BPSRsources.en.resx.json contains only {}
3. JSONDictionary.en.resx.json contains only {}
4. Copy the provided language file from C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal\wwwroot\Assets\PortalTranslates\JsTranslations.en.resx.json to the folder. It could be that, your installation is in Porgram Files instead of Program Files (x86)
Change the value.

5. Create a zip file from these three

Just in case you could change the .en. to .pl..

Follow the description to upload the translation.

I hoped that I could only add a part of the JSONTranslation file, but without the complete content the upload failed silently. Therefore you should make sure, to update the translation file after an update, or there may be a different wording in your version and screenshots from newer versions.

Best regards,