We try a REST Web service call like this:
- global constant for REST Web service base URL, as https://something.com
- global constant for REST request suffix, like api/webcon/action
- other global constants, for Bearer etc
- at app level we configure a template - Invoke REST Web service based on previous defined constants
We use those global constants just to have separate value sets for DEV / TEST / PROD.
The problem:
- the REST request suffix gets URI encoded, from api/webcon/action to api%2Fwebcon%2Faction, therefore the API call fails with 404
- if suffix gets a slash upfront, /api/webcon/action, it gets encoded to %2Fapi%2Fwebcon%2Faction, and API call fails with 401
The question: is there a way to have that global constant request suffix NOT ENCODED when concatenated with the server base URL? As it is part of the call address, not query params for the call.