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Ability of changing the "Business entity" label.

Hello everyone!
We use WEBCON BPS in a multi-company configuration. We are the government institution, Our organizational structure consists of branches, not companies.
So using the "Business entity" label can be misleading.
I wonder if there is any way to change the "Busines entity" label to, for example: "Branch" label?
Thanks in advance for your help.

In reply to: Jacek

Hi Maksymilian,
It's about changing the label in the portal, where users see it.
I'm thinking about using the WEBCON BPS Translator application, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea.

It took me a while, but I've found the right place. You'll need access to server, where BPS Portal is installed though.

If the install has been made with default values, then there is this path:
C:\Program Files\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal\wwwroot\Assets\PortalTranslates - it contains translations used on the Website.
You should be also able to get there with IIS Explore button.

If you want to modify Business Entity (Spółka) to Branch (Oddział) in Polish language, then edit this file: JsTranslations.pl.resx.json
Search for "company" (with quotes) - it is the key, then edit the value part to your translation.

I've checked it for persistance between server restarts, and it stays there.
I'm not sure if the translations aren't overwritten when installing update - make sure to check it if you would like to change it.
From my perspective I'd rather stick with the default naming, it's possible to achieve what you want, but it requires some digging, and maintenance might require some work.

In attachment you can find screenshot of example modification - .json file, and screenshots after.

And on the BPS Translation tool - it's usefull for translating configuration elements, but I don't think it could change translation of Business Entity.

In reply to: Maksymilian Stachowiak

It took me a while, but I've found the right place. You'll need access to server, where BPS Portal is installed though.

If the install has been made with default values, then there is this path:
C:\Program Files\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Portal\wwwroot\Assets\PortalTranslates - it contains translations used on the Website.
You should be also able to get there with IIS Explore button.

If you want to modify Business Entity (Spółka) to Branch (Oddział) in Polish language, then edit this file: JsTranslations.pl.resx.json
Search for "company" (with quotes) - it is the key, then edit the value part to your translation.

I've checked it for persistance between server restarts, and it stays there.
I'm not sure if the translations aren't overwritten when installing update - make sure to check it if you would like to change it.
From my perspective I'd rather stick with the default naming, it's possible to achieve what you want, but it requires some digging, and maintenance might require some work.

In attachment you can find screenshot of example modification - .json file, and screenshots after.

And on the BPS Translation tool - it's usefull for translating configuration elements, but I don't think it could change translation of Business Entity.

Thanks a lot, this is what I was looking for. Works well.
I tested - the update overwrites the changes.
In this case I prefer to dig a little and work rather than explaining time by time that Business entity means Branch... :-)

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