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Delete rows

HI Everyone,

I see that you're using a SDK action to delete rows in an item list.
I'm following Daniel's post to add the pluggin in Webcon but I'm having some errors while importing the zip file.

What SDK pluggin you're using?
Thank you all


In reply to: Jacek Wojnar

what kind of error do you have?
and do you have a SDK license?


Hi Andreia,

which version are you using?

Depending on the answer the SDK will either not work and may be obsolete anyway.
With 2023 R1 or R2 an option was provided in the update item list action to remove rows.


Remove rows that do not exist in the data source – removes the rows that are not found in the Data source from the Item list. The rows are identified on the basis of unique values specified in the Unique value mapping field.

Best regards,

In reply to: Andreia Correia

HI Daniel,

I have the 2023.1.3.202 version.
I was trying to use your SDK plugin but it's complaining that some files extensions are missing.
I can't use the remove action. I don't want to delete rows that got deleted in the data source but rather delete rows that will have 0 value in one column (value defined by the user).

Hi Andreia,

in your case I would use this sql statement:

select DET_ID
from WFElementDetails
where DET_WFFID = {WFD_ID}
and DET_WFCONID = ItemListId
-- Condition to define which rows should be deleted.
and FIELDDatabaseName > 0

If you use the DET_ID for the unique value, all rows will be deleted from it, which don't fulfil your requirements. In this case the rows with value 0 would not be returned and therefore deleted.

At least this is how I understood your response.

Best regards,