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export/import app - exception

Hi, I have a problem with process migration between environments - what could the error be and where to look for a solution?

System.InvalidOperationException: No item type: WFApplications, id: 25
at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ImportExport.Mapping.MappingList.GetBySourceId(Int32 id, DbNodeType dbNodeType)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ImportExport.Export.ExportManager.RunExportContainingRootNode(MappingList mappingList, ExportParameter exportParameter, IExportLogger exportLogger, DescendantsRowsProvider descendantsRowsProvider)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ImportExport.Export.ExportManager.ExportMappingList(ExportParameter exportParameter, IExportLogger exportLogger)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ImportExport.Import.Operations.DestinationMappingListGenerator.GenerateDestinationMappingList()
at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.ImportExport.Import.Operations.ImportOperations.CreateDestinationMappingList()
at WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.ActivityExecutors.QueueActivityExecutors.ImportActivityExecutor.DoImport(IImportQueueElement queueElement, List`1 importProgressStudioLog, IActivityEvents activityEvents, ImportExportData importExportData)
at WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.ActivityExecutors.QueueActivityExecutors.ImportActivityExecutor.<ImportActionAsync>d__18.MoveNext()

In reply to: Marcin

This is how it happens on any application on the list,
in this case this app was created by Designer Deska and is rather simple. I will search the logs again, or I can manually check the package, the question is where to look for information about applications in the package?

you could look for informations directly inside that .bpe package.
It's just a .zip file, so change the extension, unarchive it, and inside there will be a single .xml file (big one).

You might want to look around for this `WebCon.WorkFlow.Data.WFApplication`



based on this error:
System.InvalidOperationException: No item type: WFApplications, id: 25

there's something in the package referencing application 25. I would search for the variable: AP:25
Then you try to look through the hierarchy to identify what is using/referencing this.

It's strange because when I exclude an application from the export either manually or when I use "export this application only", then I get a warning about missing variables for each element of the package using the variable.

If this doesn't help you could try to search the whole source database for AP:25.


I would modify this to exclude data tables like WFElements, AutomationSessionExecution etc.

Best regards,

I had a similar case once.
The cause was the use of {AP: xx} (with a space in the middle) in one of the hyperlinks.

Interestingly, it worked correctly in the TEST environment, so I didn't notice that there was an incorrect tag. The problem was with importing to another environment.

Probably not a big chance that it's the same, but maybe it will help :-)