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Infinite timeouts

Hello everyone!
I have one question, because it is not obvieus to me. When I set an infinite timeout somewhere in a step in the beginning of the process - does the timeout stop when the process reaches one of the end steps, or does it go on and on an on? ;-)


Hi Michał,

each timeout is stoped once the workflow leaves the current step. The interval makes no difference in this case. On the other hand you can accidentally create an infinite timeout from a timeout which should be created only once. This can happen if the timeout uses a path which moves the workflow to the same step. This will trigger the timeout again. Independent of the setting, each timeout will create a new version. So you should be careful with this. :)

If you want an infinite timeout across all steps you should check the cycling actions under the global actions.


Best regards,

In reply to: Wojtek

Hi Daniel,

I have created infinite timeout by accident in exactly the way you described. I would like to remove this timeout and therefore would like to move the instance to the other step. Unfortunately, due to above, instance version count reached 2374796 resulting in the following error while trying the move: System.OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for an Int16.
Is there a way to change manually version count or to delete excessive instance versions?

Hi Wojtek,

there's no build in option for deleting old versions.

If it's possible I would delete the whole workflow using the archive action with retention mode.

Coincidently a similar question was asked today:

If you need the data, then the only option would be to do something on the database level. But I would not recommend it and you should test this how the system behaves, if there are gaps in the version numering.

Best regards,