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Navigation panel collapsed by default

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In reply to: Markus Jenni

You can add the parameter ?menucollapsed=1 to your portal url.

Hi Markus

As I understand it and have also tested it, it only works on the portal page.
If you set 'menucollapsed=1' as the URL parameter for a start button, it no longer works. The reason seems to be that the parameter is not put at the end of the URL but in the middle of the URL. (If the menucollapsed=1 parameter is manually placed at the end of the URL, it works as expected).
Is there any solution so that menucollapsed=1 also works with a start button?

Furthermore, what I would be really interested in. Where did you find this information? I struggle to find reliable or more importantly complete information or documentation on Webcon. (The applications help in Webcon itself can only be used up to just above the interface, everything below that is not explained, let alone mentioned).