Home > Forum > Known bugs > [SOLVED] Formatting in rich text field not displayed in word document

[SOLVED] Formatting in rich text field not displayed in word document

In reply to: Jacek Wojnar

if you want to add break line to the word document (and you concat two fields) you can use "Data row" and add CHAR(10) between your fields

Hi Jacek,
thank you for your answer. This works, but in this multiline field additional information can be added manually below. And when the information is added the break in the Word document doesn't work anymore. Do you have another idea on this?

Thank you & Best Regards,

In reply to: Lena Schmidbauer

Hi Waldemar,
thank you for your reply! The result was the same as with Jacek's suggestion.
It works, but as soon as additional information is added the break dissappears again.
Do you have any other ideas?

Thank you & Best Regards,

After taking a look at how the field values are saved in the database, I've noticed that, WEBCON does not use any type of new line but rather a paragraph tag.
So the solution is to use instead of to split a single paragraph into two.

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