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SDK popup

Is there a way to show a message box for the user using the SDK that will not be saved in the document history? Only pop up in a document.
Or is there a way to modify a specific attribute in the document history (something like the WEBCON GDPR action does)?

In reply to: Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)

Hi Franek,

the question is what you want to achieve with the popup. It may be unnecessary complicated to create an SDK for this.

If you really want to go down this road you need to create an SDK of type FormFIeldExtension. Otherwise you won't be able to create any UI.

Maybe it would be sufficient to use the "new" alert/confirm messages.

Best regards,

Hi, I have created two custom business rules for encryption and decryption of an attribute value (AES encryption). I do not want to store an unencrypted value in the attribute, so I figured I could display the decrypted value in a popup window. I thought I could create a nice popup like the Webcon validation message. Currently, I use the alert function, as you mentioned.

Do you mean FormFieldExtension or FormFieldExtensionJs? Can you share some example code?

Did you know that with WEBCON you can automate virtually any process? Even baking cookies 🍪
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