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Reset solr password

Managed to reset password for WEBCON_BPS solr user. Here is a short instruction if someone is interested.

1. Run batch script "update_Security.bat" located by default in "C:\Program Files\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Search Server\Search Cluster\SolrTemplates"
Remember to set valid PATH variable to Java home folder.

2. Using Curl or any similar tool execute this command:
curl --user solr:123qweasdZXC http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication -H "Content-type:application/json" -d "{\"set-user\":{\"WEBCON_BPS\":\"Pa55w0rd\"}}"

Update "Pa55w0rd" with your password you want to setup.

3. Run WEBCON BPS setup and go to "Tools for application management" and next "Search server configuration" where you can update password for solr service.

4. Restart WEBCON BPS Search Service.

In reply to: Adam Hatak

Managed to reset password for WEBCON_BPS solr user. Here is a short instruction if someone is interested.

1. Run batch script "update_Security.bat" located by default in "C:\Program Files\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Search Server\Search Cluster\SolrTemplates"
Remember to set valid PATH variable to Java home folder.

2. Using Curl or any similar tool execute this command:
curl --user solr:123qweasdZXC http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication -H "Content-type:application/json" -d "{\"set-user\":{\"WEBCON_BPS\":\"Pa55w0rd\"}}"

Update "Pa55w0rd" with your password you want to setup.

3. Run WEBCON BPS setup and go to "Tools for application management" and next "Search server configuration" where you can update password for solr service.

4. Restart WEBCON BPS Search Service.

You have to change 'solr' user password after reset due to security reason - don't use default password.

curl --user solr:123qweasdZXC http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication -H "Content-type:application/json" -d "{\"set-user\":{\"solr\":\"Pa55w0rd\"}}"

'solr' user has admin role - can edit security settings, schema edit, collection edit etc.
'WEBCON_BPS' user has permission to read collection config, read and manage documents in collections.

Restart WEBCON BPS Search Service is not required. You should restart WebCon WorkFlow Service, and recycle application pool for WEBCONBPS Portal to use updated credential.