Home > User Voice > "Edit" / "read" mode in "My tasks" depending from bps group for particular apps / processes ect. or user settings in account.

"Edit" / "read" mode in "My tasks" depending from bps group for particular apps / processes ect. or user settings in account. NOT NOW

"Edit" / "read" mode in "My tasks" depending from bps group for particular apps / processes ect. or user settings in account.

possibility to set behave to particular group of users (webcon group)
if some one is in that group - read only - need to "click edit" to edit
others - edit as standard

or ... (maybe better)

In User Account - option to pick - do you wish to have my tasks in edit mode? (yes/no/leave default for app)

Reason - because first new - is in edit mode and .. "disappears" in new ones .. because is not new anymore ... if you come back to new ones is not there .....

In my company Purchase Dep have problem when they have some:
Invoices / Purchase request / Purchase Orders an they have on "Substitutions on" as "Task delegation substitution"
they have own tasks and "extra tasks from others" .... and opening in task view resets first one ... Other Deps did not see that as issue ...
so I have request.

and this user voice:
and this:

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